The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 7: There Are No Gods

Chapter 7: There Are No Gods

Wang Xuan and Qin Cheng knew about the supernatural phenomena that was discovered on Terra Nova. But they were citizens of the Old World. Information had been very limited. As for the realm of the gods, they knew little to none.

But Wang Xuan believed that there was indeed a group of individuals that was able to attain abilities beyond mortal men through meditation, chi gathering, and the conditioning of their body and will.

His hypothesis was supported by ancient texts as well, something he read from a scroll known as “The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic”. It was recorded that the ancients were able to master the arts of yin and yang. This made them gods among men.

It was known that humanity in ancient times once believed in a pagan system. Anything happening in nature that was out of the norm of mankind’s beliefs would often be mistaken as the supernatural. There was a tale about a man who was able to defeat tigers with his bare hands. He was honored by the people of that time as something akin to a demigod.

Of course, one should also take into account the possibility of such a feat. Individuals capable of obtaining extraordinary strength through meditation and inner cultivation might just exist in humanity’s long history. Such as the record of a human capable of lifting an elephant and tossing it away with one hand.

Wang Xuan believed that when humans trained to the point where they exceeded their latent potential, they would then enter the realm of the supernatural. In an era without technology, an era shrouded in ignorance, such individuals could easily be mistaken as gods.

They were the embodiment of the myths sought so desperately by the elders of the megacorporations. They were, in a sense, living legends of their era.

He never believed in the existence of gods. Practice of the Old Arts merely granted extraordinary strength to ordinary men. These individuals were so strong that they were then mistaken as gods.

Never once had Wang Xuan believed in the occult and the supernatural during his studies of the Old Arts. And he was not shy in sharing his opinion with the professor and his best friend.

“There’s no way of knowing if any of these extraordinary individuals managed to reach a height unfathomable even by us. But I guess we’ll never find out. The Old Arts are a thing of the past.”

But what if there were indeed cultivators and practitioners who truly transcend the boundaries of their mortal flesh?

It was a question that Wang Xuan considered before throughout his studies. But he had reached a conclusion. Those individuals are perhaps truly unique exceptions. There was no way to truly find out. Be it myths passed down from the humans of old or the gods they so worship, traces of their existence were already washed away by the flow of time.

“You mean to say that these so-called gods in the ancient texts were actually humans? And that they no longer exist? That the gods are dead?”

“As long as they’re human, there can only be one possible fate for these individuals. They're all dead.”

Qin Cheng’s entire attention was focused on their conversation. The topic was apparently something that had interested him greatly, “If the ancients were truly as capable, then do you think immortality is possible with the help of technology as well as whatever supernatural phenomena they found at Terra Nova?”

“Immortality has been the goal of those in power throughout history. There will always be part of humanity to yearn for an unending life.”

Professor Lin was a highly authoritative figure in the research on the Old Arts. He knew exactly just how much resources had been poured into the programme, “If you wish to continue your study on the Old Arts, I will not stop you.” He stood up and handed a piece of paper he took from one of his many racks to Wang Xuan with a grave expression on his face.

Qin Cheng craned his neck to look at the content written on the paper as well.

That earned him a look from the professor, “I won’t stop you as well. But your basics must be strong, or you’ll have some serious problems. It might even cost you your life.” he cautioned.

It was a clear warning: Those who have not mastered the technique of chi gathering and internal cultivation should not even consider learning what was written on the paper.

Qin Cheng’s face immediately paled.

Wang Xuan could immediately tell that a very potent “core technique” was what the professor had handed him. The techniques of chi gathering, inner cultivation, and meditation were said to the roots of the Old Arts. Practical combat techniques learned through the Old Arts could be powerful, but they were nothing without the “roots” to support them.

“I’ve deciphered the contents of the bamboo scrolls from that photo and recorded them on that paper,” said Professor Lin.

Wang Xuan was shocked. So that’s what the paper is about! They were artifacts discovered from the tombs of Early Qin. It was truly a gift from the ancients. Scrolls from that era were hard to come by, especially those that were preserved as well as those held by Professor Lin.

Many of them were lost to decay due to the flow of time even before the tombs were discovered. Even those that escaped the ravages of time were lost forever to mankind due to the drastic changes in environment when the tombs were first dug up.

“With improvement in technology, ancient artifacts were able to be preserved as the were the moment we dug them up.” explained Professor Lin.

“These are at least two thousand years old, professor.” mused Qin Cheng, “Don’t you think they’re a little… Outdated?”

“You’re not wrong. New advancements are being made rapidly. But this does not diminish their value. Don’t forget that this is what the ancients consider the breakthrough of their time.”

“Take it. This scroll has been certified by the relevant authorities. They’re useful, if not extraordinary.” the professor continued.

“Thank you, professor.” Wang Xuan accepted the piece of paper from the old man.

“I foresee two problems you’ll be facing once the Old Arts Research Department has been disbanded.”

“You’ll no longer be able to maintain your usual diet.”

“And you’ll no longer be able to have access to the rare scrolls and records of the Old Arts.”

Those were issues that Wang Xuan knew he would face should he continue his path. But he was already able to master most of the Old Arts taught in class. These were all materials sent to the Old World from the collections of museums and the megacorporations themselves. He had never considered the possibility of the existence of even rarer stuff.

