The Duchess and the Devil

Chapter 42

Chapter 42.

Unedited version, need an editor.

Translator: Ursomone.

Derrick’s penis was still standing when he pulled it out of Judith. And the Duchess could not understand in any way: why does he not get tired? Red veins were visible on the penis, and sperm flowed out of it, smearing a solid column with liquid.

«You should take more and deeper than that,» he looked at the ejaculatory fluid flowing down the head to the very base, after which he firmly inserted his penis into Judith again.

Even if the Duchess had already reached the climax, a shiver of pleasure ran through her body from every touch and penetration, because every millimeter of her is still sensitive.

«This is… It’s so hard,» Judith said, trying to hide her ragged breathing.

«If it’s hard for you, then you should spread your legs wider, wife,» the girl obeyed Derrick, tightly squeezing the sheet with her hands.

The demon looked at it, lifted her by the waist and put a pillow. His every movement seemed affectionate and very caring, as if he was a really loving husband who cared about his wife’s condition.

Judith could never have imagined that the morning after tea would be so stressful. Now she even regretted a little that she didn’t get up a little later and didn’t have time to enjoy the warm bed a little longer. Even when the sex and lovemaking ended, the Duchess felt too tired, as if she could no longer get up at all due to lack of strength.

Lying on the demon’s arm, Judith thought about yesterday. Of course, the tea party went well, even the rumors about Sylvia disappeared suspiciously quickly. And now the Duchess remembered the sacred ceremony of consecration of the Empire, which should take place in a few days.

«Sooner or later we will have to attend the consecration ceremony in the temple,» Judith understood that Derrick could not remain imprisoned forever.

The Duke was obliged to show himself in high circles. Thus, he would be able to instill faith in investors who invested in the business, as well as many other families with whom he collaborated. With his appearance, Derrick will dispel various grotesque rumors that still excite the capital.

«Derrick, can you go to the temple?»

«The temple?»

«It’s a kind of blessing ceremony… It is given to us by the highest holy power. And you’re a demon… Will everything be fine?»

Judith, although she did not know all the details of the coexistence of angels and demons, but she knew for sure that the Devil is a dark and evil being. And their powers certainly go against the saints, like black and white. Therefore, the Duchess could not even imagine what would happen if Derrick still attended the consecration.

The man touched her silver hair that was carelessly scattered on the bed.

«A blessing,» he lifted her head and put it on the pillow instead of his hand, after which he gently stroked Judith’s cheek. «So people have a religion… Do you believe in God?»

In fact, the Empire is not a country in which the priesthood is very popular. Of course, there were enough believers in the temple, but this is not so significant in comparison with the power of the head of the country. And faith was not strong enough to devote his whole life to God.

If that were the case, then Derrick would hardly be sitting here right now–with the Duchess. Most likely, he would have been with the priests long ago.

«Sometimes I just need something I can lean on,» was enough for Vera to send donations and attend the ceremonies.

Of course, all status people with money can do this, but Judith still put a slightly different meaning into her actions, sometimes offering small prayers. It was not uncommon to hear that religion was just an empty scripture. According to these people, the temple and the priesthood exist only to penetrate the fragile and weakened mind of a person, in order to subsequently give him vain expectations.

Judith was a direct proof that sometimes such a judgment is true. Often, in order for everything to go well, she could pray without making any effort to change the situation for the better. And when the girl was completely desperate, not knowing what to do, she was looking for God. At such moments, the world seemed to fade completely, turning into a dark cage.

«This is both the strength and weakness of religion. But, unfortunately, there is no God in this world,» Derrick said, pulling a cigar out of the drawer. His voice was firm.

Although Judith was not an ardent fan of faith, it still turned out to be insulting to hear such words, because her values were denied in any case.

«Why are you so sure about this?»

The reason her faith hasn’t crumbled until now is some sacred evidence. For example, the light power of the novices of the temple or the voice of the Lord, which could be heard. Faith will always be blurred, because it is invisible to reality. But what if they intersect? Then faith will gain strength and become solid.

Although Judith believed in the evidence of the existence of God, Derrick’s words were still confusing. So she said:

«If there is no God, then the power of the priests has no meaning? And what about the stories about the voice of the Lord?»

Despite Judith’s tone, Derrick’s expression remained calm and relaxed, as if he knew everything around him and was confident in his thoughts.

«And what would you do if all that people believe in are the actions of the Devil?»

«What do you mean?»

«I mean what I said. All these trivial things that you believe in are actually the creation of demons. Despair, Divine power – all this is a way to give even more hope.»

Judith was beginning to understand what he was talking about, but she still didn’t want to take it seriously. It was difficult to accept this information, but the Duchess tried: because of Derrick’s soft, confident and polite tone. And also because he is a demon, not an ordinary person.

«And if you see God, it’s the devil,» the Duke spoke slowly, as if chewing the information so that it was completely clear.

But Judith’s heart was still burning with a spark of doubt. However, if you think about it, the Duchess has always had a lot of unresolved issues. In the temple, they said that God loves everyone, but he brought only adversity, which some simply could not bear. The punishment for love… doesn’t that contradict all the words about faith?

The priests said that it was just a test to strengthen love, and asked to take it for granted. But it turned out to be a difficult task for a girl with a fragile heart. And the time when the issue was most acute was the death of beloved parents as a result of an accident.

Three months after Judith’s marriage–on another rainy day–the marquises overturned in a carriage that fell on a wet winding path while returning to the city. During the accident, the mother still managed to survive. Judith ran as fast as she could to the estate and heard that the Marquise was in critical condition and barely breathing. When the Duchess stepped onto the threshold of the room to have time to say at least the last words, her mother’s life was cut short.

«It’s all just awful…»

So many people in this world believe in the existence of God and live relying on him. And even more horrifying is the fact that people obsessed with malice pretend to be saints. Thinking that you live in happiness, in the end you realize that this is just a fake, bringing sadness and discord.

Moreover, Judith often prayed for her parents in the temple. And now she couldn’t accept that it all turned out to be pointless.

«That’s why we do it. We like people to despair, to be disappointed, to suffer, to give up.»

Judith just couldn’t say anything. Although Derrick is now in human form, he is still the devil. And now the Duchess did not understand why she was so upset, because what could you expect from a «person»? Sometimes Judith really took him for her husband, which always comforts her and dedicates her whole life to her.

«And most of the time, if you see something, you just believe it,» Derrick saw that his silent wife did not believe in his words.

But his voice, like that of any demon, simply did not give up hope. Judith stared out the window in silence, patiently suppressing the urge to ask one thing. Does he look like those demons who love human despair?


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