The Empress' Livestream

Chapter 156 - The System Upgraded (II)

Chapter 156: The System Upgraded (II)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The System’s happy voice sounded in her head, “Hey! Did you miss me?”

“Nope. Without you around, my ears finally got their much deserved break,” Jiang Pengji replied.

The System seemed to have become more thick-skinned and human-like after its upgrade. It was no longer like its past self where it would cry when Jiang Pengji rebutted it.

After its upgrade, the System understood that it could not be separated from its host. Jiang Pengji may have a sharp tongue and disses its existence, but she still needed it. Without it, she would not be able to attain her goals.

Jiang Pengji was multitasking. On one hand, she was talking to Qiguan Rang, but in her mind, she was asking the System, “You said you needed twelve hours to upgrade. Why does it feel like it took almost twenty four hours? I was planning to resume my stream today.”

The System was evasive when it answered. “I miscalculated the upgrade time. That’s why it took longer than expected.”

Jiang Pengji smiled in her mind and did not continue her line of questioning. Instead, she asked another question. “You said you upgraded once, right? You’re not as useless as you were back then?” Jiang Pengji asked without a care for the System’s feelings. “Tell me what you upgraded. If you’re still that useless, then it’s best if you go upgrade yourself a few more times. Time is not an issue.”

The System got upset after hearing that. “Yesterday you ignored me, but today, you’ll be astonished by my capabilities!” the System proudly declared.

When Jiang Pengji heard the System’s proud declaration, she could almost see its smug expression. “Oh? Tell me more. I want to know how much a useless System can improve with an upgrade.”

The System kept a lid on its emotions and pretended to clear its throat. “In that case, please listen carefully. To be of better service to you, a more human-like patch has been installed in me. This will improve our communication. To boost your popularity, an easier viewability for your streams has been added. An immediate quest module has also been installed.”

“Immediate quest module?” Jiang Pengji showed her displeasure in her mind, but outwards, she showed no change.

The System excitedly replied, “The System will analyze your data and then create quests for you to complete. This allows you to be more immersed into this current era. You will, of course, get better rewards, too.”

“Can I reject such quests?” Jiang Pengji asked abruptly.

“No, you can’t. These quests are automatically added into your quest list. Completing them only benefits you,” the System quickly replied.

Jiang Pengji huffed a cold laugh in her mind. Completing the quests only benefited her? What if she refused, or failed, the quests? Jiang Pengji hated being forced to do something by others.

The System was much more sensitive to her feelings after the upgrade and it sensed that she was upset. “You don’t seem happy about such quests,” the System carefully said.

“Why should I complete a quest forced upon me? What if the quest is against my principles? What if I reject the quest or fail it?” Jiang Pengji fired her questions rapidly. “What if I have no interest in the quest rewards? Who allowed you to make this decision?”

The System was speechless for a while. “Please don’t be so stubborn. This had been analyzed and the results are the most accurate. The rewards will be the most beneficial to you, too. As your System, my aim is to serve you. Whatever benefits you, benefits me as well. I hope you can understand.”

Jiang Pengji gave a cold snort. “You can choose to give me the quests, but I decide if I want to do it.”

The System was silent before it sternly replied, “Please don’t be so stubborn. Completing the quests would benefit you in the future. I made many calculations to ensure that you would only benefit from this. There are no disadvantages...”

“I... will... not... do... them!” Jiang Pengji said, dragging each word out.

The System was silent for a long while before it spoke with the most severe of tones. “If you are going to be stubborn about this, you’ll eventually regret it. Please know that all quests will have their risks and benefits. Completing them will reward you greatly. If you fail to complete them, or if you not do them, you will have to bear the consequences and punishments.”

Jiang Pengji pursed her lips and held her anger and murderous intent in check. “Then so be it. You think I’m someone who will take threats lying down?” Jiang Pengji asked in anger.

Even if the System panicked, it would be useless to say anything more as Jiang Pengji was all out to rebel against it. The more it wanted her to do something, the more unwilling she was.

“It seems my efforts are all in vain. You will regret this,” the System replied angrily.

It had thought that she would be elated at the news, which was why it had installed the immediate quest module. The quest rewards would have benefitted her in the long run and most hosts leapt with joy at the sight of the rewards.

It had not taken into account that its host was as stubborn as a mule and would not be elated by such news.

“I’m tired and will not be streaming today. Just be quiet. I have a headache.”

The System had not realized Jiang Pengji’s real temperament and had tried to force her to bend to its will. Even her own teachers could not force her, much less a System from an unknown source.

When Qiguan Rang noticed Jiang Pengji’s sudden pallor, he quickly expressed his concern. “Lanting, are you all right?”

“The carriage is too bumpy and I have a headache,” she replied lifelessly without opening her eyes.

Bumpy? Qiguan Rang was dumbfounded. The Liu’s carriage was a much smoother ride compared to the Wei’s.

The two stayed quiet for the remainder of the journey. By the time they had arrived back at the Liu residence, it was past dinner time.

When Liu She and Wei Yuan noticed the other two’s return, they stopped their conversation and expressed their delight.

After a bit more conversation, Wei Yuan got up and bid Liu She farewell. He had attained his goal for the day and there was no need to overstay his welcome.

Liu She got up to send the guests off while Jiang Pengji returned to her room. She did not even change her clothes before she settled into her bed.

Before she nodded off, Nongqin called out timidly from outside the door. “Langjun, someone wishes to see you.”

Jiang Pengji kicked off the covers with a sour expression. Meng Liang chose a bad time to visit. I guess he can’t wait to die!


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