The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 39: The Parvenu And The Crystal Sand

Chapter 39: The Parvenu And The Crystal Sand

The Parvenu And The Crystal Sand . . .

As the auction hall buzzed with anticipation, Mu Zi-He, a respected elder from the esteemed Cha Clan, couldn't conceal his growing frustration upon hearing Cha-Eun Xiao's latest bid. His eyes narrowed as he glanced up at the balcony where the bidding war was unfolding, his countenance clouded by a mixture of disappointment and veiled anger.

For Mu Zi-He, this auction was a golden opportunity to secure the legendary Crystal Lotus, a precious relic he had earmarked for his soon-to-be-born grandson. In his heart, he had nurtured the belief that victory was practically assured, that he would claim the prized lotus. However, fate had other plans. Just as Mu Zi-He emerged victorious against formidable competitors, Cha-Eun Xiao appeared out of nowhere, effortlessly doubling the bid.

"Seventy-five thousand silver bars!" Mu Zi-He announced, his voice resonating through the hall as he summoned the courage to raise the stakes.

Aware of the illustrious attendees from martial sects and noble families adorning the balcony seats, Mu Zi-He deemed it wise to uphold a sense of decorum and honor in this high-stakes arena. However, the allure of the Crystal Lotus proved too potent to resist, prompting him to break the confines of his budget with this bold bid.

Remaining unperturbed, Cha-Eun Xiao serenely upped the ante once more, proclaiming, "One hundred fifty thousand."

The collective gasp that swept through the audience was palpable, and heads turned in unison to the balcony, where Cha-Eun Xiao held court. Surprise, astonishment, and bewilderment danced across their faces.

The bid had exceeded all reasonable expectations. Fifty thousand silver bars had already pushed the limits of sensibility for the Crystal Lotus, yet now the price had soared to a bewildering 150 thousand silver bars. It was an astronomical sum that defied comprehension.

As whispers and murmurs filled the air, curious onlookers pondered the identity of this audacious bidder. Did he possess insider knowledge of the lotus's true market value, or was he simply inflating the price capriciously?

The mounting tension within the auction hall prompted Mu Zi-He to raise his voice, his tone a blend of diplomacy and veiled coercion. "Might I humbly request the name of the distinguished bidder in the 17th balcony? The Crystal Lotus holds profound significance for the Mu Clan, and we are resolute in our pursuit of it. If your interest is not as fervent, would you kindly consider yielding?"

Nods of agreement rippled through the assembly, recognizing the wisdom in Mu Zi-He's strategic approach.

In response, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but smirk inwardly. "I might consider relinquishing my claim if the Cha Clan deems it a worthy pursuit. However, your understanding of the Crystal Lotus barely scratches the surface. You are, forgive me, unaware of the Lotus's profound properties, trapped in a limited perspective."

Indeed, the Crystal Lotus was the primary ingredient for crafting the elusive 'limit-breaking dan,' a coveted treasure within the Qing-Yun Realm—a secret known only to the initiated few, unbeknownst to the common mortals in attendance.

But, of course, Cha-Eun Xiao was well aware of the significance of this opportunity to acquire the precious Crystal Lotus. How could he possibly let such a rare and invaluable treasure slip through his fingers?

To him, the Crystal Lotus held the potential for transformation into the Bloodshot Lotus, a potent entity with enhanced properties. With the spiritual space he possessed, ideal for nurturing the Crystal Lotus, Cha-Eun Xiao was determined not to let this opportunity elude him.

With an air of tranquility, Cha-Eun Xiao replied, "Well, it may not hold great utility for me, but I simply can't resist the temptation. I want it simply for the joy of possession."

Mu Zi-He's frustration reached its peak. In a burst of exasperation, he bellowed, "175 THOUSAND SILVER BARS!" This was his limit; allocating too much of his clan's resources for the Crystal Lotus would jeopardize their quest for the supreme dan bead.

Yet, Cha-Eun Xiao remained composed and responded with unwavering confidence, "250 thousand."

His demeanor exuded calm and tranquility, but inwardly, he was delighted. This was precisely what Mu Cheng-Bai had done to him when they first crossed paths.

"It's oddly satisfying to play with wealth like this!" Cha-Eun Xiao thought, relishing this newfound financial prowess. In the past, he usually resolved conflicts with his fists, but to wield monetary dominance so effortlessly was an exhilarating departure from the norm.

Mu Zi-He's patience wore thin, and he erupted, standing and slamming his hand on the table. "What exactly are you after?" he demanded.

The onlookers could sense that something was amiss; the man in the balcony was intentionally toying with the Mu Clan. There was no doubt about it. Why else would anyone pay such an astronomical sum for a single piece of Crystal Lotus?

With nonchalance, Cha-Eun Xiao responded, "I don't want anything. I am simply very affluent—excessively so." He let out a theatrical sigh and continued, "I've grown weary of my wealth... Perhaps I should spend lavishly to lighten my burden."

