The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 36: A Questionable Relationship

Chapter 36: A Questionable Relationship

Early Morning - Late Spring : Kingdom of Kaelallan

"Okay, be safe! Don't drug any cute young boys like last time!"

"Haaaaahhhh..." My face felt like it got heavier as it sunk into my hand. -She can't be serious..-

After getting completely exposed, the woman turned around with an ashamed look. "S..sorry.."

"So uh.. What did she mean by that?" I was more curious than anything.

"Umm.. uh.. I didnt drug them.."

"So what did you do?"

"I like kids.. a lot.. NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY, just.. if they ever ask for something I can't simply say no.." She wore an incredibly embarrassed look like she expected my pity.

-Yeah.. sure..- I gave her a scornful look. "So what does that have to do with them being 'drugged'?"

"Well.. all the boys around your age ask for alcohol.. So.."

-Ah.. well.. I guess that could count as drugged..- "Haah.." -I knew it was a bit odd for her to be a child abductor since she wasn't carrying any weapons or drugs..-

"So.. can I um.. give you a tour?"

-God I hate this tension..- She was acting all cutesy and embarrassed which just left a bad taste in my mouth. "Sure, whatever, I still have half an hour to kill." There was finally some light on the horizon.

"Where are you going, maybe I can walk you there." Her eyes had quickly started to lighten back up.

"The royal palace, but..” I gave her a judgemental look. “I'd be surprised if they let you even get within viewing distance.."

"I actually know the royal family so I can atleast get through the gate." She quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out a gold token with the Kaelallan crest on it.

-How the hell..- To see if it could be real, I checked what it was made of and it turned out to be genuine gold and platinum, not something just anyone could make a fake of. "I stand corrected.." -But what kind of people are the royal family to give that to someone in the red-light district?-

But before I could think much about it, she spoke up. “So does that mean you'll let me give you a tour?”

“Haah, yeah I guess..” I figured that having company would at least make things a bit less boring.

Quickly stuffing the medallion back into her pocket, she straightened up her clothes and turned to me. "Okay I guess I should start with my name, my name is Sarah Clere, I'm 32 and I'm a.. gold prostitute." She gave a complicated look.


"Yes, it's a term used for.. high end prostitutes..." There was a short pause before she continued. "I get to pick my clients, what to do and the price... I'm good with-"

"Okay you can stop.. I don't need to know everything. Can we just start the tour.." I quickly cut her off before she could go into detail.

"Y..yeah.. Let's get going" It wasn't long after she started showing me around that she asked for my name. “So what's your name?”

"Vasilias Whyte." I gave a quick response, not thinking much of it.

"Oh so are you Osto's kid? I guess that would explain your confidence.." She spoke so casually that it made my mind stutter.

Immediately stopping mid stride, I glanced up at her in pure confusion. -Excuse me?!- " do you know my father?" Jumping to conclusions, I got a bit mad thinking father had cheated on Mother.

She started to panic the instant she saw my look. "O..oh, we have b..been friends for a long time. We used to adventure together as a party."

-What? So that's how they know each other?- I quickly calmed back down, but I was still a bit suspicious.

As I was thinking, Sarah gave me an awkward look. " about I just walk you to the palace.. there isn't really enough time to finish the tour anyways.."

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked towards the horizon and saw the sun starting to crest it. "Huh? Ah, right.. sure that's fine.."

It wasn't long after that, that we arrived at the gates to the palace. The sun was finally cresting the horizon and father was sitting on a bench by the walkway.

"Oh there you are! I was getting a little worried.." He looked calm but his heart was racing.

"It's been a while Osto!" Sarah yelled out from behind me.

Immediately jumping to conclusions, Fathers face paled slightly. "She didn't do anything to you did she?!" He ran up and started patting me down like airport security.

I didn't quite understand his worry which didn't help. "Father.. she couldn't do anything even if she was Nation rank.."

"Hooh.. that's not what I was worried about… In any case, go on ahead and explore the garden or something while we wait for them to get ready, I'd rather not rush them after not seeing them for so long."

As a warm smile came to my face and I walked towards the gate, I decided to leave father with a little message. "Just remember that you have a wife.."

"Haah.." Even though I was quite a ways from him, I could still hear his sigh clearly.

- Out of Earshot ~ [1]

"He has quite the tongue towards you.." Sarah was quick to voice her opinion

"I can't blame him.. I wasn't with him for nearly the entire time he's been alive.. then to top it all off, I…” He watched me walk away with his guilt covered face. “I'm surprised he even calls me Father.." His head quickly turned to the ground.

"I won't ask what you did to cause that reaction but.. from the short while I talked to him, I could tell that he’s at least trying to accept you.."

"He's my son by blood.. we are stubborn creatures by nature which makes it harder to form relationships.. especially with someone who they dont trust.."

Trying to comfort him, Sarah gave a slightly forced but comforting smile. "He feels different.. he feels more.. 'reasonable'.. I'm not sure how the others besides you are though.."

"He isn't a pure breed.. that probably has something to do with it."

"What's that supposed to mean? You didn't cheat on Zachari did you?" She gave Father a scornful look.

"No, of course not.."

"So what's the deal with him not being pure then?"

"Well.. you remember that artifact I got from the holy kingdom?"

"That weird purple one?"

"Yeah.. well it seemed to change his race.."

"What? That shouldn't be possible.." Concern washed over her face.

"I know.. Vasilias seems to know more of what it did, but no matter what I asked him he never explained it to me.."

"Well just give him some time…” She casually glanced around to make sure no one was near. “So what did his race change to?"

Father did the same. "He changed to a halfie.. half dragon.. half Ancient Fenrir.."


"Not just Fenrir, Ancient Fenrir.."

Sarah's face of shock turned to one of confusion.

"I'd be more surprised if you knew what they were since you’re human, but.. they are the creatures the elves and demihumans used to worship.."

"So Ancient Fenrir are gods?" Her eyes went wide and her face paled slightly.

"We don't know the details of them either.. just that there can only be 2, one white, one black."

"Don't tell me.."

"Yeah, that dog with him is the other one.." He slowly glanced up towards the palace.

"I thought he was just a really abnormal frost wolf.."

Turning his gaze back to the ground, a look of disbelief crept onto his face. "According to Zachari, he was at first.."

There was a short pause as Sarah sorted her thoughts. "I think it'll be better if we just don't think about it.. that sounds like a rabbit hole we shouldnt peek much into.."


There was a short moment of silence before Sarah started a new conversation. “So do you have any others?"

"Yeah I have a daughter and I would have another son but.."

Quickly realizing what he meant by that, she decided to avoid the topic. "How's your daughter?"

"She's great, she is still far more immature than Vasilias but she is coming along quite well.." A warm and thankful smile crept onto his face.

"Yeah, how old is Vasilias again? He is more mature than most humans in their late 20s.."

"Yeah, he was 10 as of a few months ago."

"Gosh he is just an all round oddball.."

"His oddities don't end there, but if I decided to say them all we'd be here for ages... Well, let's continue inside. I should at least let Oliver know I'm here. If you want to stick around, feel free to join us. We will probably spend a while socializing."

With a bit of hesitation, a refreshed smile came to her face. "I guess I'll adjust my schedule then, I wasn't doing much today anyways."

Finally getting up off the bench and turning towards the palace, the knights opened the gate and stepped aside.

"It'll be the first time I'm seeing them since they had the 'princess'.."

"She's adorable, you'll love her." Sarah wore a pure and innocent smile.

Father didn't seem to believe it though. "Haah.. of course you would be the one to say that.."


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