The Empress' Livestream

Chapter 237 - He Was So Angry That He Puked Blood (VI)

Chapter 237: He Was So Angry That He Puked Blood (VI)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Geini Kange Baobei: “@Yin Yuejia Zhuge Qinmo, I don’t worship anyone else but you. To be nice, the host’s handwriting is like flying dragons and dancing phoenixes. To be honest, what the heck does she write that you could even understand? You are truly a genius.”

Jiang Pengji’s handwriting was exactly like her carefree personality. There was a period of time when she had tried to copy Liu Xi’s good handwriting, but she stopped when she drew on the coarse cloth. She felt like she had found a new world and she could care less about her handwriting. She completely let go of her feelings when she was writing and her handwriting was for sure way worse than a wild scribble.

Yin Yuejia Zhuge Qinmo: “I’m flattered.”

Toudu Feiqiu: “If this is the record for the grain price in the past a couple days, does it mean that our host is starting her operation?”

In the streaming room in a different dimension, the viewers were always enthusiastic towards catching up with her, even though sometimes it was boring depending on what she was streaming. Especially after the streaming room had gained a reputation, more and more people believed in her and the viewers noticed that it was getting harder for them to enter the streaming room. Every single one of the spots in the streaming room was extremely difficult to obtain. People with a slow reaction speed would have trouble with it. What was worse was that the streaming was not allowed to be replayed. If any other viewers outside of the streaming room wanted to watch, they would have to wait until the next day to watch it on a third party website.

Toudu Feiqiu: “I consider myself one of the original viewers in this streaming room, but I never stopped for a second to catch up with the updates.”

He took notes about any big events or subtle trifles that happened and he had made a brochure about her life. The moment he heard the news about the grain price increasing, the first thing that popped into his head was the plan Jiang Pengji had for suppressing the grain price. His heart started to pump harder with excitement all of a sudden.

Jiang Pengji shook her head. “It’s not time yet.”

In recent days, while she was wandering around along the streets, she stopped by all the tea houses, restaurants, and drinking places to listen to the citizens gossip about the recent incidents. What they had been talking about more and more was about the civil turmoil in the Meng County, Cang Prefecture. But the range of the information spreading was still limited, considering that it was not verified yet.

If it was true news, how come the grain price had only doubled?

Jiang Pengji muttered to them, “It’s still too early to implement my plan. The rumors are still brewing and it shall be some time before the real explosion of it. Then it will be time for the citizens to freak out and go crazy about buying food. The grain price won’t be nearly as bad then as it is now.”

Some of them wouldn’t buy a rumor without verifying it, but double the usual grain price made them hesitate.

If Jiang Pengji decided to put her operation into action, the only result would be that the grain she had stocked in her own grain stores would be bought off by the other parties instead of the citizens. When the food crisis arrived, most of the citizens would have to suffer the pain of losing money, but they would still go for it. Therefore, she was not in a hurry.

When the official government in Hejian County confirmed the rumors about the civil turmoil in Cang Prefecture, the citizens would find that the grain was too high for them to afford. That would be the time for her to start her plan.

She took a look at the statistics report and it seemed that the result of the suppressing bandit operation had been a glorious victory.

The money they confiscated was exchanged for grain. They brought the grain in from Zisang County at its normal market price and the accumulated amount was about 1,500 dans.

Adding up the 3,000 dans they received from the Meng’s and the other 1,300 dans that Hejian County Chief collected from the gentry clans, there would still be about 5,500 dans left after the quantity of grain they consumed in that period of time. That was way more than what she had expected.

“Taxue, let the butler know that I want to see the manager of the grain stores.”


The second branch of the Liu’s had all sorts of businesses. Half of the grain came from Gumin as property she had brought with her after she married Liu She, and the other half was from years of purchasing.

There were three grain stores in Hejian County that belonged to the Liu’s, but they scattered into different places and had targeted different customers.

The necessities like rice, woods, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea wouldn’t be able to bring them the most profit, but they were in high demand and the quantity was normally tremendous. The annual profit was neither high nor low. They were in a difficult place now, as they stood to lose money along with the business as long as the managers followed the protocols.

The three managers of the grain stores were panicking when they were summoned suddenly; they were terrified that they had done something wrong and they were about to be fired.

“Don’t be nervous. I asked you to come here for some information.” Jiang Pengji was seated at the head seat and asked one of the guys in a chilly tone, “How has business been recently?”

The manager replied respectfully, “It has just been all right. The citizens were anxious about the civil turmoil in Cang Prefecture, but it did help us sell grain.”

“Other than that, is there anything else?”

The manager paused for a second and thought it through. “We’ve received some small portion purchases from the citizens, as well as some big ones.”

The big purchases he was talking about were, as a matter of fact, the intentional purchase in bulk from the other grain stores.

Fortunately, the manager wasn’t stupid. The grain price had been increasing so rapidly and it was totally justified for him to wait for a while and then sell them slowly after the grain price went up to the next level. It would be a guaranteed win for them with the grain price in its current situation. The only difference was how much profit they could make.

“Did you sell all of your grain?” Jiang Pengji asked.

The grain stores would always make sure to have some grain in stock in order to be able to continue with their transactions.

The manager responded to her immediately, “I wouldn’t dare to do so. I always have to discuss this with the master.”

Jing Pengji nodded with satisfaction. “We only need to keep our grain price matching our competitors in the next couple days. If the citizens ask for it, just sell it to them. But if someone ask for big purchases, it won’t be necessary for you to come in to report it. Just say yes to them anyway.”

The three managers were uncertain about this. To them, it was clearly a perfect opportunity to make a profit. They were supposed to restrain their sales and they should wait until the grain price went up a bit more... That would definitely allow for them to earn more.

Jiang Pengji didn’t attempt to explain. She only urged them indifferently, “Just do what I say and I will give you other instructions at a later time.”

Every businessman was a profiteer; it was their instinct to pursue the interest only. It had never and would never change, no matter which era it was.

The main purpose of her plan, however, had nothing to do with money, but instead it involved fame for Jiang Pengji. What she really wanted was both money and fame.

It sounded impossible to the others, but she always grasped at a chance like what was placed in front of her.

The three managers of the grain stores looked at each other. They didn’t know what they could say about it because Jiang Pengji was the one in charge. Liu She wouldn’t lay his hands on the domestic affairs in his family and Madam Hu never interfered with Jiang Pengji’s actions. The second lady supported her without any conditions. The managers could only listen to her.

“Yes,” they all answered at the same time.

“You guys can take off. Make sure to report to me when any other circumstances come up.”

The Mengs’ entourage finally arrived in Meng County, Cang Prefecture with Meng Liang’s body. They carried in the coffin before the weather started to heat up. Hejian County was slightly shaking because of the civil turmoil in Cang Prefecture.

Meng County was basically a dead place from a dreadful scene. There wasn’t a single person anywhere and the streets were emptied out. The sun was hanging high in the sky, but people still felt the chill.

The white funeral clothes floated in the air, being blown by the breeze, and there was some sough noises from them, which made the surroundings even more bleak.

The County Chief Place had been burned down by Meng Hun, but it didn’t affect Meng Zhan at all. He was not short of luxurious, big mansions.

They came to the door of the Mengs’ Mansion. There were some soldiers on either side of the door standing guard. They remained cautious and kept their eyes on the streets.


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