The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 21: The Monarch Holds His Sword!

Chapter 21: The Monarch Holds His Sword!

The Monarch Holds His Sword! . . .

The two guards seethed with frustration, their faces flushed with anger. Yet, they found themselves utterly overwhelmed by Cha-Eun Xiao's unwavering gaze. Though they yearned to unleash a torrent of curses and shouts, under this oppressive aura, their voices remained trapped in their throats.

In the presence of Cha-Eun Xiao, they felt as if they stood before a deity, invincible and insurmountable.

After a prolonged silence that seemed to stretch into eternity, their resistance crumbled, and they burst out in panicked shouts, "Cha-Eun Xiao, you fool! How dare you exude such arrogance when you teeter on the precipice of death!"

Cha-Eun Xiao merely nodded and offered a gentle smile. "Very well, then. Could you kindly escort me to my impending demise?"

Meanwhile, Mu Cheng-Bai, gasping for breath after his frantic pursuit, finally caught up to the trio. His eyes blazed with rage at the sight of Cha-Eun Xiao, and he barked orders at his guards, "What the bloody hell are you waiting for? Kill him!"

The guards, their nerves frayed from the prolonged standoff, now compelled by their master's command, resolved to take action. If they continued to delay, they feared they might succumb to madness. With voices raised in unison, they swung their gleaming steel swords.

Cha-Eun Xiao chuckled, stepping nonchalantly toward the oncoming swords. "Let's not dwell on life's hardships," he remarked, his tone serene. "Sorrow need not drown in a thousand bottles of wine. Destiny has brought us together on this narrow path, and with my laughter, you shall meet your fate."

The swords, infused with the guards' qi, began to emit dazzling rays of light.

The guards had unleashed their full might, driven by the foreboding sense of imminent death conveyed by Cha-Eun Xiao's smile. Each inch of that smile cast a shadow of doom upon them.

Yet, even as they exerted themselves to the utmost, they couldn't shake off the overwhelming intimidation.

With a slight, graceful spin and a continuing smile, Cha-Eun Xiao narrowly evaded the converging swords. Whoosh!

One of his delicate hands made contact with a guard's wrist.

His movements appeared deceptively leisurely, slow enough that even an ordinary person could have followed the arc of his arm. But against this, the guard was utterly defenseless.

Amid the guard's anguished cry, he released his sword, which continued its radiant trajectory.

It nearly cleaved Cha-Eun Xiao's hand, but with a deft maneuver, he caught the blade with one hand, then transferred it to the other. In an instant, he wielded this newfound weapon with deadly precision, slashing at the guards. A blaze of swordlight erupted, transforming the blade's arc into a celestial display of stars in the night sky.

He bore the semblance of a master calligrapher, one hand poised elegantly behind his back while the other grasped a brush pen, inscribing upon pristine parchment.

The scene that unfolded was nothing short of elegance and pure enjoyment.

As Cha-Eun Xiao's sword danced through the air, all onlookers could perceive was a blinding streak of light tracing its path. But for the two guards who found themselves pitted against this extraordinary display of skill, their expressions twisted into visages of sheer horror.

Yet, amid their fear, an unexpected sentiment welled up within them—an admiration, bordering on reverence, for an adversary whose mastery of the sword transcended their wildest imaginations. It was as if a deity from the highest heavens had descended upon them, wielding this slashing sword as an embodiment of celestial and infernal will.

Invincible and overwhelming.

In their hearts, they sensed that their fates had been sealed, destined to end beneath this blade.

Even as the radiance of the swordlight gradually waned, it was replaced by the crimson hue of blood, splattering across the sky, the trees, and the earth below.

The murderous intent that had once fueled the guards' determination had now given way to fear—a fear of having incurred the wrath of a god. And so, they descended, their bodies falling gracefully to the ground.

With a soft thud, their lifeless forms met the earth, raising a small cloud of dust in their wake.


The swordplay Cha-Eun Xiao wielded was none other than "The Monarch's Sword," a technique upon which he had relied to reign supreme in the Qing-Yun Realm.

In the Monarch's grasp, this sword became an instrument of death, felling thousands and leaving in its wake beacons that could be seen for millions of miles. The Monarch's Sword was synonymous with certainty—a rarity in its appearances, but deadly whenever it surfaced.

