The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 510 Nothing Alike (2)

"Edgar, you do not understand-"

"I understand perfectly. You're going to give the same story of her being your first love and grandfather forcing you to marry my mother. We've heard this perhaps a thousand times and I have long been bored of it from the first time it was told. Enjoy your birthday with her. I shall not be attending nor will my wife or Alfred. Happy birthday. Save that and remember it when the day comes," said Edgar.

There would be no letter or surprise visit on his father's birthday.

Edmund could not understand Edgar. "Your mother is the one who almost got Alfred killed. Your driver died because of her jealousy. She disliked your wife and tried everything she could to have other young ladies bully Alessandra. Yet you've forgiven her only to remain hostile toward me. My relationship should not have you so angry."

"Mother did not just jump back into my good graces. We needed time apart. You've been away long so you are not aware that mother and Alessandra have become quite close. They have something to bond over recently. It is annoying, but it allowed me to see the soft side of mother.  A side that was rare to see in my youth," Edgar replied.

"You wish to know why I am angry with you. Well for starters, you had a hand in fucking up my childhood. Painted the idea that marriage was nothing but a joke. Do whatever you must to get it into that woman's head that I only have one mother. I clearly remember her visits when mother was out of the house and the things she claimed were going to happen. You were the kingdom's savior by trying to make it safer, but at home, we had to deal with your shit," Edgar said, annoyed by just the thought of it. 

Edgar continued to say, "I equally disliked you and mother for years for different reasons. I only spoke to you because you were the one who knew to back down and stop being pushy. Why am I not thrilled to see you now? I'm certain grandmother told you about her issues with Alessandra. She had to have told you something about why Alessandra would not be invited to your dinner."

Edmund sighed. He never expected his mother, who once spoke so highly of Alessandra for getting Edgar to marry, would be at odds with the young woman. "She spoke of it briefly that Alessandra was not following her instructions. That is why I am here to make things right and have Alessandra attend my dinner."

Edgar chuckled, amused by how his father thought he could just swoop in and save the day now. "Alessandra and grandmother have not spoken to each other for over a month now. You're a little late with trying to make things right. Did you think you could come here, wave around an invitation, and we'd attend? I don't care to attend and though you might not believe it, neither does Alessandra."

"You had more than a month to show up and play peacemaker. You did what you do best. Stay quiet instead of speaking up to your mother-"

"When have you ever wanted my help, Edgar? You speak so highly of never needing your mother or my help. How was I supposed to know you wanted my help? You hardly speak to me," Edmund answered. He had to learn about the riff between Alessandra and Rose from everyone but Edgar. "You never come to me and ask for help so I never think you need it."

"You are my fucking father," Edgar reminded Edmund of the role he forgot about many times. "You should care enough to try fixing it without me having to ask. You show up here the day before thinking it would all be fixed now. You have not changed one bit. You are still the same man who could speak loudly about what the kingdom needs, but stay silent when it comes to defending your family." 

"You are a coward who will not speak up to his mother most likely because she is helping to clean up that woman's image so your reputation will not be damaged. The timing of your birthday and her being surrounded by Collins works so well for the two of you," said Edgar.

"This has nothing to do with my reputation, Edgar. I simply wished to have the woman I loved and my son around. I apologize for not thinking ahead to speak with my mother in regard to your wife.  You care for your grandmother and likewise, so I did not think I needed to step in until now that it has gotten so far to the point Alessandra isn't invited. I'm sorry," Edmund sincerely apologized.

"I had my own issues to deal with-"

"You hardly loved your wife and finally got divorced. I don't see why that troubled you so much that you went into hiding. Admit it. You were ashamed that your relationship with that woman became public and talk of that being the reason for your sudden divorce overshadowed all that you have done for the kingdom. You've come back trying to think of how to clear the negativity. I will not be anywhere near that woman to help you. Go home," Edgar advised his father.

"Edgar," Edmund walked closer to the gates. "I came here to have a proper conversation with you. To clear the air and start over. Just as you have done with your mother."

"No, you've already admitted to coming here to offer Alessandra an invitation," Edgar said as he was not going to fall for Edmund's lies. "Don't change your words now because you feel guilty. You know I hate it when someone tries to play in my face. Alessandra and I are not going to attend so the town can assume I've accepted that woman as your new partner. You will not use us. If I am anywhere near that woman I might just sew her lips shut as I am still annoyed by the things she said in my youth."

Edgar looked at the guard who was watching the exchange. "You have my order to attack if he does not get off my land in the next hour. He is not welcome here."

"I am not on your land," Edmund said, walking back to the stone area where his carriage was parked.

"If you paid attention to me, you would know that I had my gates moved from the edge of my land so I can deal with fools like you. You are still on my land and I am within my right to attack. Go back and have the family you have always wanted. Perhaps then you would make an effort to stop being so cowardly," said Edgar.

Edmund was beyond annoyed by Edgar's irritated behavior. "You point fingers at me, but you never defended your mother-"

Edgar pinched the bridge of his nose. "She's not my fucking wife. I didn't need to defend her from her mother-in-law. You did. I did remind babbling fools like yourself that she was not to blame for your failing marriage. I had to warn relatives to be careful with their tongue when they mentioned your love only going to that woman while you sat silent and bought mother gifts to calm her anger."

"Mother has her moments that I cannot stand, but at least she has acknowledged her mistakes. You still place yourself as the victim because you could not marry the woman you loved. Mother was also arranged to marry you and put up with the fact that there was another woman in your life. I do not hear her whining about it when I am near her, but you continue to use it as an excuse for your actions. Leave in an hour or I shall send your head to grandmother," Edgar turned to walk back to his home. 


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