The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 13: The End Of The Road For The Old Arts

Chapter 13: The End Of The Road For The Old Arts

The mountaintop was a tapestry of dappled light and shadow. Nearby maple trees were presented hues of fiery red, while the distant woods cast sprawling patches of darkness. In the night sky, the startled calls of nocturnal birds echoed occasionally.

This was a night of drinks and conversations. Many among the students had their innermost thoughts flowing forth. Some were impassioned, their spirits aflame, declaring this to be an era of grandeur. They claim that opportunities were bountiful, and for those willing, a chance to be a transhuman. Even the realm of the divine, they say, was within reach.

"Kindle the divine flame, ascend the lofty altar..." Even one of the usually reserved girls began loudly reciting a poem.

Another young man proclaimed with his voice raised "What are immortals? I believe they are transcendent beings. The myths of old may not be mere fables—Bodhisattvas, Three Purities, immortals, and monsters might have actually existed in our world. Of course, this does not mean that they exist today. After all, time is relentless. These beings are not immune to the ravages of time. I believe they were human once. In their time, they were flesh and blood, albeit stronger than you and I. However, based on findings from excavated pagodas, temples, relics, as well as records from various ancient texts, they might not have been as formidable as we once believed. Several life research institutes once collaborated in a project that involved experimenting on their remains. It was found that even the most powerful among them couldn't withstand modern weaponry. Hell, a nuclear bomb would obliterate them all."

He was a student from the New World, and it was clear that he was quite drunk. It was information that the Old World students had not heard before.

The megacorporations from the New Star have unearthed some remarkable artifacts! Remains of demigods?! Is this even real? This was what went on in most of the Old Worlders’ minds.

The student continued, "It's not as astounding as it sounds. For instance, certain religious sites, such as beneath pagodas, hold hidden chambers containing stone caskets, iron caskets, jade caskets, and even gold vessels, containing Buddhist relics and what they claim to be sacred ashes. Discoveries like these are scattered throughout various regions of the Old World. Furthermore, unexpected findings have been made in Taoist sanctuaries. Multiple expeditions have been undertaken. The artifacts and inscriptions found underground have unveiled many tales from the past. Coupled with analyses conducted by some of the most esteemed institutes specializing in life research, there are now scientific and precise conclusions. Bodhisattvas, immortals, and the Three Purities are likely just regular humans…"

Wang Xuan turned to Zhou Kun beside him, “Is what he said a reliable source of information?”

"Not exactly. To be honest with you, we can’t be sure yet. The bones, hair, and various artifacts excavated from these hidden chambers don't offer conclusive evidence," Zhou Kun responded in hushed tones. He was surprisingly quite sober.

"But those discoveries are somewhat related to the tales and myths of olden times. The remains are believed to belong to powerful individuals similar to Daoist practitioners."

The stories of discovery made by those in the distant stars continued to unravel under the moonlit night, revealing the mingling of myth and history in the minds of these young souls.

Wang Xuan asked, "So you're saying that research from the New World has concrete evidence suggesting that even the most powerful ancient practitioners during the Early Qin era could be killed by modern weaponry?"

"That is correct. Several research institutions have had the privilege of examining the remains of a few ancient practitioners. The tests have shown that they were indeed mortal beings susceptible to modern weapons."

A rare sigh escaped Wang Xuan's lips, an emotion seldom revealed by him. For someone dedicated to studying the Old Arts and determined to tread this path, hearing about such a discovery was a huge blow.

This was disheartening to hear even for the most steadfast among those who have immersed themselves in the study of the Old Arts. The most powerful practitioners of the Early Qin era represented the pinnacle of the Old Arts. With the rise of technological civilization, even the power that allowed them to butcher thousands with ease were rendered impotent. In this era of ever advancing technology, the brilliance of the Old Art had been dimmed. A single neutron could slay even the strongest practitioner that stood at the top of the food chain.

"What about the Immortals?" Wang Xuan inquired.

Zhou Kun responded, "Upon deeper investigation, some believe that the Immortals might have been the strongest of the practitioners of the Old Arts, or individuals slightly superior to the practitioners during the Early Qin era. Over time, their accomplishments might’ve been overexaggerated, but they were still human after all. Even they would face death when exposed to the destructive power of modern weaponry."

Wang Xuan sighed for the second time. There seemed to be no way forward for those dedicated to the path of the Old Arts. It was a bleak outlook for him with not even a shred of hope.

"Are you planning to walk down the path to its very end and become someone as powerful as the Early Qin practitioners?" Zhou Kun looked at him with astonishment, then shook his head and continued, "Your destination at the end of the road was already determined from the start. The only reason the megacorporations ever thought of investing in the Old Arts was to attain longevity and even immortality. They knew that the combat techniques of that time did not have the destructive power of modern weapons.”

He added, "And with the emergence of the New Arts, they finally stood a chance to reach a realm involving supernatural forces. The Old Arts and the longevity it brings no longer mattered."

Zhou Kun lowered his voice, "The New Arts hold vast potential. The prospect of becoming gods in the future is not entirely out of reach. Several research institutions are already gearing up for studies in that direction."

"When I've mastered the New Art in the future, if the opportunity arises, I'll arrange for the materials to be sent to you. You can explore this path by yourself," Zhou Kun remarked, emphasizing that in his drunken state, he knew not what he had said.

