The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 34: Here Comes Master Feng

Chapter 34: Here Comes Master Feng

Here Comes Master Feng . . .

"They didn't even have the chance to strike back. Every single one of them! The Cha Clan has already contacted the government. They have informed the officers that they encountered assassins, and the eight deceased bodies were sent to the guardian's department of the capital..."

The shocking news hung in the air, and the room was filled with disbelief.

The elderly man at the table couldn't contain his astonishment and anger. He slammed the table hard, rising to his feet. "Unbelievable!"

The others exchanged glances, their faces reflecting shock and despair. They couldn't fathom the existence of such a powerful force within a general's family. They were well aware of the strength of the eight vanguards, which made it all the more shocking to hear that they had been killed with a single strike each.

Even the crown princess, seated in her chair, was rendered speechless, her mouth hanging open in astonishment. The situation felt surreal, as if a ghost had suddenly appeared before them.

"The Cha clan!" the elderly man snorted with heavy disdain, his eyes filled with cold determination. "Tell me, how did this happen?"

The messenger hesitated briefly before recounting the events. "At first, there was a quarrel. Then they rushed into the house. Simultaneously, the house steward shouted 'stop them,' and many voices from the house joined in. Seven members of the Cha Clan arrived first and confronted our men on the ground. Each of our men... fell with just one strike!"

"One strike..." Everyone gasped in fear.

"That's right. One strike..."

"Tonight, I will witness the unfathomable power of the Cha Clan myself!" The elderly man's eyes glinted with a thirst for vengeance.

However, a middle-aged scholar sitting nearby intervened, "Tomorrow is the day of the supreme dan bead auction. If we delay our mission for the sake of revenge, we risk jeopardizing our clan's interests. Let's focus on acquiring the supreme dan beads first and seek vengeance for Cheng-Bai afterward. We mustn't sacrifice our clan's mission for personal vendettas."

A heavy silence settled in the room as they contemplated the scholar's words.

Just then, a voice from outside the door announced, "Message from the king." The message conveyed the king's instructions for them to maintain their composure and refrain from taking any hasty actions during this tumultuous time.

Messages from various other forces began arriving at the Prince's Palace:

"The prime chief of the Qing-Yun Sect has brought three disciples to Chen-Xing City."

"The second prime chief of the Cang-Shan Sect and their disciples have settled near the salesroom in Chen-Xing City."

"The prime dan-maker and the hierarch of the Ling-Yun Sect have entered Chen-Xing City with seven disciples."

"The Wu-Liang Sect has entered Chen-Xing City."

"The Long Clan has come to the capital!"

"The Nan-Gong Clan has arrived in the capital..."

"The Gong-Sun Clan..."

The messages piled up, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. As mentioned in the king's message, the capital was embroiled in a major disturbance, primarily due to the auction of the supreme dan beads.

If they continued to provoke the Cha Clan and further delayed the auction, all the sects and clans would view them as the primary target for retaliation. Moreover, the General's House was in close proximity to the salesroom, making it impossible for them to escape the wrath of these formidable factions.

The elderly man's face darkened as he took a deep breath. "You are right. The clan comes first."

His words were obedient, but his reluctance was evident in his demeanor.

"Let's retrieve the bodies of our men first," he said helplessly. When Mu Cheng-Bai had died, they had made plans for revenge, but now, with eight more of their comrades fallen, all they could do was await an opportune moment.

The situation had truly become maddening for all involved.

On the opposite side of the turmoil, Cha-Eun Xiao felt a surge of relief as he witnessed the sun slowly rising above the horizon. Today was the day of the auction, and he was certain that he wouldn't face any attacks. A single day was all he needed to replenish the spiritual space and nourish the Heaven's Cyan. Additionally, he had to devise a plan to ensure the safety of his family. However, if he could secure more time, it would be even better. At the very least, surviving until the auction would buy him a day.

The steward shared in Cha-Eun Xiao's relief. The individuals assigned to monitor the Cha Clan were also relieved, as were Su Ye-Yue, Lan Lang-Lang, and Zuo Wu-Ji. The events of the previous night had left everyone better prepared, and they now had a clearer understanding of the Cha Clan's capabilities.

