The Eldrim Cards Legacy

Chapter 38: Temptations II

Chapter 38: Temptations II

From what Nero was able to gather from his classes, he was essentially just using aether to dissolve his innate card within him. So, in essence, he already had everything he needed to become an Initiate and even an Arcanist within him already. Even when the card was dissolved there was no need to worry about it being lost with the passing aether, as it was already a part of his body.

Instead, it was the dissolved card which bound the aether used to absorb it a part of him!

That was not the official explanation, but something he came up with in trying to understand why absorbing the card is what elevated their level. The card is what made him a Neophyte, and in spreading the benefits of it across his whole body instead of having it condensed in one part is what elevated his level.

After all, why else would he experience a fundamental growth when 40% of the card was dissolved? It was likely that the absorbed card had been able to gather enough aether within his body to cause it to grow.

Of course, as he took further classes he'd gain a deeper understanding of things. But, for now, this was enough. As long as he wasn't horribly wrong, his theory of using the aether from the potion to absorb the bits of the card should work.

The stream of aether entering his body originated from his stomach, so it was not a difficult task to guide it towards his innate card in his chest. Much of the aether was absorbed into his body along the way, replenishing his exhausted reserves. But enough of it reached the card and brushed against it. That was enough.

After all, if there was a more advanced way to absorb the card, he didn't know it yet, and he dared not be more aggressive with the aether just yet.

It was boring and monotonous, probably one of the largest and most prominent obstacles in raising one's cultivation level. But Nero's focus did not waver. If it was one thing he excelled in, it was his will power. While others would have stopped long ago, or at least taken continuous breaks, Nero continued to cultivate in that same position for over an hour, until the potion eventually stopped working.

It was difficult to tell if there was real progress, or he was suffering some kind of placebo effect. But Nero felt like he had actually sped up the absorption of his card this way.

For a moment, he paused and wondered why this was not the encouraged method of cultivation. He was not so egotistical to think he was the first person to think of this way of cultivation.

If such an easy and simple way to speed up the absorption process was available, why was it not commonly taught despite the easy access to potions. Perhaps it was to prevent potion addiction, or even overuse.

But there was no point in theorising without information. Nero would just ask Footer the next day. Or better yet, he would ask his cultivation teacher.

When Nero got up, his monitor secretly sighed in relief. Hardly anyone cultivated so long without a break. It was hard on him because he could not relax either.

Although Nero felt much better, with the vertigo and body aches gone, now that he had restored his aether, he was not completely well either. The effects of aether depletion lingered in the stiffness in his joints and soreness of his muscles. This was going to be difficult to get used to.

Instead of heading to class, Nero made his way to the cafeteria and approached Mrs. Aedile with a large smile. Despite her disfigured appearance, Nero looked forward to seeing her everyday, as it always meant getting great food.

"You are early, Mr. Grant," she said succinctly.

"Oh, does that mean lunch isn't ready?" he asked as he reached into his pocket, searching for his coupon.

"Nonsense. Food is ready. Today, on the menu we have tomato and sausage panini, mashed potatoes, vegetable stir fry and a side of clear soup. For dessert there is chilled rice pudding with crushed almonds."

"Sounds lovely. Have I noticed a trend with puddings for dessert lately? By the way, I have this as well," Nero said, and handed her the coupon with the MI initials.

"Meal Increment," she muttered softly, and looked at Nero with surprise. "In that case, Mr. Grant, be seated. Your lunch will be prepared specially today. Expect to be served in 30 to 40 minutes."

"What is this? Why have I never heard of this before?" Nero could not help but ask. He had many friends who were seniors, so he was more or less aware of what he had in store now that was taking aether related classes. But even they had never mentioned this coupon. In fact, he'd never even seen someone get food different from the daily menu. After all, a lot of effort went into preparing such a lavish meal for hundreds of students everyday!

"It's a special coupon that allows you to get food using aether rich ingredients. Only the best performing and most hopeful students get access to them, as the school budget does not allow for too many students to be nurtured in such a way."

Nero was startled, though he did not show it.

"Can I... can I digest such food?" he asked her in a whisper. This was a very serious matter.

"Do not doubt my professional integrity Mr. Grant. We take special care to use ingredients friendly to Neophytes. You may take a seat and await your order. I will oversee its preparation personally. You will find it most appetising."

"Thanks, Mrs. Aedile!" he said with a beaming face and went and sat down at his table. With not much else to do, he pulled out his deck case and began to go over his cards. The darkness card he had received at the temple was still with him, as well as his parents 0 star innate cards. But he hadn't found an opportunity to use them even once. Instead, the most worn out card was the one he bought from Maxim's card shop, Enhanced learning.

Although the card only worked for a brief time, approximately 20 minutes, its effects were staggering. Despite not attending a single one of his regular classes, he had not fallen behind at all. In fact, he was sure that his grade would be even better than before.

He had used it nearly every day since he got it, but now faint wrinkles were beginning to appear on it. 0 star cards always had poor durability, which meant that they could only be used a few times before the spell model within the card shattered.

Originally, he was planning on going to Maxim's after school and buying more of these. But recently, an opportunity to probe Vanessa's intentions had appeared, and he was slightly tempted to take that instead.

"Hey Nero," said Silas as he walked up to him with a tray in hand. He was no longer stuttering and his eyes were filled with newfound confidence, though when looking at Nero he was still filled with deference. "Do you want me to get you your food?"

"No need, I'm having a special meal today."

Vanessa, who was following along, gave a disapproving look at Silas, but did not comment.

"Um, Nero, my dad is coming home today, and he said he wanted to meet my friends. Do you... do you think you could come over?"

"Sure, why not. I was planning on heading into town anyway to do some card shopping, so I can stop by first. Vanessa, you want to join?"

"I already asked her. She said yes!" Silas exclaimed, suddenly filled with excitement. "There's no need to make a special trip. There will be a car waiting for us after school. We can stop wherever you want on the way."

"Sounds like fun," Nero said. "Who else have you invited?"

He had spent too much time studying and training these past few weeks. If he was going to take out some time to socialise, might as well make the most of it.


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