The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 170: Endless Self-Confidence

Chapter 170: Endless Self-Confidence

Early Morning - Late Spring : Central Sirathan Forest

- Njal Dolph ~

I wore a wide smile as I marched through the forest with over two thousand soldiers in tow. -To think she really tried to hide such a beautiful gem from me..-

My smile widened as I thought of all the possibilities. -Even if he doesnt want to become my soldier, I can just capture and torture him till he becomes an obedient slave..- My smile turned crazed as I thought about it. -Actually, I like the sound of that better… Maybe I can use him for.. other things..- Although I put my hand over my mouth, my crazed smile was still slightly visible.

"Commander, are you alright?" The voice of the 4th squadron leader, Trygve, quickly snapped me out of my daydream.

Quickly jumping back into character, my crazed smile returned to normal. "Ah, of course. I just got a bit excited thinking about the elixirs for when I return." My mouth water slightly as they suddenly came to mind.

"Are you talking about those made from the mystic beast? I heard a single one is going to be dozens of times stronger than even large wyvern elixirs and to make it even stronger, they're adding top grade wyvern powder to the mix.”

“Ah, yes. I heard it will be the ultimate culmination of this era of alchemy.” A sly smile crept onto my face as I was reminded of something I had nearly forgotten. -The scaleI bought all those years ago can finally be used..- It was a scale of unparalleled beauty and durability and could be used to make a nearly indestructible dagger, but I wanted to mix it with a high end elixir to guarantee its success in pushing me past the bottleneck known as the ‘Cleric Wall’.

-I wonder what riches I will be able to obtain as a priest… And if I can get my hands on this hunter, I'll be simply unstoppable outside of the capital!- A feeling of greed unlike any other filled me in an instant.

But before I could truly bathe in the anticipation, Trygve continued. “It's a shame the beast's body was so damaged, they'll likely only be able to make a couple of the elixirs."

-It's a shame they couldn't make more for me to sell on the dark market, but at least I will get mine..- "It is indeed a shame, I was looking forward to sharing them with everyone." I forced some sincerity into my voice to disguise the lie.

"Haha, don't worry about it Commander, it's just how fate turned out.”

The smile on my face turned dark for a short instant. -Yes. Sadly fate only blesses a few of us.-

After that, we idly chatted for a while until we finally found a good spot to camp for the night.

"Commander, the perimeter is secured. No monsters or unusual hazards were found." A young scout kneeled as she gave the report.

"Thank you for your hard work, young miss." Without noticing my grin had turned just slightly lustful. -You’ll be mine soon enough..- "I'll be sure to put in a good word for you when I talk to your captain later."

Her face quickly lit up. "Thank you Commander! I am eternally grateful!"

Seeing how well my intentions were hidden, I couldn't help but chuckle. "Haha, don't worry about it. Those who do their job well get rewarded!" Realizing I nearly broke character, I quickly corrected myself and sent her away. "Go on and rest up for tonight, tomorrow will be a big day."

"As you order, Commander!" Without batting an eyelash, she immediately darted away and climbed back up into the canopy.

Watching her dart off, I couldn't continue to hold back my lustful smile. -Ah.. I can't wait to corrupt that pure innocence..-

"To think there was really nothing nearby.." Snapping me out of my thoughts, the 3rd squadron leader, Toke, leaned back in his seat and sipped his light alcohol. "Didn't this place used to be a wyvern hot spot?"

"Yes, around three years ago now, we lost nearly all of squadron 8 to a large group of wyverns that stayed here." Trygve was also getting comfortable.

"They probably got pushed out by the mystic beast if I had to guess. That's the only way to explain the general lack of monsters around here recently."

Finally walking over and sitting down with them, I hopped in the conversation. "It's possible but quite unlikely."

"What makes you say that?" Trygve tilted his head a bit.

"The issue is that the wyverns in this area were not only massive, but also fought and hunted in a pack of 5 making them a large threat to single creatures like the mystic beast." -Things just feel wrong..- I felt a deep unease the more I thought about it.

"Isn't it more likely that they just moved to a new spot then? Backe, you know a lot about wyverns right? How likely is that?"

