The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military

Chapter 160 - The Establishment Of The Empire’s Special Field Army! (1)

The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military (160)

Translator: ChubbyCheeks

54 The Establishment of the Empire’s Special Field Army! (1)

Two months had passed since Iron and his troops went to the newly created Central Army Command.

During their stay, Iron’s troops became the instructors that led the Central Army’s training.

Most of his troops were just new recruits. However, even though they were only out on the battlefield for less than a year, they had experienced countless battles with the Death Corps. They were far more experienced in battle compared to the Central Army troops. Perhaps, it could be attributed to the fact that they continued to train the training and tactics that Iron had systematically established that they had gained better understanding and experience on the battlefield.

Obviously, the Central Army troops had much more experience than them. However, most of their experiences were useless. The only experiences that they had were related to managing their lines, catching criminal groups and apprehending black merchants. They also only knew how to walk and sit while using the people’s tax, manage bribes and make connections with aristocrats and criminal syndicates.

In fact, they only repeated these things and made it into their know-hows until they got discharged from the military and later became a part of the security forces of the capital or some local territories. In other words, the Central Army was like a place where they go to for retirement. 

“Hit the sack in the back! Hit the sack in front!”

“Roll to the left! Roll to the right!”

“Sit down! Stand up!”

Iron’s troops rolled the Central Army troops like they were in a training center.

Just like what Iron did to them in the Northeast, they rolled the Central Army troops to develop their physical strength and stamina. After all, Iron would come out and train them personally once he saw that they weren’t rolling them properly. They had no choice but to do things well and roll them more firmly. 

Even if they wanted to complain and rebel, Iron’s troops had a higher force than them so they could easily deal with the rebels and kill off their rebellious thoughts. Besides, the Central Army did not have any other justification for their rebellion especially after Iron’s troops showed their overwhelming dignity when dealing against the Death Corps that still remained in the Center. 

They couldn’t complain since Iron’s troops only used the moves and formations that they had taught them and won victory after victory. So, the Central Army resorted to calling Iron’s troops as the demons. 

Of course, even these demons had to roll hard after training them and follow a bigger devil’s instructions and training regimen.

After they finished their task of training the Central Army for the day, Iron would appear like a ghost and roll his troops. He looked like the incarnation of the devil as he trained his troops. Iron’s troops wanted to hit him since they knew that he was taking it out on them after seeing them roll the Central Army troops. However, even Iron was being beaten down by someone everyday. 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Leopold’s strong sword kept on knocking Iron’s sword. If it weren’t for his steel mana sword, the sword would have definitely broken down from Leopold’s attacks. 

“Hang in there.”

Leopold said so as he created his aura blade and slashed down. The shockwave from the strike spread out and forced Iron to kneel down on one knee. Iron gritted his teeth. He was only barely able to endure however all he could do was gasp as he failed to stand up.

Leopold grinned as he gathered his aura blade back into his sword. 

The heavy atmosphere immediately lightened when the fight, which couldn’t be considered as a spar anymore with how fierce it was, ended and Iron’s gasping breath gradually stopped. 


Leopold smiled as he approached Iron, who let out a long breath. 

“It looks like you got the hang of it.”


 Iron nodded lightly at Leopold’s smiling words. 

Leopold, who showed no signs of exhaustion, looked at the gasping Iron as if he was a monster. 

With just his divine beasts alone, Iron was already at the master-level. However, even his divine beasts were continuing to become stronger. They were originally divine beasts who were at the master-level and phantom-level, so the stronger Iron became, the more they could regain their original power. But right now, even his swordsmanship was growing rapidly too. 

‘Not yet…’

Of course, he hadn’t reached the wall yet. However, what he did was far more shocking than that. Even if it was just for a moment, his experience dealing against aura was explosively growing. This experience was helping him walk the correct path without wandering around. 

‘He’s just 20 years old…’

Leopold couldn’t help but smile wryly after he briefly recalled what he was like in his 20s.

Even someone like him, who was hailed as a prodigy, recalled that he was still having a hard time reaching the perfect 4th Stage during his 20s. He was, in fact, over 40 years old when he reached Iron’s current stage. 

“What the hell, what did you do to gain such experience?”

Iron smiled awkwardly after hearing Leopold’s question. 

“Who knows… I’ve felt something similar to this in the past but… I still don’t know it well.”

“Oh boy… I envy you. If I had experienced that once before then I would have definitely broken through the wall much faster.”

Leopold looked at Iron enviously. 

If he had this experience when he reached the wall, then he would have been able to pierce through the wall of master at once. That was how valuable his experience was. 

It was an enviable performance but Leopold was not jealous. After all, he knew that the experiences that Iron had were miracles that he had gained with his bloody efforts while risking his life. 

“You must be disappointed. If you had just gained this chance a bit later, then you would have been able to go over the wall and become a master in one go…”

“Not at all. I just feel lucky that I survived.”

Leopold nodded slightly after hearing his answer.

He truly was lucky to survive in the fight against the Death Lord. Leopold knew how strong the Death Lord was since he had fought him personally. And the Death Lord that Iron had fought was several times stronger than when he fought him so it was a miracle in and of itself for him to survive that fight. 

‘It’s really a pity. If he had this experience just a year or two later, then he would have definitely stepped on the master’s threshold…’

This thought flashed in Leopold’s head as he felt more pity for Iron. 

