The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military

Chapter 104 - East’s Hero (3)

The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military (104)

Translator: ChubbyCheeks

35 East’s Hero (3)

After completing all the work that they needed to do, of course with the help of Thunderbird, in Puerh Islands, the Northeastern troops prepared to return to their original camp. Maybe it was because they fought hard? They received heated greetings and shouts of gratitude from the Eastern Army as soon as they returned to the Eastern Command. 

All of the major battles were over thanks to the mermaid’s destruction and the temporarily blocked dimensional gate. Although there were still plenty of void insects, monsters and contaminated mana that came out of the dimensional gate, they did not worry. After all, that was a problem that they had to deal with in the long run anyway. In other words, the war in the East was finally almost over. 

So, what would happen after the war? It was none other than the ‘Awards Ceremony’. Since the Eastern Army’s war was officially over, they had to reward and give their compensations accordingly. 

And in this war, the one who made the biggest contribution was none other than Iron. The Eastern Commander also contributed greatly so their contributions needed to be recognized and awarded by either the Emperor or the Crown Prince themselves. However, the Northeastern Army couldn’t afford the delay. The situation in the North was deteriorating fast and now that they had finished their work in the East, they had to return as soon as possible and go to the North’s frontline once again. That was why the conferment of rewards and compensation for the Northeastern Army had to be carried out simply and quickly. 

As soon as they arrived at Eastern Command, the Eastern Army moved busily for the Northeastern Army, who was in a hurry. Even though they wanted things to be simple, they still had to prepare a ceremony that would officially award them medals, commendations and rewards. Because of this, the Northeastern Army, who only planned to take one day off at Eastern Command before going up North, was briefly delayed in the East. 

Meanwhile, the Eastern Merchant Association, as well as the small and medium sized Magic Tools Workshops, Machine Workshops and even the Banking Federation tried to visit Iron. This was because they had heard that those who had first gone up the Northeast were flying around as if they had reached the top of the world while they were here embroiled in the Eastern War. They wanted to put their toes on the line and generate some profits in the Northeast. However, it was already far too late. The train has already left. And the great opportunity and huge benefits were now being received by those who had left for the Northeast first.

The people who were coming to find Iron were those who weren’t able to enter the new route that would pass through Puerh Islands. In the past, they did not even want to look at them but that wasn’t the case now. The situation in the Northeast had improved and it had become one of the safest regions in the continent. However, Iron rejected all of the requests of the people who wanted to meet with him and enjoyed a long comfortable rest on land until the simple ceremony was held. 

The Drake Unit dominated the skies and made a great contribution in invading Atlantis.

The Ranger Unit killed huge and major monsters and made a huge contribution in the cleaning up of Puerh Islands.

The Knight Order actively fought in each major front and contributed greatly in maintaining these fronts.

There were also plenty of forces from the Northeast that played an active role and contributed greatly. However, they weren’t present. So, the people who remained in the East became their representatives and received their award on behalf of their colleagues. 

And finally…

The Northeast’s special force, and the last Ghost that was left in the East….

Iron climbed up on the stage where they were doing the award ceremony. 

“I wanted to make it fancier but… I’m sorry.” 

“No, it’s alright.” 

Richard Burton looked at Iron apologetically. 

All of the people who fought together in the war knew that the Northeast played a big role in the East. Especially the Ghosts. They were clear on how huge a contribution each and every single member of their team had made. After all, all of them only fought at the most dangerous areas since they were at 5th Stage or higher. That was why Richard Burton, as the Eastern Commander, awarded Iron, the representative of the Ghosts, with a commendation and a medal from the Eastern Command. However, those were only the rewards for the Ghosts. 

If you asked the Easterners who the greatest contributor in this war was, they would all answer the same. 

‘Iron Carter ― Lieutenant Colonel’ 

This name resonated loudly with the Easterners, especially the soldiers of the Eastern Command. 