Everyone at the table immediately turned to the 5th squadron leader, Backe, who was pouring himself a drink.

"Do you want to hear the reality or what eases your worries?" He spoke with a sarcastic tone until he noticed everyone was serious. "Haha, it was just a joke guys."

*Clank-clak* The sound of his metal spoon hitting the side of his cup as he stirred his tea filled the tent's awkward silence.

After taking a sip, he finally continued. "It's entirely possible they just left the area, but I also think that's pretty unlikely. Wyverns usually keep the same hunting ground until they are pushed out or run out of food. It is possible that the mystic beast scared off their food and made them move but at that point it's just another guess."

Toke was immediately skeptical. "So are you saying it's more likely they were killed?"

"Yes. If what the Commander has told us about the 'monster in the mountains' is all true, it is quite possible that it killed them."

"Do you really think that wild rumor about a monster blowing off the top of the mountain could be true? That's enough power to wipe Spiall off the map and make that mystic beast seem like a baby." Backe spoke jokingly. "I just find it hard to believe a creature like that can exist."

Trygve was quick to agree. "I also think the rumors are a bit outlandish but the mountain top being blown off is an undeniable fact. That was confirmed by both squadrons 1 and 2."

-Thankfully for us though, that monster is long gone and in its place is a lone shining gem..- A mix of uneasiness and uncertainty grew in my stomach before quickly turning to excitement. -No matter how strong he is, he is only one person!-

After that, we discussed our plans for the morning and I gave them a rundown of my fabricated plan of attack on the 'monster'.

It was a plan so well thought out, that even if there was a high-priest level monster, we would be able to take it down so no one even second guessed its legitimacy.

-To think I'll get my hands on such a beautiful gem tomorrow!- I almost couldn't fall asleep from all the excitement I felt.

I spent all night fantasizing what I was going to do once I got my hands on him and only managed to fall asleep a few hours before sunrise.


As the morning bells rang out and the soldiers awoke, I made my way to the vanguard to meet up with the squadron leaders.

Once the soldiers were all ready and finished packing their things, we started heading to the mountain again.

Everyone's confidence was through the roof as we walked, to the point that we were already discussing the distribution of elixirs from the ‘monster’ we were about to subjugate.

Once we finally made it to the bottom of the mountain, the squadrons each spread out and formed a large semicircle around the area that the squadron leaders and I would lure the 'monster' into.

-It's a shame that such a grand plan will be used on a lone hunter, but it must be done..- An endless greed filled me at that very moment.

I felt endlessly confident, like nothing could go wrong, but that was when things turned for the worst.

Quickly making our way up the side of the mountain, we made it to only a few meters away from where Captain Sigmond saw the hunter, but then a gigantic white wolf peeked its head over the edge and looked at us.

Its stare alone made me freeze in place. Its pupils black like the void stared into my very being.

For a short instant, it felt as if I had become a book, open for the beast to read, but that feeling left as fast as it came

Assuming it was just my imagination, I quickly tried calming my nerves but it was futile. -Did the hunter get killed?!-

Before I could do anything besides think though, Toke jumped up and drew his sword at the beast.

-Right! We can just proceed with the mock plan!- With my confidence quickly rebuilding itself, I watched the scene with deep intent.

*tink* Just like my hope in the situation, the blade of his sword shattered on impact.

Everyone immediately paled as we watched the beast glance at Toke.

Before he could even fall back to the ground, the beast's paw was lifted over him with a clear liquid accumulated around it.

-What is it..-



It felt and sounded like the air around us was being ripped apart as a blue flame, as bright as the sun, descended.

Reaching the ground in an instant, the flame immediately melted the stone it touched and turned Toke into something less than dust.

It was a scene that caused an instinctual fear within me, but somehow, deep down, a sense of reverence and worship appeared.

-To be able to meet a descended god..- "I REALLY MUST BE THE ONE FATE CHO-"

Cutting my words short, the beast darted up to me and threw its paw into my chest at a speed far beyond what I could react to.

I truly couldnt even get a thought to come to mind before my body was eviscerated.



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