The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 13: Need Some Excitement? Let’s Go Cause a Little Chaos!

Chapter 13: Need Some Excitement? Let's Go Cause a Little Chaos!

Need Some Excitement? Let's Go Cause a Little Chaos! . . .

Cha Eun Xiao had been eager to make a quick fortune to purchase treasures at the auction and nourish the spiritual space within him. Now that he had secured the funds, the unexpected delay in the auction was a bitter pill to swallow. The ten-day postponement seemed like an eternity, and he couldn't afford to wait any longer.

Seeking a change of topic to lighten the mood, Cha Eun Xiao asked, "By the way, how is the investigation into the robbery at your family's estate progressing?"

Zuo Wu-Ji's face paled at the mention of the robbery. "That night, I narrowly escaped with my life," he recounted with a shiver. "My grandfather returned home to find that most of his prized possessions had been stolen. His anger knew no bounds. The entire city of Chen-Xing is on edge, and even the slightest noise sends shivers down our spines. Public security has never been tighter, all thanks to my grandfather's efforts."

Cha Eun Xiao nodded in understanding. "It appears that your grandfather lost something of tremendous value in the robbery," he commented.

Zuo Wu-Ji sighed in agreement. "Indeed," he replied. "I haven't seen my grandfather this furious since I was a baby. The whole city is in chaos because of our family's situation, and yet my grandfather refuses to let it go."

Curious about the most valuable item stolen during the robbery, Cha Eun Xiao inquired further. "Did your grandfather specify which of the stolen treasures was the most valuable?" he asked.

Zuo Wu-Ji grimaced. "With his current state, who would dare to ask him for details?" he responded with a hint of frustration. "The moment I said one word, I received a sound thrashing."

Lan Lang-Lang, intrigued by the story, pressed for more information. "What exactly did you say to him?" he inquired.

With a touch of exasperation, Zuo Wu-Ji recounted, "I said, 'Move on with the new and don't worry, Grandpa.' And that's when he went berserk, accusing me of squandering valuable family possessions on prostitutes and alcohol."

Zuo Wu-Ji couldn't help but feel a sense of injustice. "Tell me, what did I do wrong?" he lamented. "I was only trying to console him, and I ended up getting beaten. Did I really bring this thrashing upon myself?"

Unable to contain his amusement, Cha Eun Xiao feigned a coughing fit to hide his laughter. Meanwhile, Lan Lang-Lang let out hearty laughter, offering no attempt to conceal it.

Despite their previous animosity, Zuo Wu-Ji and Cha Eun Xiao had begun to form a genuine friendship, and the humor in this situation brought them closer. Zuo Wu-Ji and Lan Lang-Lang, bored by the auction delay, had come to visit Cha Eun Xiao. Zuo Wu-Ji now considered Cha Eun Xiao a true friend after the favor he had received. They had gathered to share their frustrations about the auction and perhaps enjoy a free meal.

With a knowing smile, Cha Eun Xiao gazed out of the window into the night sky and spoke cryptically, "Sometimes, misfortune may pave the way for greater fortune. There's an old saying that suggests luck and misfortune take turns. Perhaps the loss your family has suffered will be repaid a thousandfold in the future."

His words held a deeper meaning, one that Zuo Wu-Ji couldn't quite grasp. All he felt was the weight of his current predicament. "I'm too frightened to even be in the same room as my grandfather these days," he confessed. "I need to focus on resolving my own issues first. That blasted auction and its infuriating delay, all because of that moron with his supreme dan beads. If I ever get a chance to confront him, I swear I'll tear him into a million shreds."

A heavy sigh filled the room, an audible manifestation of Cha Eun Xiao's melancholic mood. He couldn't help but lament the predicament they were all facing due to the unfortunate delay in the auction. As he watched his two visitors, Lan Lang-Lang and Zuo Wu-Ji, he couldn't help but feel a sense of shared exasperation.

A playful glint sparkled in Cha Eun Xiao's eyes as he remarked, "I understand now why you two have graced me with your presence. The auction delay must be slowly driving you both to the brink of boredom, am I correct? So, you've sought some amusement from me, haven't you?"

While the delay had been equally frustrating for Cha Eun Xiao, his irritation had grown even more acute when he discovered that he had inadvertently caused this postponement. What stung even more was that Lan Lang-Lang and Zuo Wu-Ji could freely vent their frustrations, whereas he was forced to keep his own grievances to himself.

To top it off, they had been openly branding him a "moron" to his face, making him seriously contemplate giving the two of them a piece of his mind. Yet, as much as he wanted to unleash his frustration, he knew he had to maintain his composure.

A mischievous grin played on Zuo Wu-Ji's lips as he leaned in, adding a touch of intrigue to the conversation. "By the way," he began, "I've heard of a rather peculiar incident that might pique your interest, Brother Cha. Do you recall Shan-Hua House?"

Cha Eun Xiao's expression shifted, his once warm gaze turning frosty. How could he forget the brothel where he, or rather the previous Ye Xiao, had been poisoned – Shan-Hua House.

"Hmm?" Cha Eun Xiao responded tersely, a chill emanating from his cold gaze.

Zuo Wu-Ji continued, his tone laced with regret, "It's quite unfortunate. Ninety-eight people at Shan-Hua House were found dead—no survivors. I had plans to visit the place for some enjoyment during these trying times, you know, with those charming ladies. But when I arrived, all I found were lifeless, decaying bodies. It was rather disappointing, to be honest. A tragedy for those pretty women."

Cha Eun Xiao's brow furrowed in response to this grim news. "All of them?" he inquired, his expression growing increasingly tense.

