The dragon's harem

Chapter 719 The Dragon-eating Ape

Chapter 719 The Dragon-eating Ape

The giant apes that prey on young dragons. By eating dragon's flesh, scales, and horns, they can temporarily gain elemental powers and use those to hunt.

Gojo sat on the stone peak, looking down with a smile. His blue eyes faintly sparked as he observed every drop of magic flowing in the air.

Sebas's muscles expanded?a bit, and his gray hair spiked, flashing with blue mana sparks. The ground around his feet cracked as two ox-like horns emerged on his head, and a long ape tail swung from his back.

The silver dragon smiled, "I'm not interested in you, monkey. That one is Arad's brother, seems like an accomplishment for me to smite."

"Really? I don't think so." Gojo said?with a mocking voice, "The one you call monkey is more than enough to deal with the likes of you."

The silver dragon snorted, "I'll smack you down with his corps." [Time Stop]

He flew forward and swung his fist at Sebas's head, "It's over."

Sebas dodged, and the dragon gasped.?Time was still stopped.

He swung again, but Sebas still dodged with ease. Even the barrage of fists that followed failed to hit the?old man.

"What are you?!" The silver dragon screamed as Sebas caught his hand and kicked him in the guts, sending him flying into a massive boulder.

"An old decrepit hunter."

At the peak of the stone peak, Gojo burst laughing. "You're a dragon. Do you think hunting wyrmlings and young dragons is easy? An angry parent is always around."

The silver dragon stood from the rubble, "I see. Your kind needs some warriors to keep the parents at bay. You're that monster. What a pain, and it doesn't explain why you could move in the stopped time."

^Sebas can't move in the stopped time. This place is under my barrier, so time and space spells would activate but never take effect.^ Gojo's two glowing blue eyes glared?down?at the ground, keeping the two under his gaze.

Each fist exchanged between?the two?exploded in a shockwave as they lunged from one corner to another, shattering the ground with each impact.

Sebas's martial skills soared beyond what Gojo and the silver dragon expected. He had spent?the better part?of his life facing dragons, sometimes facing multiple enraged parents at once to allow the young hunters to escape with their prey.

Most dragons plan their attacks before committing to them, which means when they are about to unleash a move,?it's rare that they can?switch mid-action.

A dragon's heartbeat is a good indicator of the?amount of?strength they intend to use, the?louder it rumbles, the more dangerous their attack is.

Dragons have excellent vision and motion tracking,?but?they?are?extremely bad?at avoiding slow attacks?as their minds think it's weak and leave it for the scales to tank.

Punches to the dragon scales rarely?do any?damage, especially those aiming at large muscles. It's usually better to aim at joints and ligaments while the dragon is gearing up for a?powerful?swing, that?way?you?can use their?own?strength to rip their tendons apart.

The silver dragon fell on his knees, puking blood as Sebas approached him with glowing purple eyes.

"Stand, old and tuff meat. Even boiling you for hours won't get you tender enough for the youngins,"

"Hehehe! You remind me of Alcott. That bastard's moves are so unnatural that we can barely?manage to?predict or adjust to his attacks. No, he moves in a way that makes it harder for us to fight him. He does it intentionally." Silver scales spread through his body as the ground around him froze.

"But overwhelming power should be enough to drop the likes of you!" He shifted into his massive silver dragon form, roaring loud enough to shatter the ground.

"OOO! OOO!" Sebas's body started expanding as he pounded his chest, growing larger and larger until he?took the form of?a massive adult gorilla with ox horns.

"A silverback," The void dragon watching from above smiled, "He's not even trying yet."

He avoided the massive freezing claw rushing forth and grasped into the dragon's wrist with his foot, swinging a punch at its neck, jolting his head left and right. The ground shattered as the dragon's body dropped, only to explodeonceagain as Sebas lost it, beating the dragon's chest with a barrage of crazed swings of his massive arms.

With one smack of the dragon's massive silver tail, Sebas's body flew through several bouldersbleedingrivers as he rolled on the ground. And before he could stop, the dragon'smassivejaw caught him in the chest, pushing him to the ground.

Sebas struggled to move, but the dragon swung his massive neck, lifting Sebas and slamming him to the ground witha massiveimpact, cracking the groundall the wayto where Gojo sat.

As the dragon noticed that the ape in his jaw was still alive, he lifted his headup, charging a breath to blast him into the sky. Now that he was in his draconic form, he could sense Gojo's barrier and had already begun planning for his escape.

Sebaswasn't doneyet. Thanks to the impact, he managed to wiggle a bit.pushinghis feet on the dragon's upper and lower jaw, hemanaged to forceits maw open.

With zeal,he clenched a fist, engulfed in the void as his fur turned purple.Aradalreadyfed him some of his scales, and thushecould temporarily use the void element.

^It isn't just elemental energy.Theytake upon powers akin to the dragon they eat, even the physical traits.^ Gojo smiled as the muscles on Sebas's back grew larger.

The silver dragon gasped as hecould seeArad's power in Sebas's glare.

Sebas swung his fist down, hitting the dragon on the nose, caving his skullinwith a powerful burst as he drilled his head back to the ground.

The ground shattered as the dragon's head got buriedin itbeneath Sebas's fistandGojo giggled.

^His main power and strength was time manipulation. Cutting that was enough to beathim.^ He jumped down, landing beside Sebas and the twitching silver dragon.

"Your power depends on the dragon you eat. No wonder Mother wanted you dead. I never thought I lived to see a monkey punch a dragon down like that," Gojo looked at Sebas. "You're dangerous,"

"You want to kill me like your mother now?" Sebas replied. "I won't blame you, ourand your race are constantly struggling between prey and predator."

"I don't hold racial grudges, Ihold personal ones. You showed to protect brother's wives, and I respect that." Gojo smiled, "Good job, monkey."

"Shut up, lizard."

Gojo burst laughing, "I mean, you're right. We're only buff lizards that have wings and breath elemental energy, and your kind are only large monkeys that eat us and punch with our power." He lifted his handandthe silver dragon's body got covered in a dark haze.

"I'll take care of this one, youcan return."

Sebas shifted back into his humanoid form. "Thanks for your help. I would've lost if this dragon's time magic worked,"

"Don't thank me,it'smy duty tohelpbrother." Gojo tapped Sebas's back, "We're counting on you to protect the forest and his when we're going to school."

The silver dragon's body disappeared into a golden mist, and Gojo gasped. "A clone? A holy double, this bastard tricked us." He glared into the distance, "He never came with his real body at all."

The silver dragon'srealbody rested far away in his lair, watching the fightwith intrigue. "An all-powerful void dragon and vicious ape.Thisis troublesome."

Weeks and days flew by without a second attack or anythingmajorhappening. Each dayAradwoke up and helped Mira with moving resources to work on theconstruction of the castleuntil the promised day.

Arad stood between the students, towering over them as he carried Aisha in one hand with a passive face.

"Everyone! I welcome you to the University of the Arts!" A teacher shouted into a voice amplification stone.


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