The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 450 - 450 Perfect wedding (1)

450 Perfect wedding (1)

“Mother, would you be so kind as to fix my dress? These servants lack the sense of how to do it,” Kate snapped, angrily looking down at the servants who were supposed to be straightening out her wedding dress, but they made it worse.

“Do not fret, Kate. This is supposed to be a happy day. All of you out,” Katrina shooed the servants she brought from home. They were also getting on her nerves for messing up Kate’s dress. “Our money was well spent on this dress. Not even the Queen’s dress could rival your own.”

Kate agreed with her mother’s claims. She remembered Queen Hazel’s dress which looked boring not that she looked at her own extravagant dress. “Of course not. The Queen’s dress was more expensive, but she did not have the beauty to add to the dress. Everyone will be talking about my dress for years and take inspiration from it. I will have the best wedding of this season.”

Katrina looked at the mirror Kate was using to check her appearance. The only bride to rival Kate was herself when she married Desmond. Katrina felt proud to know that it was thanks to her, Kate was in this position. “Stop interfering with your lips Kate. I don’t want your dress to be dirtied by the paint.”

“It won’t. I won’t let this dress have a single stain. Have you told the guards to make sure none of my father’s family enters the church? None of them were given an invitation, but they would be so bold to show up today. I don’t want Simon to witness how classless they are. I heard uncle Clark might be back in town,” said Kate. Clark alongside her grandmother should not make an appearance today.

“Do not worry about them. The guards already know what to do if a Barrett shows up. Focus on your wedding. This is all you ever wanted. In a few minutes, you won’t be my little girl anymore. I will stop myself now before I make the two of us cry. Remember, if he ever causes you any trouble, come to me,” Katrina said, always ready to protect her only child.

Katrina witnessed how cruel men could be more than Kate ever would. She wanted Kate to never see the dark side of men.

Even though today would be the start of Kate’s marriage she was already planning for when Simon might become irritating as Desmond did. Katrina successfully took everything Desmond owned and if Simon started to remind her of Desmond, Katrina would gladly dispose of him, and give Kate all that she was entitled to as his wife.

“Mother, I’ve told you that Simon does everything I tell him to. There will be no need for you to get involved in my marriage. Besides, I can handle our issues on my own. I am ready,” Kate took a deep breath.


Kate was ready to have her perfect wedding get started, live her perfect life, with a perfect husband, and have the title she longed for. The only thing that was missing was her father. Kate had long gotten over his death, but now she wished he was here to walk with her as all the other fathers did. However, she did not want to mention it to her mother who no longer cared for her father.

“Good. Everyone should be seated by now and waiting for you to arrive. Get your flowers, Kate. I will walk ahead to have the music start. Simon better be in his place,” Katrina muttered, not allowing even the groom to make a mistake. Everyone needed to play their roles right today to ensure Kate had the perfect wedding she always dreamed of.

Kate pulled herself away from the mirror to get the bouquet of roses she specifically asked for. She regretted not having a painter come to capture her beauty on this day, but she could always put back on the dress, and have a painter come to her home. Kate wanted a large portrait for everyone to see the moment they walked into the home she shared with Simon.

Kate proceeded to leave the small room the church assigned to her. If not for Simon’s love of getting married in a church, she would have chosen to get married in a garden, surrounded by flowers that almost matched her beauty.

Kate’s heart rushed, not because the wedding made her nervous, but because the thought of almost being named Marchioness thrilled her. Anyone who doubted her was eating their words now. “Marchioness Kate,’ Kate repeated in her mind with each step.

Katrina was quick to return to Kate’s side to inform her of the ceremony starting. “Simon is standing by the altar. The music will start to play shortly. I need to take my seat,” she kissed Kate’s cheeks as a goodbye. Katrina wanted to be front and center to witness the big change in their lives. Well, Kate’s life. “Head up high as you walk. Look straight ahead.”

“I know, mother. I remember everything we practised from the moment I got engaged. I can hear the sound of the music. You need to get to your seat before you miss my entrance. Go,” Kate shooed her mother away. She loved her mother dearly, but her mother was bothering her from the moment she opened her eyes this morning. Her mother was acting like she was some fool who could not remember how to walk down the aisle to her husband and say I do.

Katrina reached out to fix Kate’s hair but decided against it as Kate could snap at any moment. Katrina picked up a handful of her dress and hurried off to her seat to have the perfect view of Kate’s entrance. Katrina made a large payment to have Kate’s wedding mentioned in the papers tomorrow morning. A surprise for her wonderful daughter.

Simon recommended a male Barrett relative walk with Kate but Katrina was adamant about Kate walking alone. This way all the attention could be on her daughter who was the star of the day. If anyone were to walk with Kate, it would be her mother who diligently raised Kate to be the person she was now.

As the music played, Kate slowly began her walk down the aisle. She briefly glanced over the crowd to see if they were watching her intently as she wanted.

For a moment, her eyes met with Grace who had no choice but to attend her wedding as her new husband was a friend of Simon. Kate smiled to taunt her former friend and show she had won. It would not be long before Grace would be back at her side begging to become friends again.

‘Alessandra should be here to witness this,’ Kate thought. Alessandra should be sitting in the crowd, like Grace was, watching her walk to her happy ending. Kate wanted Alessandra to witness the wedding she did not have with Edgar. ‘Almost,’ she thought, looking at Simon who was the key to opening greater doors for her.

Kate’s smile widened when she finally stood beside Simon. Although she held no feelings for him, she felt something now when he looked at her as if he had struck gold.

There was a possibility that she could one day fall in love with Simon as much as she loved his title.


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