The Era of Gods

Chapter 22 - 22 Fusion (Seeking Recommendations, Seeking Rewards)

Chapter 22: Chapter 22 Fusion (Seeking Recommendations, Seeking Rewards)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This card disassembled into only two parts, namely the pure Bloodline Origin and the Black-Backed Jackal Man Race Brand.

After that, it was two five-star Species Reproduction Cards, which he directly disassembled to extract the two Filaments of Propagation Rules and set them aside for now.

He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination, but he felt that the Creative Power flowing from the card disassembly was not as intense as before.

With this, the Creation Rubiks Cube now contained a total of four pure Bloodline Origins, one Snake People Race Brand, one Fishman Race Brand, one Goblin Race Brand, one Bear Goblin Race Brand, and one Black-Backed Jackal Man Race Brand, along with two strands of the Filaments of Propagation Rules.

The next step for Lin Xiao was to choose between two options; one was to select a Race Brand and fuse it with the four pure Bloodline Origins and then integrate the two Filaments of Propagation Rules to enhance the reproductive ability of the new race.

As for the remaining four Race Brands, naturally, they would serve as resources to strengthen the chosen Bloodline Origin.

In doing so, even if the new species merged the Bloodline Origins of other species and remained the same species, its base strength would be significantly greater than before.

For example, if he chose the Fishman Race again, after merging the four pure Bloodline Origins, the new Fishmen would still be Fishmen, but their physique would be much stronger than the Fishmen currently in the God Realm.

The second option was to explore a brainstorm Lin Xiao had a long time ago.

Before the Golden Finger was activated, but already aware of the Creation Rubik’s Cube’s functions, he used to daydream and come up with many wild ideas, one of which was whether he could merge different species together to see what new creation could be born.

Would it be a hybrid monstrosity or a brand-new species?

He pondered this idea for quite a while and never had the chance to try it, but now the opportunity was right in front of him, it all depended on whether he could make up his mind to do it.

Of course, Lin Xiao had the determination, but the current situation was not quite ideal for him to explore various wild ideas.

After all, there were True Gods who had attempted to merge different species, and some with Creator Godhood had tried to create a new, powerful species by merging different races, but they mostly failed. The new species had various flaws, and the unknown changes from the depths of their genes meant they would not live long.

Most importantly, once the Race Brands of the newly merged species had completely integrated, they would most likely be impossible to separate again.

In other words, this merging meant that all the cards would fuse into one, and it might not be reversible in the future, which would undoubtedly result in heavy losses.

But Lin Xiao had this thought and hesitated whether to go through with it, naturally because the choice had benefits he couldn’t refuse.

According to the records of humans over hundreds of thousands of years, any Deity capable of creating a new species would obtain the Creator Godhood.

Indeed, anyone, including Divine Beings like him who had yet to coalesce a Godhood, could acquire it, not immediately but upon becoming a Demigod.

The most crucial point was that this Creator Godhood was an additional Godhood that didn’t consume the carrier’s capacity for Divinity. In other words, if he had five points of Divinity when he became a Demigod, other Demigods could not exceed the carrying capacity of five points of Divinity with their Godhoods, while he could gain an extra Godhood within the carrying capacity of his five points of Divinity.

Admittedly, the Creator Godhood wouldn’t add much combat power, as it was not a combat-oriented Godhood, but it was a higher-ranking Godhood with the main benefit of widening the potential for growth.

If it were just an ordinary Fishman Godhood, the potential for growth would not be high, and even with many Fishman believers, he could not break through the ten-level limit of God Level and become a being of Medium Divine Power.

But with Creator Godhood, as long as he had sufficient understanding of the rules and numerous followers, he could grow into a powerful Divine Being with a strength surpassing fifteen levels of God Level.


This is the gap.

Therefore, knowing the uncertainty was significant, Lin Xiao still wanted to take a chance.

As the saying goes, “Take a gamble, and a bicycle might turn into a motorcycle; at worst, you’ll just progress slower.”

With the strength of his God Realm Kin, even if he maintained the current state, his results in the upcoming final exams wouldn’t be too poor—he might not make it into the elite class, but he also wouldn’t be relegated to the ordinary class.

But if he succeeded…


Lin Xiao rubbed his hands together and took a deep breath before saying,


In reality, a mere thought would suffice, but he still said it out loud, as if to bolster his own courage.

The moment the words left his mouth, the Creation Magic Cube underwent a transformation. Following his design, four pure Bloodline Origins merged into one powerful Bloodline Origin.

Then his consciousness swept over the five racial brands. With a thought, the Fishman Life Brand flew up and plunged into the mighty Bloodline Origin.

He chose the Fishman as the base mainly because it would be easier to integrate into the existing Fishman Followers later, but there was another important reason—the Salted Fish Charge Skill he had previously loaded was tied to the Fishman race. If he used the Fishman Life Brand as the base, any new species created later would automatically inherit this privilege and be able to learn this powerful skill.

If he had chosen another species as the base, the newly fused species would not be able to learn the skill.

One by one, the Life Brands were cast into the reinforced Bloodline Origin. With each addition, the Chaos Blood Orb emitting a faint golden glow became slightly more vibrant, and after all four were added, the orb’s pulsation had quickly strengthened to more than triple its original intensity.

Then he added two filaments of Propagation Rules extracted from the Breeding Card.

He also infused the Creative Power transformed from the two-star codfish card that he had previously disassembled. Though small like a mosquito leg, it was still flesh, enhancing the orb’s power even by a little bit.

After completing these steps, the now almost gray Chaos Blood Orb boiled like water about to overflow, mysterious fluctuations surging from it.

As the master of the Creation Magic Cube, Lin Xiao unconsciously sat on the divine throne and fell into a deep sleep. The Creation Magic Cube, suspended in the midst of the vast Sea of Gods, rapidly tumbled and crisscrossed, rays of gray light bursting forth from the gaps as it rotated, as if a sun radiated from inside the cube.

In that moment, Lin Xiao’s Soul of God synchronized with the Creation Magic Cube, and the mysteries of creation far beyond his current understanding were violently poured into his mind.

The Fishman, Snake people, Goblins, and Hyenaman—their origins, their evolutionary journey, right up to their current dissolution and fusion under the control of the Creation Magic Cube—all brutishly flooded into his mind, instantly enlightening him about the mysterious creation of these four species.

In that instant, Lin Xiao felt an intense sensation: given sufficient Divine Power, he could potentially create these four species out of thin air.

This strong sensation morphed into an impulse, and in the darkness, he felt as though he extended a finger towards the void. The next second, the void exploded with a loud bang, and he instantly lost consciousness..


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