He had the will to fight and sacrificed himself during the battle in Ghost Island. The will to save as he sacrificed himself and fought with his injured body to save his colleagues. He also showed his cool-headedness and reasonable thinking in the Puerh Islands. He even expressed the powerful force of his divine beasts as well as his overwhelming knowledge about the dimensional cracks. All of these things were done by a single person. 

The soldiers, who watched him fight closely in the battlefield, only felt awe for him. It was to the point that they admired him more than their Eastern Commander. 

“Lieutenant Colonel Iron Carter. The contributions that you have made in the East were tremendous. I will make sure to repay you even if I am not good enough.” 

The Eastern Commander took out a medal inlaid with twinkling blue jewels as he said so. 

An officer who saw it couldn’t help but mutter blankly.

“The Eye of the Sea…” 

The East’s greatest medal, which was made by processing the sea’s spirit stone, a mineral said to be extremely rare and hard to come by in the sea.  And right now, the East’s greatest medal, inlaid with sky blue jewels that represented the highest value in the East, was pinned on top of the Eastern Medal that was already pinned on Iron’s chest. 

At that moment, the notifications that Iron had been waiting for finally rang.

― You have made an incredible achievement in the East. The Easterners will now hail you as a hero.

― You have acquired the Title: East’s Hero. However, because it overlaps with your previous title Northeast’s Hero, the two titles will be temporarily used together.

― The hero title has overlapped. The title effect has also overlapped. This will double the effects of the title Northeast’s Hero.

― With your achievements in the East, the Imperials could no longer disparage and twist your achievements. Your reputation will now be spread justly and correctly in the Empire.

― Your incredible achievement has triggered a hidden quest. 

The Path of the Heroes : You have become a hero that everyone is aware of. From now on, every step that you take will become a hero’s deed and achievement. Become a legend that will remain in this continent forever.

Quest Completion Requirements : Your name must be sung in a hero’s song or poem.

After the numerous notifications that rang in Iron’s ears, the festival finally began. Everyone, including the biggest contributor, Iron and the rest of the contributors enjoyed the festival. They drank alcohol and sang songs in the banquet hall while the masses sang loudly as they walked around Maricca Port. It was as if the disaster was long over and their dream-like days were finally coming. The people had smiles on their faces as children sang happily of their dreams. 

Bang! Bang!

While fireworks were popping out one after the other in the skies and people were chatting happily about the end of the war, one person stared blankly at the sea from the Command’s rooftop. The person looked somewhat gloomy. It was as if he was missing someone from beyond the sea. 

The man stared at the sea for a long time before hearing the creaking sound of the door to the rooftop opening. 

“So, you were here.”

The man looked back in surprise when he heard the voice of the person behind him. 

“Why did Lieutenant Colonel Iron Carter come here…?”

“I’m curious about something so I came to find Captain Daniel.”

Daniel’s eyes widened in shock when he heard Iron’s words. He couldn’t help but tilt his head wondering why the main character of the banquet came up to the rooftop to find him. Iron smiled at him and asked his question right away. 

“I’m curious about Captain Mateo Garcia.”


Daniel’s expression hardened as he shut his mouth tightly. 

Seeing his expression, Iron realized that his assumptions were correct. 

‘Did this person really help him?’

He looked at Daniel as this thought flashed in his head. 

“I heard that Captain Mateo Garcia died in an accident.”


“From what I heard, he died during the attack in the Eastern Command. Right?”

“…That’s right.”

Iron sighed deeply at Daniel’s short answers. He couldn’t help but bluntly and straightforwardly speak his mind out. After all, they wouldn’t go anywhere at this rate.

“I saw the death of the head of the mermaid race not too long ago.”

“I heard. Let me congratulate you once again on your great contribution.”

“I did not mention this to get your congratulations.”


“Back then… I heard something suspicious from the head of the mermaid race. Those words remained as a question in my head so I came to ask you, Captain Daniel.”

Iron also began to recite what the head of the mermaid race had told him. 

Captain Daniel couldn’t help but tilt his head upon hearing what the head of the mermaid race had said. He couldn’t understand why Iron was telling him this. 