The people in the audience were left baffled and slightly repulsed by his excuse. What kind of rationale was that?

They all sensed that Cha-Eun Xiao held a deep grudge against the Mu Clan. He was intentionally taunting the elderly man.

A white-clad girl furrowed her brow and whispered, "Master Feng? What is he up to? He's clearly provoking the Mu Clan. Could he be connected to the Cha Clan?"

Mu Zi-He seethed with anger, his entire body trembling. Through clenched teeth, he declared, "Fine! You're wealthy, and I'm currently short on funds. But mark my words, the Mu Clan will find a way to settle this after the auction."

His veiled threat was unmistakable, and everyone in the room understood its implications.

With a disdainful sneer, Cha-Eun Xiao retorted, "Settle it? Oh, I'm absolutely terrified... You've got me trembling in my boots. The mighty Mu Clan is truly awe-inspiring... Not."

Mu Zi-He was consumed by rage. He sank back into his chair, his breaths heavy and labored. He despised Feng Zhi-Ling from the depths of his heart, feeling both infuriated and humiliated.

The subsequent rounds of the auction featured various tonics, highly coveted by the noble clans and royal families. Princes and lords engaged in fervent bidding wars, and the items were all sold according to expectations.

Following the tonics, powerful weapons and martial arts books were presented, eagerly snatched up by noble clans and princely bidders.

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but notice that Su Ye-Yue had secured a martial arts book named Feng-Hua Swordplay.

"Hmm, the girl intends to delve into swordplay? As far as I recall, Feng-Hua Swordplay is an exquisite martial technique manual... I wonder if it's the same book I once came across," Cha-Eun Xiao mused, intrigued by the development

The air in the auction hall grew palpably tense as the moment everyone had been waiting for drew near—the auction of the most coveted items, reserved for the final few rounds.

Guan Wan-Shan, the auctioneer, couldn't hide his satisfaction as he announced, "The last seven items, including the seven finest, will be presented in just a few moments!" The anticipation in the room was electric; this was the climax they had all been eagerly anticipating.

Of course, the pinnacle of these coveted treasures was the supreme dan bead, and it was reserved for the very last.

However, it would be a grave mistake to assume that the other six items were any less valuable than the supreme dan. Each possessed its own unique qualities and significance, making them incomparable. In fact, all seven items, including the supreme dan, had been dispatched from the head office to be auctioned together, a strategic move to maximize the overall proceeds.

The representatives of the martial sects were buzzing with excitement.

"The first item up for bid is the Sky Crystal Sand!" Guan Wan-Shan's voice rang out emphatically. "There are a mere 150 grams of Sky Crystal Sand available, but its extraordinary properties are well-known to all. Just 15 grams of Sky Crystal mixed with an ordinary weapon can elevate that weapon to legendary status! When combined with the material of the weapon, it yields a remarkable phenomenon: the weapon can acquire a spiritual attribute!"

Guan Wan-Shan beamed at the crowd. "Throughout history, weapons with spiritual attributes have been exceedingly rare and highly sought-after. And now, the Sky Crystal Sand. We'll commence bidding at 50 thousand silver bars, with each subsequent bid increment set at 5 thousand!"

Before Guan Wan-Shan could even finish his announcement, a resounding voice cut through the air, "One hundred thousand silver bars!"

The suddenness of the bid left the audience astonished. It was the very same voice that had engaged in a fierce bidding war with the elderly gentleman from the Mu Clan—none other than Cha-Eun Xiao, now placing the first bid.

The value of the Sky Crystal Sand was undeniable. Even though Cha-Eun Xiao had instantly doubled the opening bid, there was no guarantee he would secure it.

Indeed, from the opposite end of the room, a representative of the Long Clan countered, "105 thousand."

Cha-Eun Xiao remained cool and collected, his voice carrying an air of casual disdain as he declared, "250 thousand."

To him, money held no sway.

With ten supreme dan beads poised for sale, the wealth he would amass from those alone would be more than sufficient to cover any expenditure today. Money had lost all meaning for Cha-Eun Xiao; his sole focus was on acquiring his heart's desires through the auction.

The Sky Crystal Sand was high on that list, and the price was immaterial; it meant nothing to him.

"Even if I don't have enough money to cover my winning bids," he mused, "I could strip every wealthy individual in the capital tonight."

Having spent most of his life in the Qing-Yun Realm, Cha-Eun Xiao understood all too well that mortal currency was utterly worthless.

From the Long Clan's corner, their representative clenched his teeth and grumbled, "275 thousand..."

Before he could finish, Cha-Eun Xiao's voice resounded serenely from the 17th balcony, "500 thousand."

He uttered the figure with the same ease one might toss aside a piece of paper used to wipe away a bothersome speck. His wealth was staggering, beyond imagination.



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