No one had ever survived an encounter with The Monarch's Sword.


A single stroke of the sword had brought about the instantaneous demise of two adversaries.

Mu Cheng-Bai's eyes widened in sheer astonishment. His heart seemed to have skipped a beat as he stared at Cha-Eun Xiao. Fear and incredulity coursed through him, overpowering any thoughts of escape or terror.

"Wang Xiao-Nian had described Cha Eun Xiao as a frivolous fool, too feeble to handle a chicken. Yet, how could he possess such formidable martial prowess? With one swing of his sword, he effortlessly dispatched my two Grade of Renyuan guards. How could a supposed fool achieve such a feat? Is this some sort of twisted joke? Wang Xiao-Nian, are you conspiring to get me killed?" A maelstrom of thoughts swirled within Mu Cheng-Bai's mind.

At this moment, his greatest desire was to locate Wang Xiao-Nian and exact vengeance upon him. However, Mu Cheng-Bai harbored no illusions that such an act would abate his surging fury.

Cha-Eun Xiao held the sword lightly between two fingers and observed a single drop of blood trickling down its blade's edge. His gaze shifted toward Mu Cheng-Bai, his voice carrying a hint of wistfulness. "You've had quite a taxing day."

Mu Cheng-Bai's chest heaved, and an icy chill constricted his heart, rendering him speechless.

With a sigh, Cha-Eun Xiao continued, "This marks the first time I've taken a life in this lifetime."

He paused, shaking his head slowly before adding, "I never expected it would come so soon."

Mu Cheng-Bai's voice emerged hoarse and strained as he croaked, "So soon?"

A faint smile played upon Cha-Eun Xiao's lips as he explained, "Indeed, you're correct. I never anticipated that I'd embark on this path again so swiftly." His eyes gleamed with an intense yearning and fervor.

Fear gripped Mu Cheng-Bai's heart as he beheld that yearning and fervor.

Cha-Eun Xiao's smile persisted as he gently uttered, "You must be exhausted from chasing me all this way. But tell me, isn't enduring the trials of a life as long as yours far more exhausting?"

Mu Cheng-Bai's legs quivered beneath him as he struggled to maintain composure. Taking a deep breath, he attempted to assert himself. "Cha-Eun Xiao! I know you lack the courage to end my life!"

Cha-Eun Xiao, with eyes half-closed, responded coolly, "You think your noble lineage sets you apart?"

Without pause, he continued, "Or perhaps it's your esteemed status?"

He pressed on, "Or the influential connections you boast?"

Finally, he declared, "None of it holds sway over me." His gaze fixed on the gleaming, bloodstained blade in his hand. "And neither does this."

Mu Cheng-Bai gritted his teeth, his voice strained. "I hail from the Mu clan! I am Mu Cheng-Bai! I am Mu Cheng-Bai..."

Cha-Eun Xiao leaned in, his voice unwavering. "Never heard of them." He advanced, gripping the sword firmly.

"I'm the brother-in-law of the crown prince! The elder brother of his consort!" Mu Cheng-Bai stammered, sweat beading on his forehead. As Cha-Eun Xiao inched closer, Mu Cheng-Bai involuntarily stepped back. "If you take my life, the Cha Clan will suffer dire consequences for your actions. But if you spare me today, Cha Eun Xiao, I pledge to make you a figure of wealth and influence in the government!"

Cha-Eun Xiao straightened, pondering for a moment. "Did you know me before today?"

"No, I did not," Mu Cheng-Bai admitted, shaking his head. "We have no prior grievances. You can't just kill me."

"Nothing?" Cha-Eun Xiao frowned. "Then why go to such lengths?"

He was genuinely perplexed.

"It was Wang Xiao-Nian! He's the one!" Mu Cheng-Bai nearly shouted, his agitation evident. "That scoundrel... he... he... he held a grudge against you for something he claimed you took from him. He asked to accompany me today and happened to spot you... He incited me to confront you... and then I..." Mu Cheng-Bai's voice quivered.

"Ah..." Cha-Eun Xiao mused. "So it was Wang Xiao-Nian. He provoked you to come after me? To bully me and attempt my life... is that correct?"