“One of the things that he said came true. Disaster truly did come after their fall. In fact, the Sea God appeared right after his death. I was only lucky enough to stop it with the Sea Orb.”

Daniel’s eyes widened upon hearing Iron’s words. 


He immediately figured out what Iron was trying to say. Seeing him react like that, Iron opened his mouth once again. 

“But there’s still one question left. The part where the traitors’ destruction will lead to the mermaids’ new era… I thought long and hard about what it meant on my way here.”

Iron looked at Daniel.

“I believed that the Eastern Command wouldn’t be easily broken through unless there was a traitor inside. And from what we saw, Captain Mateo Garcia was that traitor.”


Daniel’s mouth turned shut at Iron’s words.

“He’s definitely not dead. He would have definitely disappeared somewhere. The Eastern Commander also said that the blue-haired mermaid who made him suffer also disappeared somewhere. Even the woman who saved the head of the mermaid race in Ghost Island also disappeared.”

Iron spoke about his conjectures as he stared at the silent Daniel. 

“Captain Mateo left here with the other mermaid half-breeds. Leaving for a new home with the other mermaids who weren’t considered as traitors as they opened the new era for the mermaids. That’s my take on this matter.”

Daniel stared silently at the sea.

“…What the Lieutenant Colonel has guessed is correct. I… I let that bastard go.”

Iron nodded heavily at Captain Daniel’s words.

“That bastard said that the mermaid half-breeds are living a miserable life at the bottom of the food chain in Maricca Port. And I saw it myself.”

Daniel recalled about the day when he saw them personally. 

The mermaid half-breeds were picking up food on the street, begging and resorting to all sorts of crimes to survive…

They did not even know that they were mermaid half-breeds as they continued to live their desperate lives. And they were left to survive on their own just because they looked strange or because they were orphans. 

Looking at them, Daniel realized that the port he knew was different from the port that Mateo knew. And he had one question ring in his head. 

Will I be able to stop Mateo when he wants to help these people?

If he considered his duties as a soldier of Command, he had to stop Mateo. 

But do I really have the right to stop them when those struggling to live their desperate lives are trying to live a new life?

As he pondered over this matter, he watched as Mateo’s biological mother got better after taking the medicine that was given by the mermaids. 

Let’s help this bastard even if we’re not good enough. 

He also eagerly hoped that the mermaid half-breeds would live peacefully from now on. So, with the help of the Merchant Association, he provided them with a small amount of food and supplies before helping them get out of the port to go to their new base. 

Daniel opened his mouth heavily. 

“That bastard said that he wanted to give them a new lease in life. And the person who signed a contract with him also said that he would help save his mother and give her a better life.” 

“So, that’s why you helped him?” 


Iron sighed heavily at Daniel’s answers.

“Do you know who the person who signed a contract with him is?” 

“Mateo said that he was the prince of the mermaid race who would lead the new era. I’m not too sure but I’m guessing that the woman that you mentioned is the wife of the head of the mermaid race and their queen.” 

Iron nodded silently at Daniel’s guess. This had finally solved the things that he was curious about. 

“Are you just going to leave?” 

Daniel turned around and looked at Iron with trembling eyes. He saw him going to leave the rooftop after knowing everything. Iron smiled at him.

 “What are you talking about?” 

“I helped a traitor… Weren’t you trying to catch me?” 

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about Captain Daniel. Did you commit a crime?” 

Daniel’s expression turned dumbfounded after hearing Iron’s sly words. 

“The only thing I have heard here is the story about the sea though?” 

Iron winked at Daniel as he said so. 

“Next time I come here, please tell me about your delicious food.” 

Daniel stared blankly at Iron as he left the rooftop. He couldn’t help but smile.

“What an interesting person.” 

Daniel mumbled to himself before staring back at the sea. He thought about his old friend and hoped that there would come a time when he would be able to meet with him again. 

An officer who missed his friend and an officer who left just like that after solving all of the questions he had in mind. Both of them had a satisfying and enjoyable night as they savored the atmosphere brought about by the festival.


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