The dragon's harem

Chapter 733 Golden Balls

Chapter 733 Golden Balls

"Isn't this?" Arad turned his head, looking directly at Gojo's room in the distance. "A space distortion, did he open a gate or something?" He teleported directly into the room, finding Gojo just walking out of the Abyss with Obelisk.

"Arad?" Gojo stared at him.

"I felt a space distortion so I came."

"You felt it? I'm sure I blocked this room." Gojo scratched his head.

"I doubt even other dragons could sense it. I did since it's affected the void." Arad sat on Gojo's bed. "You went somewhere?"

"To the abyss. Where did you fight that mushroom demon lord." Gojo replied with a smile. "I did leave some preserved food there."

"Traveling to other dimensions just like that," Arad sighed, "I doubt I can do it."

"You'll be able to when you become an adult," Gojo replied as he put Obelisk on the ground and then sat beside Arad.

"The outer dimensions are dangerous to even adult void dragons. You can see this world as an incubation zone for our kind, it's a gentle and safe place for us to grow. It's not that didn't have the ability to travel at a young age, it was beaten out of us through the generations. Natural selection, void dragons who left the dimension at a young age ended up getting killed so they never produced offspring, leaving only those who couldn't travel." As Gojo explained, Arad remembered the day he felt the elvish queen disappear and tried to cross that barrier she had in the throne room.

^So that was a remnant of that ability.^ Arad growled, "I get it. But how do you travel?"

"I'm using naturally spawning rifts in time/space, but I still can't force them to open." Gojo smiled, "I can force them to stay open for a while though, but it consumes a lot of energy. And I mean a lot, like bleeding a man two liters of blood a day."

"I doubt I could do it now then. So, what were you doing there."

"Feeding Obelisk," Gojo waved his hand and pulled Obelisk to him with gravity magic. "What do you think?"

"You named him?"


"I don't know about that name… I would've called him Bolu, or Slimo." He poked Obelisk.

"You're naming sense is just as bad as me." Gojo giggled, "At least, I named him on an already named something."

"And what's that?"

"Obelisk, the rift at the bottom of the abyss. Some old scripts even say it links our world with a whole other existence with multiple dimension, their own gods and lives." Gojo lifted his palm and pulled a scroll.

"I wrote this based on a tablet I found deep in the ice mountains of the Arctic. It was allegedly written by a demon that escaped into this world after making it out of the abyss. And he wasn't any demon, but one that came from that other world and died several thousand years in the past." Gojo pulled a second scroll, and then a third one, he had a whole library written and documented for his magic research.

"As you might expect, the common knowledge about magic and the world itself is flawed. No one understands what is the truth of magic and mana, only speculations and theories written by scholars and taught through the generations." He smiled.

Arad nodded, "And you believe that truth hides in lies. You want to study and learn each false notion of magic so you can interpret the truth."

"Bingo! That's why you're my brother, magic can't slip out of your hands."

"We're magic dragons. We're supposed to be drawn to it,"

"You're both right and wrong." Gojo looked at Arad, "Who named us magic dragons? It's humanoid. They might have a long history, but they didn't live long enough to name us." Gojo lifted a finger up, conjuring a ball of compressed mana. "The answer either lies with the goddess of magic, or with a being only spoken of in legends, the overgod that the gods worship."

"The overgod…I've heard that term before. The being keeps gods in line and the one that assigns them. Vars had to get his approval to ascend." Arad nodded.

"Yeah, I doubt he'll answer any questions, so my best shot for answers is the goddess of magic. From what I've found, she's the easiest of the gods to get speaking, of course as long as you make an advancement in magic." Gojo clenched his fist, crushing the ball of mana, "She's also neutral and doesn't care about good or evil. Only magic interests her, and I'm willing to give her a nice poke and see what I could get." He smiled.

"Putting your eyes on a goddess… Don't drag us into a deadly fight." Arad giggled.

"I know. Drolling over a goddess is a good way for disaster, I know that well."

"What did happen?" Arad could see the look on Gojo's face twist, "You angered a god?"

"Yeah…" Gojo looked away, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Speak," Arad glared at him, "What have you done?"

"I found that the goddess of love, cubus, and fertility, Gracie had potentially served the overgod as an assistant and was one of his wives. So… I tried to contact her…" Gojo sighed with a sad face.

"That didn't end well, did it?"

"She took my testicles and encased them in enchanted gold and sent them flying through the world. Currently, I'm impotent with no sexual drive until I find them. But I at least got a boost to my magic, and the boost would get stronger when I find what I lost." He waved his hand and pulled a paper.

He currently has a 20% Buff to magic and mana, and with each found testicle, he'll gain an additional 40% buff. That would leave him with the blessing of a 100% boost to magic, doubling his output.

"That's bad, for now at least." Arad scratched his head.

"I know, it'll be a net positive in the end. But it doesn't feel right, we mortals have no chance of struggling against the divines. Vars really achieved something great," Gojo looked down with a sad face.

"But this must have a catch?"

"The balls could be as small as a marble that fit in someone's hand, and they grant them 40% of my power. Or should I explain it better, it's the 40% powerup that I would get from collecting them."

If Gojo's base power is 100, the conflict with the goddess gave him an extra 20[Which is 20%], and each of his lost testicles holds 40[40%] And that power is always relative to his current strength, which means the balls' power grow each time he levels or evolve.

"40% of your power…That seems a lot."

"It's almost as strong as you are. And that only one." Gojo sighed, "This is the kind of problem me and Vars were dealing with all the time." He growled, "First it was that accursed dungeon, then the clown cult, the black spider, and then Vars becoming a god, and now I have to deal with this."

"You've been through a lot." Said Arad as he leaned on the wall. But he immediately remembered his share. Jack riding a burning dragon, the village of dragon worshippers, fighting Zephyr for the first time, and going all the way to hell and facing the abominations.

"Both of us gone through a lot," Gojo smiled, "As long as no one finds them before me. It'll end well,"

"Why? You're still at 120% Thanks to the initial blessing."

"40% of my power is still a lot, and it manifests depending on the person." He smiled, "So we'll have a hard time dealing with them,"

"I'll get Jack and Abel to help, we'll figure something out when they show up." He then looked out the window, "Did you know about the Drakaina in the swamp?"

"Her? Yeah, I felt her magic when I flew here in the winter to register. I did hide my magic to not scare her, but I suspect she already felt it." Gojo looked straight through the window at the swamp, "Her magic was clear at the time. I could tell that she was an adult black dragon with exceptionally powerful acid magic. Seeing that she's hiding now, I think she wants to avoid us as much as she can."

"You think she has an ongoing plan that she rather we don't interfere with?"

"That's it." Gojo lifted a finger, "I'm not one to label dragons based on their type, but black dragons are consistently evil, as green dragons are consistently weird, and reds are violent." He looked at Arad, "I doubt she has good intentions, so keep that in mind."

"I hope this year will pass without troubles."


The next day quickly came by, and Arad was sitting in class, awaiting the first lesson to start. A history course about the basics of the system. That's a power he neglected a lot being a monster, but understanding it could make it easier for him to help the girls grow.

"Hey! You, bulky!" A girl growled at his side.

He looked at her, noticing the thick arms and legs, the two wiggling ears above her head, and the long thin tail. The mystic purple glow her eyes got alluded to one thing, and the thought immediately crossed Arad's head.

She bent over and sniffed his head, "You smell weird." She growled, "What are you?"

^A cat beast woman, and this magic flowing through her body.^

Arad turned around and sniffed her back.

She gasped and jumped back, weirded out, "You smell weird as well." He smiled, his eyes glowing purple as hers.


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