The dragon's harem

Chapter 708 Gathering of Powers

Chapter 708 Gathering of Powers

"You are!" Gin gasped, her claws extending forward.

"He isn't here to fight," Arad lifted his hand to stop Gin and walked toward the man, "You aren't the only one here,"

The giant man laughed, "You're as perceptive as I heard, Arad Orion," He extended his hand toward Arad for a shake. "I'm Zeus, ruler of the Storm Titans."

Arad looked up at him, "I know you already shrunk yourself with magic, but is ten meters the best you could do?"

"I expected to meet you in a draconic form," Zeus shrunk even further until he became ten feet tall, "This is the smallest I can get,"

Arad grabbed Zeus's hand, "It's enough to fit through the doors. Welcome to my land."

"Old man Zeus, are you trying to get ahead of us?" A voice came from atop the Keep. A seven-foot tall man with flaming hair stared down with wide-open eyes, "YOU CAN'T!" He shouted with a smile, jumping down and landing beside Arad and Zeus.

"You look strong!" He shouted, staring at Arad while standing tall with his chest puffed forward and his hands on his hips, sparks of fire gushing out of his body.

"You as well," Arad replied, "From the fire, I suspect you're from the volcanic titans?"

"You know about us?!" He laughed, "I'm flattered."

"You're loud," Zeus sighed, "At least introduce yourself, brat."

The brat's head turned toward Zeus with a wide smile, "Sorry, Uncle Zeus. I forgot," He then quickly turned toward Arad, "My name is Tempo, the first prince of the volcanic titans. Father is bedridden from old age, so I'm currently taking on everything."

^Fire, heat, a burning spirit.^ Arad stared at Tempo for a second, ^He's strong,^

"Arad! A nice castle you built here!" He looked around with a grin, "Reminds me of our mountains. Probably one of the best I've seen!" Tempo said in a loud voice. He didn't seem to know how to speak without shouting. Like an exploding volcano, he's either silent or too loud.

"It's half-built," Arad stared at him with a passive face. "Are you messing with me?"

"No!" Tempo looked at Arad, his head quickly turning, "I like simple things, a massive Keep above a mountain with a wall surrounding it. It's simple, easy to understand, yet effective in defending! That's why I say it's beautiful,"

"I still intend to finish building it. It'll probably get uglier for you then," Arad tried to keep up.

"I'll try to understand the beauty in complicated things by then. Don't blame me If I failed."

Arad sighed. ^I can't keep up with this idiot,^

"Tempo," A deep voice came from the other side of the yard. A ten-foot-tall man with several green scales, flowing blond hair, a long majestic beard, and deep blue eyes approached. "You're too loud, too hot. I'll drench you with water again,"

"Uncle Jason, it's been a while!" Tempo kept yelling every word.

Jason approached Arad, extending his hand, "I'm the current king of the Deep Titans. We live at the bottom of the ocean."

Arad shook Jason's hand with a smile, "I'd love to visit one day," He then looked between the three titans. ^Zeus is a titan of storm,^ Doma added after him, ^[He mainly has lightning and wind magic. His main weapon is a lightning spear and usually marches into combat engulfed in a violent thunderstorm.]^

^Tempo is a titan of volcanos.^

^[He has the earth and fire magic, albeit he was never spotted in a fight. Rumors have it that he's quite a formidable swordsman, and he's loud, screaming every move, and could easily be baited into chatting instead of fighting.]^

^Jason is a titan of the ocean,^

^[He has water and cold magic. Their kind are known for ruling over the murfolks, fishpeople as some call them. Unlike the other two, he isn't known for fighting but for how his kind usually helps the ships lost in the sea and helps them reach land. But, people who managed to anger him tend to vanish silently without a trace.]^

"Those who forgot the path of god," A booming void echoed in the sky above, and everyone looked up, seeing a blinding ray of light fall from the sky.

A six-foot muscular man with massive white wings and a blinding golden halo above his head floated down, dripping with holy magic. "Pray to your gods, as their words have arrived," He pulled a sword of light.

^The bastard is charging a smite?!^ Arad gasped, his muscles contracting as he was ready to fly and punch the shiny bastard down.

FLAP! A similar muscular man with black wings and a dark halo above his head rushed in and smacked the shiny one to the ground before Arad could move. "You bastard! Put that sword up your ass. We're in a neutral zone!"

