The Duchess and the Devil

Chapter 38: 38.

Chapter 38.

«It would be great to meet somewhere else in the future,» the Marchioness Dyer added with a faint smile.

Oddly enough, it sounded very sincere. A vague expectation and the question of whether Judith would be able to get along with her bloomed in her heart like a flower. Until now, when she attended tea parties, she had never heard such sincerity from anyone.

More precisely, everything she heard earlier was pretense without a shred of sincerity. Such words for them are equivalent to an ordinary greeting or dinner. That is why Judith did not even think about friendship before, avoiding any contact with noble ladies outside of tea parties in every possible way.

The Duchess was afraid that others would try to get close to her just for the sake of another question about her husband. And knowing about all the rumors-Judith was also afraid of revealing this secret, because outwardly, in society, they always seemed to be an ideal couple.

As a result, hatred for her husband grew, and the relationship between them worsened. This turned into a vicious circle of evil, in which Judith felt lonely, because she simply had nowhere to go, there was no one to open her heart to – neither in the mansion nor outside it.

And now someone held out his hand to her. And it was the devil who settled in the body of her husband. If he hadn’t appeared in the middle of the tea party and showed tenderness, the Marquise Dyer would have thought that the rumors were true. And then the Madame would never have apologized to the Duchess for her bad thoughts.

«Thank you for accepting my invitation today. I will be glad to see you next time, » Judith accompanied the Marchioness to the carriage with a gentle smile.

Watching the carriage leave, the Duchess felt something warm spread in her chest. It was the first time she felt like this. Even after the tea party, the discontent did not reach a peak, as it usually happened. Having the status of a Duchess, Judith was always embarrassed and afraid to do something wrong in front of others. And today something happened – not through her fault, but through her husband’s fault. But for the first time, the girl was so comfortable.

If you think about it, the girls eyes were madly watching Judith, not believing in what was happening, from the very moment Derrick appeared in the garden. And even when the Duchess returned after a conversation with her husband, the ladies did not take their eyes off her. That’s because from the outside they looked like a perfect couple.

Until now, the only place where you could see these two was an official banquet in the Imperial Palace, which required the presence of all the nobles. And it is very difficult to see the couple alone in an ordinary, home environment. For many in social circles, it seemed as impossible as touching a star.

And now, when Derrick whispered sweet words in his wife’s ear, the whole world seemed to turn upside down. There was no reason for the Duke to appear at the tea party at all. But the fact that he came because of concern was worth respect. Whatever the goal, in the end everything went well. Now the rumors about the Duke can also be dispelled.

«Thank you, Derrick,» she whispered.

Judith used to hate her husband for his unexpected behavior, but now she appreciated him for this very reason. After all, it was thanks to this that she felt so calm and good now.

«Madam, can we clear the table?» one of the maids asked.

«Yes. Where is my husband now?»

«In the bedroom.»

Leaving the maid to clean up, Judith went straight to him. Previously, the couple slept separately, but now everything was different. The girl’s bedroom was empty, as if there had never been life there at all. So the Duchess went to their common room.

When she quietly opened the door, she saw Derrick sitting on the sofa by the window. His eyes were shining, and his legs were crossed. The demon was carefully watching what was happening on the street, as if he was deeply thinking about something. The sun had already begun to set, so the light did not illuminate the bedroom at all.

Judith carefully, trying not to attract attention to herself, went inside.

«Is your work done?» Derrick caught his wife’s hand, causing a slight moan to escape from her lips.

The demon pulled the girl towards him, which caused Judith to fall into his lap.

«Do you drink alcohol?» The Duchess asked, looking at the glass in Derrick’s hands.

Usually Judith did not drink strong drinks, because they tasted very disgusting, but now she felt so light at heart, which made her want to drink something. She took the glass from his hand and took a long sip. The scalding liquid followed from the throat to the stomach, leaving a strange aftertaste in the mouth.

«You know, you drink alcohol and smoke cigars. It seems to me that my husband is alive again.»

Derrick always smoked and drank liquor like water. Just looking at her husband made Judith’s lungs contract and her liver rot. She just didn’t understand why he liked something like that. And now, when the demon did the same actions, it seemed that nothing had changed since then.

«Do you want another drink?» Derrick whispered, patting Judith on the thigh. The girl nodded.

Although the alcohol tasted bitter, but for some reason it did not cause disgust or other unpleasant sensations, as usual. Judith took another sip, but this time more greedily. At this moment, Derrick deliberately tilted the glass, causing the liquor to flow down her chin.


She wanted to wipe the alcohol drops with her hand, but froze when she saw her husband’s look.

The demon approached Judith’s face and licked her liquor-soaked chin. The wet touch made her skin crawl. The Duchess felt extremely strange, as if she was wandering somewhere in a dream, trying to get through the fog.

Due to the fact that Judith had almost never drunk before, she did not know how much to drink at all. And now it became obvious that the Duchess was getting drunk too quickly.

«Ah-ah,» a light but ringing moan leaked through her lips that seemed to be even more sticky than alcohol.

Derrick squeezed his wife’s chin with his long, strong fingers and kissed her. The lips gave way easily and opened, letting in a tongue as sweet and smooth as a snake’s skin. Derrick let out a low moan. Their tongues joined in a dance, casually sucking on each other. It was all like a passionate game, as if they were caressing each other’s bodies.

Hot sweat broke out on Judith’s forehead, turning her face bright red. Derrick touched the pink cheek with his huge palm, stroking his wife with soothing movements.

«Hey, wait a minute,» Judith had to tell him something before they succumbed to the rhythm and plunged into passionate sex. «The Marchioness Dyer said something today.»

The Duchess tried to make her way through the drunken fog, but it turned out too weak. Noticing this, Derrick grinned, grabbing her sloppy face and looking straight into her eyes:

«Are you drunk already?»

«The Marquis’ wife… » – ignoring Derrick’s question, Judith continued. But the demon just laughed – Judith drank two glasses, and but it looked lik she drank ten bottles.

«Of course, I’ve heard that some people can’t drink a lot, but I never thought that you’ll feel drank like this,» he grinned.

«Ah! She said she wants to see me again, » Judith said, already offended, gathering her thoughts.

«Is that so?»

«Yes… I mean… She apologized to me. No one has ever done this before.»

Derrick, although he understood that the topic was very serious, could not help smiling as he watched his drunken wife.

«And all because you came and said that you missed me … thank you.»

Today, Derrick was not going to go to the tea party at all, because he remembered Judith’s request to refrain from intimacy until she was finished with all her affairs. But even if the mind understood this and put up with what was happening, the body, a subject to its instincts, was hungry.

And Judith’s delicious fragrance brought him to the blooming garden when his excitement and desire reached its peak. Fortunately, after a few kisses, his composure returned to him, but even this was not enough to satisfy his hunger.

Derrick returned the gratitude with a picturesque smile, seeing Judith’s confused look. Right now, she looked like a small, unprotected chicken.

«Do you thank me only in words?»

«Do you want me to thank you in bed?»

Although Judith did not like to use sex as a weapon or a price for something, alcohol broke the chains of all principles and moral foundations. And realizing that she also wanted Derrick, she said it.


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