The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 517 Begging (3)

"Edgar," Alessandra mumbled as she patted the spot on the bed where Edgar should be, but found it to be empty. "Is he still down there," she muttered.

Alessandra rolled over to her back and rubbed her eyes to get rid of her sleep. Edgar had joined her in bed after spending time dealing with Katrina and the others, but he had left again sometime after she fell asleep. "I need them out of this house soon. They are like toys distracting him," she whispered.

Alessandra looked to her right at the slightly opened window which offered a cool breeze. She missed the sight of snow falling, but she wanted to see the flowers bloom and start working on the garden with Alfred. As soon as it was finished, she would invite a few ladies over for tea. The upcoming season would have a lot of parties and though she was pregnant, she wanted to make a lot of memories with her friends and possibly make more friends.

Alessandra slowly sat up and looked at the jug which was supposed to be filled with water. It was empty because she would drink a bit of water each time her stomach felt upset and she wanted to vomit. Edgar was normally the one to go down to get water no matter the time, but now he wasn't here.

"I will need to discuss hours when he's allowed to go torture others," said Alessandra. 

This time of the day was for the two of them to be in bed.

Alessandra took up the jug from the table and proceeded to walk out of the room to have it filled herself. The servants should be sleeping by now and she was not going to bother anyone over water. As she walked, she now had the urge to eat an apple, an orange, and maybe a slice of cake. 

The bright side of Edgar being nowhere in sight was her being able to eat cake without him telling her not to eat sweet things. Alfred was her partner in crime who let her eat what she wanted and help her hide from Edgar. Alfred paid more attention to what they ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to ensure she had something healthy so he didn't see why she couldn't have a few treats during the day.

"Alfred,"  Alessandra stopped, confused by Alfred who stood by the front door looking out the window. It was quite early for Alfred to be awake unless he was alerted of trouble at the gates. "Alfred!" Alessandra called to him as she continued to walk downstairs. 

Alfred was surprised to hear Alessandra call for him. "Duchess! Why are you awake? Do you need more water? I thought I had it filled before you and Edgar went to bed. Let me take care of that for you."

"Why are you awake at this hour and where is Edgar? Is there trouble at the gates?" Alessandra handed Alfred the jug and walked around him to get a good look outside.

"Well," Alfred hesitated to tell her. There was a reason Edgar had left her sleeping instead of informing her of one of her relatives at the gates. 

Alfred was woken up from his slumber by a knock at his door. A guard came to inform him there was someone shouting at the gates for the Duchess to come outside. Alfred then went to inform Edgar who was now outside dealing with the issue. Alessandra was awake now so there was no need to hide it. 

"The Marchioness is here. Demanding you release her mother," said Alfred.

"Oh. She does care for her mother so it is no shock that she is here," Alessandra replied, looking out the window. "How long has Edgar been out there?"

"Not long. I woke him up a little while ago. It appears that your sister has no intention of leaving any time soon. Edgar should just-"

"I will go speak with her," Alessandra decided. "I will need a coat."

"Duchess, you do not need to concern yourself with these people."

"I am the reason Edgar has to be woken out of his sleep to do this and I would like to speak to Kate. A conversation between the two of us is inevitable, especially with what will become of her mother and the court soon needing to get involved. I want to get it over with. Can you please get me a coat, Alfred? Edgar might have a fit if I go out without one," Alessandra said, turning to the butler who was about to have one since she wanted to go outside.

"Right away," Alfred left her side to find the thickest coat they had to keep her warm. "I will join you for the walk," he said when he returned. It was still dark out and he could never let her walk to the gates alone.

"Thank you. I should prepare myself for a headache," Alessandra took a deep breath.

Her conversations with Kate were never pleasant and Kate always thought the opposite of what Alessandra would tell her. Kate would definitely think that her mother did nothing wrong and did not deserve this. Kate should be thankful that Edgar had not taken her along with her mother.

"You've got to be kidding me," Edgar muttered, angered by the sight of Alessandra walking with Alfred. 

"Alessandra!" Kate's desperate call was heard on the other side of the gates. "Please release my mother."

Edgar ignored Kate's pleas and walked to his wife who should be in bed right now instead of out in the cold air. He was starting to regret not taking Kate so he wouldn't have to deal with this now, but he wanted her to endure the stares and whispers about her face. 

Edgar stood before Alessandra and pulled the coat closer so no cold air would reach her. "I am dealing with her," he said.

"And you are getting nowhere since she is still here. I know she wants to speak with me, Edgar. Give us a moment alone.  I want to speak with her alone," Alessandra said.

Edgar bit his tongue, not liking the idea, but if it was what she wanted, he could not stop her. She already had what sounded to be her final conversation with Katrina so she should have one with Kate. What he didn't like was the early hour of the new day which Kate picked to travel to their home. 

"Spread out and give the Duchess some space," Edgar ordered the men at the gates. "Do not get too close to where she can reach you. She will have more than a wound on her face if she does something foolish."

Kate could look directly at all the guards and Edgar standing close by, but still take it upon herself to try harming Alessandra.

"I won't go too close," Alessandra promised. She didn't trust Kate even for a second. 

Alessandra left Edgar's side and went to Kate who seemed strangely relieved to see her. 'She really does have a wound on her face,' she noted. Hearing about it was one thing, but seeing Kate with her face bandaged up was another.

"Alessandra, please release my mother. I promise you the two of us will get far out of town and never bother you again. So please," Kate pleaded with her sister. She had no idea what else to do, but beg Alessandra. "Just think of me as your younger sister and help me just this once."

"Why is it that when you wish to feed off my status or need something from me that you only realize we are sisters?" Alessandra asked, annoyed by this small detail she noticed. 

"That is not true. I have called you my sister before-"

"I have a faint memory of you calling me your step-sister when we are in fact half-sisters," said Alessandra. They shared the same father, but Kate never liked to acknowledge it. 


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