Zeus approached Arad, "Relax, they aren't stupid enough to start a fight here, probably." He sighed, "The shiny one is Lucifer, the ruler of the half angels. And the black-winged one is Gabriel, the ruler of the half-fallen angels,"

"Angels? Fallen angels?" Arad stared at him, "You sure?"

"Don't ask me. Ask the humans who love sticking it everywhere." Zeus sighed.

Jason approached, "About five thousand years ago, the god and abomination war happened. As mortals couldn't fight alone, the gods sent their armies of angels, devils, and fallen angels to the front lines. You can imagine how the rest ended,"

^[Those who display angelic features are called half-angels. Those who don't but have the magic are called either A-simar for half-angels or D-simar for half-fallen-angels.]^ Doma explained in Arad's head. She then laughed. ^[It's funny how those two are named. I bet their parents did it on purpose.]^

Gabriel turned toward Arad, "Congratulations on defeating Vlad, but it's quite troublesome to have Zephyr sealed. We need to figure a way to get her out as soon as possible,"

"I'm already analyzing the magic of the seal. It's only a matter of time," Arad replied.

"We know that, and it's not about getting her out." Gabriel replied, "It's about putting in the work. We can't just sit and wait for you to get her out,"

"So you want to help?" Arad smiled, "I could benefit from magic books if you have any,"

Gabriel stared at Arad for a second then smiled, "Feel free to visit us and read from our library,"

Lucifer stood and approached Arad, "Same here, but send a word first. Other half-angels might fight your presence a little, bitter to say the least."

Arad imagined himself flying into the half-angel land and then flying at him like a swarm of bees flashing smites left and right. "Yeah, that'll hurt,"

"Where are the hags at?" Jason asked with a straight face.

"They went to Alina. Said they have someone to meet there," Gabriel replied.

"Hags?" Arad looked at them.

"The chromatic dragons' queen Lola, and the metallic dragons' queen Mary. Even the eternal queen of the beastmen, Hati Fenrisúlfr is here." A voice came from above the building, and when Arad looked up, it was none other than the wind devil, that masked little brat sitting above the walls of the Keep, looking down at the chaos.

"The queen is here?!" Gin gasped.

Arad looked at her, "Get everyone inside for now, I'll handle everything here,"

"Got it," She replied as she went toward the keep. As per Arad's order, it was built with a massive gate that even allows dragons to reasonably get inside with a slight use of size magic.

The wind devil, Chris jumped down and landed beside Arad, "How are you doing?"

"Fine for the time being," Arad replied with a smile.

"I'm glad you're all right. The fight with Vlad must've been hard," He looked around, "Mostly everyone has arrived."

"What about the other spirits?" Zeus asked.

"The goddess Mei sent an order for them to stand down. I'm to be their representative," Chris sighed, "I hate my job."

"Mei? I feel like I've heard that name before." Arad mumbled.

"A one-foot tall, green, and cheeky little fairy that wears flowers for clothes and has enough power to kill everyone here by just wanting to," Chirs looked at Arad, "And she's allegedly Zephyr's grandmother,"

"She sounds like trouble,"

"She is, probably more than you expect," Chris replied with a tired face.

"She's worse than Lola," Zeus sighed.

"The chromatic queen is..." Tempo mumbled, "At least painful..." He looked down.

Arad turned toward him with a surprised face. ^Tempo is speaking calmly?!^

^[The chromatic queen can use all chromatic elements and is the one who gave birth to the prismatic dragons, the light dragons. She's energetic, explosive, bright and flashy, annoying, and on top of everything, arrogant as hell. Some even came to call the Blast Rainbow Dragon.]^

^How strong she is?^

^[When you mix fire and lightning you get plasma, and you know how strong Eris can get. See those titans? Each of them is strong but only has two elements to play with. Now imagine a very old drakaina that surpassed twilight, has all the elements, and the light element on top.]^

"So he's here?!" Another loud voice boomed from the sky as a rainbow light fell down, shining like a sun in the sky.

Arad looked up, seeing a tall woman, wearing a rainbow-

colored wizard robe, with long rainbow hair and eyes, her sharp teeth shined as a wide smile crossed her face. Enough magic flowed out of her to make him feel sick, standing on top of his Keep. Those idiots got something for that spot.

"That's her," Chris sighed. "None of us would survive a rampage, don't tickle her the wrong way,"

"I know," Arad replied.


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