Even within the Imperial Palace, the crown prince and the king experienced a sense of relief. The clash between the Mu Clan and the Cha Clan had garnered attention throughout the capital. Though it was merely a battle between two factions, it had seized the interest of many.

In the span of a single day, the entire situation in the capital had undergone a radical transformation. Various factions had set up in the capital, yet the overall state of affairs appeared strangely balanced. At first glance, everything seemed peaceful, giving the impression that nothing unusual was transpiring.

In the early morning, before the sun had fully risen, Ling-Bao Hall remained relatively quiet. However, anyone who approached the hall could sense numerous eyes scrutinizing its entrance. As the first rays of sunlight broke through, the colorful flag of Ling-Bao Hall was hoisted, a seven-colored banner that fluttered in the breeze. It signaled to all that this auction would be extraordinary.

Spectators were filled with excitement upon seeing the seven-colored flag. Such a flag indicated that this was a top-tier auction, a rare occurrence in the mortal world, having been raised only three times prior. Therefore, all those interested in the auction were filled with anticipation, as it meant exceptionally valuable items would be up for bidding.

Every clan and sect yearned to participate in this auction. They saw it as an opportunity to enhance their power, overcome the limits of their cultivation, and groom their future successors. The path ahead was long, and this event provided a crucial stepping stone.

The sun bathed the rooftop of the salesroom, and the flag swayed gently in the breeze. Melodic instruments filled the air, enveloping the entire auction hall. With a flourish, the salesroom doors were thrown open, revealing two rows of elegantly dressed young women in white. Their flowing gowns billowed as they walked, taking positions on either side of the entrance. A red carpet stretched from inside the salesroom to the street between the two columns of women.

The scene was enchanting. The wind played with their white dresses, their beautiful hair danced in the air, and a captivating fragrance wafted around them.

"It's top-notch!"

As the enchanting young women in white stood poised at the entrance, some attendees couldn't help but steal glances, captivated by their grace. However, a collective realization swept through the crowd: did they bring enough money for this prestigious auction? The fear of potential disgrace gnawed at them.

A commanding voice, reminiscent of a tolling bell, announced, "The auction will commence shortly within the hallowed halls of Ling-Bao. All our esteemed guests, please proceed to the salesroom."

People began to stream towards the Ling-Bao Hall from various directions, clad in flowing robes, adopting an air of sage-like composure. Some had been waiting in anticipation for a while but didn't join the rush of attendees.

An unwritten rule governed entry into the auction salesroom—a strict queue system. The stronger individuals entered first, and breaking this code might invite deadly consequences. In the martial world, prestige held immense importance, and challenging someone's place in the queue could escalate into a life-or-death duel.

At the entrance, an emcee melodically recited the names of those who had earned their place.

"The Prime Master of the Qing-Yun Sect, Meng Wu-Fei, please step forward!"

"The Master of the Cang-Shan Sect, Li Chang-Qing, we await your presence."

"The Hierarch of the Ling-Yun Sect, Xiao Mo-Yan, we extend our invitation."

Names of revered figures in the martial world echoed through the air, leaving those who heard them in awe. These legendary individuals were now gathered for a seemingly ordinary auction.

As more and more prominent figures entered, roughly twenty of them had already joined the proceedings, yet a substantial crowd remained outside the door. Excitement grew, mingled with curiosity about how many more esteemed guests might arrive.

It became evident that there were more than a few supreme dan beads up for auction, but nowhere near enough for everyone present. A brewing conflict loomed, albeit a financial one. Regardless of the outcome, the winner would undoubtedly pay a hefty price this time.

Unexpectedly, a robust man with a square jaw casually bypassed the queue and strode towards the entrance, exuding an air of confidence and handsomeness.

The onlookers were taken aback. Who dared to breach this established custom? Although they believed no one in the queue would stop him, they anticipated swift action from the Ling-Bao Hall staff.

However, much to their surprise, the Ling-Bao Hall personnel did nothing more than announce in a booming voice, "Feng Zhi-Ling, Master Feng, please enter!"

"Master Feng? Who is Master Feng?"

Confusion rippled through the crowd. This name was unfamiliar to them. Yet, here was an unknown figure casually making his way into the salesroom.

Who was he, and what was his significance? How could he be allowed to bypass all the distinguished guests who still waited outside? Countless questions swirled in the minds of those in attendance.


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