Unfortunately for Iron, this experience did not directly lead him to the master. A person who was fully prepared would definitely receive great benefits. But Iron was not even able to reach the wall since he was still not yet able to make the 6th Stage completely his. However, this experience would definitely be a great help to Iron once he reached the wall if he did not forget this at all. 

“Don’t forget that feeling.”


Iron had his head down as he answered Leopold. 

“Is today your last day?”

“Yes. I believe the training system has been established to some extent.”

“I can’t believe you set up the training system in just two months… What are you, a monster?”

“Everything will work as long as you roll them hard enough.”

Leopold shook his head when he saw Iron’s vicious and wicked smile. 

“Hoho… Oh boy, that smile looks like the smile of the devil.”

“Ahem, ahem!”

Iron coughed when Leopold pointed it out. 

Leopold smiled when he saw him get flustered like this. 

“My subordinates call you the Devil General.”

“Even my men call me the devil.”

Iron spoke bitterly. 

I did it for their own good but I can’t believe that they called me the devil behind my back… I feel disappointed with my subordinates.

“You really… don’t know how to do things moderately.”

“We don’t have enough time. I can’t help it. I had to do it in the most efficient way.”

“Oh boy… You’re making me speechless since I’m the one to request your help.”

Iron looked at him as Leopold clicked his tongue. 

“The training is now over so everything will be up to the Central Army from now on.”

Just like Iron had said, the Central Army’s training had been set to some extent. From this point on, they could combine the tactics that Iron had left for them and the existing Central Army tactics to create unique military tactics. And everything would be up to the Central Army officers from this point on. 


“No. Me and my subordinates had received a lot too.”

Just like Iron, his subordinates had also gained a lot from this.

Just like what a saying said, one would always gain something from teaching someone else. The tactics that Iron had drilled in his troops’ heads and bodies were now clearly embedded in their beings as they taught others.

For them to teach others well, they had no choice but to study harder on their own. That was the reason why they got to know the tactics better. And as they prepared to train they were able to understand more accurately why Iron had taught them these tactics and what his intentions were. 

“Then, are you going back to the Northeast now?”

“Yes. I have to come back.”

“It’s a bit disappointing.”

His disappointed expression looked similar to someone who was disappointed as their toy disappeared. He felt regret that Iron, who had relieved him of his stress, was now leaving. 

“Can’t you stay a bit longer? I’ll pay more attention this time!”

“Haha… Hahaha…”

Iron immediately slipped away as he laughed awkwardly and refrained from answering Leopold. But Leopold clung to him until the day he left. Of course, Leopold did not expect that Iron would really stay. He just kept on pestering him since he felt regret and disappointment that he would leave so soon. However, the only one who was disappointed was Leopold. 

“Your training has officially ended as of today. I hope that the Central Army will develop further and grow more from the things that you have learned until the end of this special training!”


The soldiers and officers screamed loudly after Iron had declared the end of their training. 

Iron and his troops, who chewed them and rolled them hard every day, were finally leaving. 

“Aren’t you too happy? Shouldn’t you be a bit sad?”

Iron said so as he looked at the cheering Central Army troops. Iron and his troops did not look too good at the sight. 

The Central Army was cheering while the Special Mobile Unit was bitter. The ceremony to end the training was finally over and the moment of separation finally came. 

Leopold approached the leaving Iron. 

“If you’re here to try and say thank you, it’s alright.”

Iron had heard his gratitude countless times these past few days that he felt like his ears would scab. Leopold smiled when he saw Iron waving him off and refusing his gratitude.

“Uhmm… There’s that too but… I came here because I have something else to say to you.”


Iron’s eyes widened when he heard Leopold’s words.

“You’ll find out about it once you arrive in the Northeast but I’m letting you know in advance.”

Iron quickly approached Leopold, who was beckoning to him. 

“The commanders held a meeting recently.”

Iron looked at Leopold in shock. 

“It was actually a meeting about you.”

“About… me?”

“That’s right. No matter how much of a crisis the Empire is in, we can’t just use a master as a leader of a unit, right?”

“We don’t have a ch…”

Iron lost his words when he looked at Commander Leopold, who had used him well so far. Leopold quickly averted his gaze as he continued to speak. 

“Perhaps an army of your own will be established.”

“Huh… That means…”

Iron stared blankly at Leopold. 

“You’re going to leave your most cherished place. No, it’s more like you’re going to stand on your own?”

Iron was lost in thought after hearing Leopold’s words. Leopold smiled when he saw his reaction. 

“Think about it once you go there.”


Iron came back to his senses. He quickly bowed his head at him as he thanked him. 

“Thank you for letting me know.”

“It’s nothing. In fact, I told you so you can be prepared now.”


Leopold smiled wickedly at Iron when he saw him look at him as if he couldn’t understand what he meant. 

“Do you think it’s easy to create a new army? Perhaps this is an excuse for the other commanders to try and devour you.”

“What do you mean…?”

Leopold shut his mouth despite Iron’s question. He just smiled at him gratefully as he repeatedly waved him goodbye. 

Iron bid him goodbye as he entered the airship with a grim look on his face. 

And after a while, the demons that plagued the Central Army left to return to where they were supposed to be.


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