The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 9: My Brother...

Chapter 9: My Brother...

xx : xx x/x/xxxx (present) : Home

After letting my mother and sister let out their tears for a while, mother finally calmed down and sister had fallen asleep.

"So.. what all did I miss.." Managing to put my thoughts about the dream to the side for a moment, I tried to make sure nothing major happened.

Mother stood up and started walking to the side of the room. "Well, Krystallo went into her dragon sleep a little over two months after you did, hers lasted 4 months, which was already much longer than average.."

"Well she seems to have grown quite a bit, she can speak somewhat fluently now."

"Haha.. she definitely didn't change as much as a certain someone though." she looked back at me with a face of worry before continuing. "How long.. did you know how to speak."

"Well..." there was a moment of silence while I was thinking about what to do before deciding to just be honest.. "since I hatched mother.." I held my head low, feeling a little guilty after deceiving my own mother.

"You really are an oddball aren't you.." A heartwarming smile reappeared on her face.

But it quickly disappeared when I asked a question I shouldn't have. "What about my other sibling? The 3rd egg."

Her face was completely washed with sadness, it only took me a moment to realize what that meant.

"Oh... I'm sorry I shouldn't hav-"

Mother interrupted me. "He.. never hatched.." Female dragons can only lay eggs once in their life, and even the luckiest of mothers can only lay 4 eggs.

She was already proud to have my sister and I but not having the 3rd egg hatch brought her pain.

Mother stopped walking and sat down in front of a large silver egg on a pedestal. -So mother has already made a memorial..-

There was text on the base of the white pedestal, 'In memory of Fengari Ragnarok' my younger brother.

I leaned down and gave a small prayer that he was in a better place now. -I got reincarnated so anything is possible.. I just hope his future is a bright one..-

Looking up I saw mother looking at the memorial and holding back tears. "If there is anything I can do to help.. please just ask me Mother.." I really wanted to comfort her but I was unsure of how to do it.

After a quick thought, I decided to go up and sit next to her.

She looked over at me and gave her motherly smile which shook off some of my dark thoughts. "Well you woke up, there isn't more I could ask for"

Seeing her love made me subconsciously smile back with a childish innocence.

Hearing some rustling behind me I turn around and see that Krystallo had woken back up even though it had only been a few minutes.

"What are you and mom doing bwother"

Mother replied before I could. "Nothing sweetie."

She turned around and walked over to Krystallo with a smile on her face so I followed suit. -No reason to stay sad thinking about the past.. I've got a gentle and loving mother and a clumsy yet cute sister to make happy!-

Mother and Krystallo were walking side by side back to the middle of the room when my sister dropped a bombshell. "Mom.. why is bwother so much bigger.. and a diffewent cowor than me?"

I tensed up at the question since even I didn't know the reason besides, 'I touched some alien artifact', but Mother was fast to respond. "You will know in due time, just remember that he will be the strongest dragon in the world!" She dodged the question in a slightly childish fashion making me not take it seriously but she looked back at me with a proud smile.

Unsure how to respond, I just went along with it. "I don't know about the strongest but I promise I'll be at least strong enough to keep you two safe.." A childish confidence reappeared on my face for the first time in a while.

"Hehe, then I will be stwonger than bwother" As she said that I felt like I could see a competative spark in her eye.

-My goodness she is adorable..- "Ah right, a little off topic, Mother, how long till I can go outside?" I asked the question without thinking much of it but Mother froze.

"Uhm.." She stuttered immediately as she tried to think of a way to dodge the question, but she wasn't able to think of anything. "Haah.. I will let you two take a look outside, but you must promise me to not stray too far from the cave entrance." She said the last phrase in a very serious tone.

My eyes lit up, for the first time since I was born I'll be able to see what the outside looked like!

Walking down the hallway, filled with anticipation I looked over towards Krystallo but she seemed nervous.

"Are you nervous Krystallo?" I tried asking in a normal tone but it sounded mocking.

"Hmph.. why would I be nervous" She desperately tried to hide her nervousness now that I pointed it out.

Turning back to the massive doors at the end of the hallway, my heart was racing, my eyes filled with curiosity..

The doors slowly swung open. -It looks.. oddly beautiful..- Although I was kind of disappointed at the plain sight, my incredibly improved vision made the sight beautiful.

I hadn't had the chance to appreciate it since I have been inside this whole time, but my vision was genuinely incredible.

Every bug on a tree, how many veins each leaf had, I could even see extreme details in the bark on the tree line.

"Wow.." the words slipped from my mouth as I observed the beauty in the details of the forest in front of the cave, but my sister didn't seem to share my enthusiasm.

"Id wather lay on the pile of mothers tweasure.."

Mother responded before I could. "If you want to go back in, you can, but I'm going to stay out with Vasilias a little longer."

"Hmph, fine then, I shall stay here to pwotect bwother." A face filled with confidence as she sat in the shade of the cave entrance.

I decided to walk out of the cave to feel the sun but as soon as I stepped out of the shade a wave of warmth and comfort washed over me, to the point where I just plopped down.

Just suddenly plopping down without warning scared mother and sister though. "Vasilias!"


As they run over to me I just lift up my head. "I'm fine.. the sun just feels.. really good."

Mother understood my words but Krystallo was still in panic, seemingly misunderstanding. "Bwother! Don't you dare die on me!!!!"


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