“This is where you’re wrong, young man.” said Professor Lin, “The reading materials you receive are indeed rare, but they are incomplete. Even I have not seen a completed version of those works yet”

“Due to how rare those things are, they have only provided you guys with the roots of those techniques. The plan was to send some of the more advanced materials if someone actually managed to master the roots.”

“But it’s a shame that they’re disbanding the Old Arts Research Department. The entire project is being abandoned. They will not be sending more.”

“It’s alright, professor.” Qin Cheng smiled, “We’re content enough to have half of Wang Xuan’s problems being solved by these scrolls. Let’s look forward to the day he becomes a master of the Old Arts.”

Professor Lin’s next words shocked Wang Xuan deeply, “Yes. If he can truly master the arts, he can solve his other problem as well. He will not have to rely on those rare foods anymore.”   

This means that what was recorded on the scrolls contains a terrifying secret! “Is it really that amazing, professor?”

“Of course. The Old Arts were widely practiced back in the days. These scrolls are closely related to the practitioners’ journey to attain immortality.”

“And that was why the corporations from Terra Nova had been searching for tombs of the ancients no matter the cost. This is what they’re looking for.”

It was a widely known fact that almost all the tombs left behind by the ancients have been unearthed.

“This is why you need to go to Terra Nova no matter what if you wish to continue pursuing the Old Arts. Most of the artifacts left behind by the ancients are no longer in the Old World.”

“Is this some sort of fetish of theirs?” Qin Cheng grumbled, “Why would the corporations be interested in so many scrolls?”

“They have their uses.” Professor Lin was indeed an authority in the field.

“These scrolls were sent for analysis by a life science organization. They contributed to some breakthroughs in modern science. In fact, it helped in slowing down the aging process for some of the elders.”

Professor Lin continued to reveal more and more of the secrets he knew.

A golden bamboo scroll was found during one of the expeditions into an ancient tomb. It was made from a special breed of bamboo that allowed it to withstand the flow of time. The scroll remained tough as steel despite its old age. This was a sign that whatever that was recorded on the scroll was of great value.

  Various organizations, researchers, and corporations were hunting for scrolls like this throughout the years. This meant that any discoveries made during this period would no longer be available for the public eye.

Professor Lin unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his old wounds. There were two fist-sized scars near his heart. The injuries he sustained in his earlier days were still a gruesome sight to behold.

“These are injuries I sustained just to get those scrolls. One of them was caused by a blow from someone’s fist, while the other is from modern day weaponry.”

This was how Professor Lin was rendered incapable of combat. It was a miracle that he was even alive. The proof of how fierce competition between the megacorporations had been was forever etched in his body.  

Professor Lin could see his younger self in Wang Xuan. They both shared a passion for the Old Arts. But his journey was already at its end.

“I’m sure they’ll soon invent medicine that can cure you, professor.”

“Hah, I’ve already made my peace.” the old man shook his head.

“With all the good stuff already excavated and shipped to Terra Nova, does it mean that Wang Xuan will have to get to the New World for his journey to continue?” asked Qin Cheng.

“That’s not all.” Professor Lin’s expression was grave, “The discovery there might change all our futures.”

“Of course, what I’ve mentioned are all speculations. They’re not in any way related to any research conducted by any organizations. You don’t have to worry about keeping them a secret.”

It was said that the discovery of supernatural phenomena on Terra Novel was closely related to certain items with mysterious traits. Rumors about this discovery had been circulated for decades, but only the partial truth was only made known very recently.

This was also why the research on the Old Arts was abandoned.

“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. With a new path discovered, there’s a chance that all the treasures previously hoarded by the corporations would be made more easily accessible.”

The desire to travel to Terra Nova burned anew within Wang Xuan.

“But this is so unfair!” Qin Cheng’s anger boiled, “Just what did they find over there? What caused them to abandon us completely?”

“It’s probably not as simple as we all think,” said Professor Lin.

Decades ago, new types of flora and fauna began surfacing on Terra Nova. One such discovery includes a type of tree dubbed as “Tranquility”. Its fragrant white leaves were able to bring peace to those who consumed them. And consuming a few pieces of them daily could slow down the aging process of a person.

It was said that the rare flora was found in the wilderness of Nova Terra when humanity expanded outwards on the planet. Scientists had also discovered many species of flora and fauna with potent medicinal properties.

Even Professor Lin, an expert of the Old Arts back in the days who had traveled far and wide across the surface of Terra Nova had never encountered such species. “I have a feeling that they have discovered a new planet capable of sustaining life. This might be closely related to the realm of the supernatural.”

This could be considered one of the greatest breakthroughs in the history of mankind since the discovery of Terra Nova. The new planet seemed to have been found long ago by explorations conducted by the scientists of Terra Nova, but such knowledge had been hidden from the public.

“They must’ve run into some troubles that they were able to solve only recently” the professor added, “But no matter what they learned, it’s not possible for them to tap into the power of the occult with it.”

“And whatever they found on this planet might help greatly with the study of the Old Arts.” he continued.

He found himself staring at the photo of the woman in his album. He was hesitant. Should I call in a favor from her? He knew that she would definitely be able to secure a spot to the New World for Wang Xuan.


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