Yet, his mumbling continued, "The discovery of the New Arts is just a secondary game. The true value lies in the discoveries at the far reaches of deep space. Can you believe that there are those who are willing to venture to the stars beyond and into the unknown wielding the best of what technology could offer them? While I may not fully believe it myself, there have been whispers of such endeavors circulating through unofficial channels."

Having shared what he wanted to say, Zhou Yun retired to one of the rooms, stating that his head was spinning and that he needed some rest.

Wang Xuan remained in silence after Zhou Kun’s departure. He was contemplating his future and his choice to walk down the path of the Old Arts.

"Has the destination of my journey already been determined? The future does seem dim. But I still want to continue on. I want to see how far I can go moving forward," Wang Xuan mused to himself.

Qin Cheng leaned in, remarking, "Old Zhou is quite a nice guy. He sure told us a lot."

Wang Xuan nodded in agreement. Before long, he bid farewell to the others along with Qin Cheng and left the venue. In his state of intoxication, Qin Cheng was unable to drive. They were driven home by a designated driver.

"I’m leaving for Luna Nova soon. Got to put my own emotions in check. Be seeing you in a couple of days, Old Wang. I’ve got to sort things out with my girlfriend," Qin Cheng muttered on the way.

Qin Cheng appeared once again in front of Wang Xuan the following noon. His eyes were reddened, and an unusual sense of sadness hung around him.

"I excitedly told her that I was going to Luna Nova, that we'd have a chance to migrate to the New Star. But she calmly said to me: ‘Let’s break up!’”

"I told her I would definitely come back and bring her with me, but she said ‘I won’t wait’!"

"Heartless. Simply heartless. She spoke a total of six words to me and it was all over!" Qin Cheng was almost on the verge of tears.

Yet Wang Xuan found the situation amusing. What an interesting girl. He had met her before, and she was in her third year. He knew that she was a dependable person.

"Didn't you ask her why?" Wang Xuan inquired.

"I did. She said she didn't want to waste her time. She wanted to cut things off early, before we become strangers to one another," Qin Cheng replied.

Hearing this, Wang Xuan sighed, "Remarkable. She was decisive and straightforward. But she’s not wrong. The future is full of uncertainties. And with your personality, I’m willing to bet that you’ll forget about her in no time.

"Old Wang, you're underestimating me!" Qin Cheng exclaimed in frustration. "I genuinely like her!"

Wang Xuan chuckled. He did not give him the reaction he was looking for.

Out of exasperation, Qin Cheng continued, "You're not seriously thinking I like Zhao Qinghan, are you? Not in this lifetime! When I call her a goddess, it's just simple admiration.I’m not thinking of marrying her! She's the sort that should only be admired from afar. Who would want to end up with someone like her? Besides, even if I did have feelings, she had been avoiding me like the plague. I have self-awareness, you know. I'm pretty sure even if she had to choose between you and me, I wouldn’t even be up for consideration."

"Can you watch your words? You're talking like she'd pick me only because there’s no other choice."

"You’re quite full of yourself sometimes. Should I tell her the next time I see her that even if she chooses you as her partner, you’ll probably not accept it."

His words fell on deaf ears.

Getting desperate, Qin Cheng pressed Wang Xuan for help "Old Wang, I need your advice urgently. If I don't settle things with her now, I won't be able to leave feeling right. Help me out on this, please!"

Wang Xuan nodded. "I've met this girl before. We’ve even had a meal before. She's a good person. You've got to step up and make an effort to win her over. If there's a chance, take it."

"How should I do that?"

"The challenge is the distance between you two. But your family's business is connected to deep space trade, right? You can use those connections to find someone who travels that route often. They can help deliver your messages, photos, and more. Just let her know that distance shouldn't end things now. Opportunities will come."

"Understood. I'm on it!" Qin Cheng turned and hurried away.

Thirty minutes later, Wang Xuan left the campus, walking along a path lined with golden ginkgo leaves that covered the ground.

He reached the end of the road and arrived at the entrance of a grand building. He entered without hesitation. The building was big, but there were not a lot of visitors around. It felt desolated. He was stopped by a group of men as he approached the elevator.

Without a word, Wang Xuan produced a card made of pure gold and handed it to them. The individuals blocking his way were shocked. One of them silently gestured for him to proceed and pressed the elevator button. Wang Xuan nodded in acknowledgment and stepped in. One of the men followed him in.

They descended along with the elevator. It halted at the thirteenth underground floor, an unusually deep level beneath the surface. Upon stepping out of the elevator, Wang Xuan quickly adjusted to the dimly lit space. Illumination was sparse, and the environment below resembled not a modern construction but rather an excavation site.

Guided by an escort, he maneuvered through intricate twists and turns within the underground caverns until they reached a stone chamber where they were greeted by brilliant light. The interior of the space had a modern layout of a lavish executive office. A man sat behind a mahogany desk.

"So, you’ve decided to come in the end," he said. The man had thick black hair and wore a blue mask on his face. He was likely a middle-aged man in his forties.

"I've graduated and left the Old Arts Research Department. I'm a free agent now," Wang Xuan calmly replied.


Something in the middle-aged man rang.

Wang Xuan’s eyes widened when he saw what the man was toying with—a pair of golden bamboo slips. Professor Lin had mentioned such extraordinary items before!

"Oh, you recognize these? Since you've made your choice, let me give you one," the middle-aged man with the blue mask said casually.

With a gentle flick, he tossed one of the golden bamboo slips into Wang Xuan's hand. It landed with a weighty thud, distinctly heavy in his grasp. Wang Xuan looked down, and noticed intricate engravings on the surface of the golden bamboo scroll.


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