Mu Cheng-Bai was gripped by terror. "No! No! No! Noooo..."

Unperturbed, Cha-Eun Xiao continued, his tone softening. "Several days ago, I was poisoned... You're aware of this, aren't you?"

Mu Cheng-Bai appeared bewildered. "Poisoned? I swear... it wasn't me."

Cha-Eun Xiao locked eyes with him, a furrow creasing his brow. "Not you? You know nothing?"

If it wasn't Mu Cheng-Bai, then who could have been behind the poisoning? Wang Da-Nian was a potential suspect, being associated with the crown prince. But Mu Cheng-Bai's denial added a layer of complexity and confusion to the case.

"I truly don't know. Please, it wasn't me," Mu Cheng-Bai pleaded, desperation evident in his eyes.

"If it wasn't you, and you know nothing..." Cha-Eun Xiao's frown deepened, "then why should I spare your life?"

"I can be of use! Please! I genuinely can help you..." Mu Cheng-Bai implored, his voice trembling. "Government affairs, wealth, influence in the martial world... I can offer it all. Lord Cha, listen to me, please... I... I'll be of any assistance you require. Just let me live."

In this moment, Mu Cheng-Bai would have given anything for a chance at redemption, even if it meant promising the world. But there was no remedy for regret, only an earnest plea for mercy.

Cha-Eun Xiao's demeanor turned ruthless, and the pressure he exerted upon Mu Cheng-Bai was enough to make the latter feel as if he might lose control of his bowels, such was his fear.

"If I survive this, I swear I'll devise ten thousand ways to torture Cha Eun Xiao and his father, Cha Nan-Tian, to their deaths!" Mu Cheng-Bai harbored thoughts of revenge, even as he continued to plead with Cha-Eun Xiao in the hopes of swaying his decision. He knew, however, that his chances of survival were rapidly dwindling.

Had Cha-Eun Xiao not already dispatched the guards, he might have contemplated sparing Mu Cheng-Bai. However, with the guards lying lifeless at his feet, there was no turning back.

He let out a sigh, his voice tinged with regret. "I wish I could trust you, but... I simply can't. Releasing you would only invite endless troubles. You're pleading for mercy, that's evident. Yet, I can sense the ember of vengeance smoldering within you... People of your ilk, always perched high, never tasting humiliation. Today's events must have sown a seed of searing shame deep within you. If I were to release you, I have no doubt your retribution would soon find its way to my doorstep, wouldn't it?"

Mu Cheng-Bai shook his head frantically, fear etched across his face. "No! No, please... You must trust me. Please, trust me..."

Cha-Eun Xiao remained composed. "Moreover, I prefer a clean slate... In many instances, a single word can change everything..."

Mu Cheng-Bai's gasps grew strange, eerie sounds escaping his throat, driven by an incomprehensible terror. His eyes widened in fear as he gazed at Cha-Eun Xiao. Then, he suddenly screamed and bolted away, as if pursued by the very devil himself.

In response, Cha-Eun Xiao's eyes flashed, and he deftly flicked his wrist. The steel sword soared through the air, finding its mark in Mu Cheng-Bai's back and piercing his heart. Mu Cheng-Bai's body continued to stagger forward for several steps before collapsing.

His lifeless eyes remained fixed forward, devoid of hatred, only filled with fear and regret.

Indeed, Mu Cheng-Bai had gravely underestimated the man he had antagonized.

"The brother-in-law of the crown prince?" Cha-Eun Xiao mused, looking down at the lifeless form. "How can a man be anyone's brother-in-law when he's departed this world... Dead men all share the same designation... corpses."

"Don't worry," he addressed the deceased, "I'll avenge you. Wang Xiao-Nian will face the consequences soon enough."

With those words spoken, Cha-Eun Xiao walked away steadily, not sparing another glance back. He traversed the forest floor, his steps gentle on the fallen leaves.

A composed figure emerged from the forest, as if he had just savored a tranquil sunset followed by the appearance of the moon and stars.

Throughout it all, not a single drop of blood or speck of dust had marred his impeccable attire.

Meanwhile, three lifeless bodies lay in the forest, awaiting the arrival of nature's scavengers.


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