Zuo Wu-Ji nodded solemnly. "Yes, every last one of them," he confirmed. "Based on the state of their bodies, it appears they perished several days ago. The government is preoccupied with the recent robbery, seemingly oblivious to the discovery of so many corpses."

Relief washed over Cha Eun Xiao as he processed the information. If these deaths had occurred several days prior, it meant they were unrelated to the recent robbery. Moreover, it suggested that shortly after he had been poisoned and was struggling for his life, the individuals at Shan-Hua House had already met their grim fate. Whoever had orchestrated these murders had acted swiftly, leaving no potential witnesses behind.

The mastermind behind these killings was undeniably ruthless and calculating.

Intrigued by the unexpected development, Cha Eun Xiao probed further. "Do you happen to know the identity of the owner of Shan-Hua House?" he inquired. "It's rather peculiar that the entire establishment was wiped out, yet the owner has yet to surface."

Zuo Wu-Ji scratched his head, his brow furrowed in thought. "This is a bit of a conundrum for me, to be honest," he confessed. "I don't have definitive information on that. However, there have been rumors connecting the house to Wan Xiao-nian. But those claims are unsubstantiated."

"Wang Xiao-Nian?" Cha Eun Xiao mused, his eyes half-lidded. "The son of Wang Da-Nian, the personal guard of the crown prince and the leader of the guards in the Crown Prince's Palace, correct?"

Zuo Wu-Ji's smile confirmed the identity. "That's the one," he affirmed. "That rascal Wang Xiao-Nian had been bragging recently about his father receiving a centuries-old, top-quality blood ginseng to enhance his strength. He claimed it could elevate one's cultivation level overnight. Frankly, it's all just bluster. I can't stand that guy. Nevertheless, the murders at the brothel don't concern us. We've merely lost a place to unwind."

Cha Eun Xiao's eyes gleamed with interest at the mention of the "centuries-old, top-quality blood ginseng." His curiosity was piqued.

However, Zuo Wu-Ji blushed and retorted, "Cha Eun Xiao, don't provoke me into a fight!" He conveniently forgot about his previous remarks regarding the blood ginseng.

Laughter filled the room as Lan Lang-Lang, in the throes of a hearty chuckle, nearly lost his hat, perched precariously atop his unruly hair. He couldn't help but poke fun at Zuo Wu-Ji, taunting him with an irreverent grin. "Well, can't we speak the truth about you anymore? You were quite the regular at that brothel, weren't you? How many times did you partake in those pleasures? Is there a moment when you're not the one at the receiving end?" Lan Lang-Lang teased, his amusement contagious.

"Fxxking bastard!" The mention of 'Gal No.7' ignited a fiery rage within Zuo Wu-Ji. He lunged at Lan Lang-Lang, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks, while Lan Lang-Lang, still grinning from ear to ear, playfully grappled with him.

In truth, beneath Zuo Wu-Ji's flamboyant facade lay a deeply concealed affliction—an issue he was surprisingly open about. He couldn't engage in a particular act due to an inherent ailment. It was an aspect of his life he didn't shy away from discussing, even though it was typically considered a private matter.

After the good-natured roughhousing subsided, a sense of melancholy washed over Zuo Wu-Ji. He sighed and mused, "The auction is delayed, but I've heard that these supreme dan beads are of unparalleled quality, surpassing the finest. If only I could acquire one during the auction..."

Lan Lang-Lang, however, displayed a hint of cynicism. "Come on, dear Lord Zuo. Let's be realistic," he chided. "While we certainly have the means to afford one, the odds of us winning the bid are minuscule. Those high-born individuals will fight tooth and nail, even if it means shedding blood."

Zuo Wu-Ji nodded in reluctant agreement, his expression reflecting his disappointment.

Although they were collectively known as "the three lords in town," it was a title that didn't quite match their status compared to the truly noble clans. Zuo Wu-Ji's clan, the Zuo family, had some advantages over the other two—the Lan and the Cha families. Zuo Wu-Ji had elder brothers, but his clan had effectively disowned him due to his ailment. Cha Eun Xiao was the sole heir of the Cha clan, while Lan Lang-Lang held a similar position within the Lan clan.

"The genuine noble clans…" Lan Lang-Lang sighed, his voice tinged with a hint of longing.

"While the royal court has been around for a mere century, these noble clans boast thousands of years of history," Zuo Wu-Ji remarked with a wistful smile. "Our clans still have a long way to go before we can truly compare ourselves to those noble houses. Perhaps we'll need another century of prosperity..." He shook his head, acknowledging the vast gap in status.

Lan Lang-Lang couldn't resist a teasing jab. "Which noble clan would willingly claim a foppish black sheep like you?" he remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Infuriated, Zuo Wu-Ji shot back, "Oh, you think you're any better?"

The room seemed poised for a brawl, the tension palpable.

Sensing the impending clash, Cha Eun Xiao intervened, his tone firm. "Enough! Both of you, stop it. This is my home, remember? If you want to fight, take it elsewhere. However, if you're genuinely bored, why not pay a visit to Wang Xiao-Nian?" He suggested with a mischievous grin, thoughts racing. "That blood ginseng shouldn't be wasted in the hands of mortals. Ignorance might have been bliss, but now that I know about it, I won't let such an opportunity slip away..."

After all, Wang Xiao-Nian's connection to the poison couldn't be ignored.

"Absolutely!" Zuo Wu-Ji and Lan Lang-Lang readily agreed, their spirits lifted at the prospect of mischief.


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