The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 143: A Jolly Old Man

Chapter 143: A Jolly Old Man

Early Afternoon - Early Spring : Dungeon of Christopher


-Hm?- I heard something fall to the ground behind me as I finished savoring the taste of the core.

Laying there on the ground was Hannah, completely unconscious with a pale face.

-Ah.. forgot about her..-

Doing one last scan through the room to make sure there wasn't anything else dangerous, I changed back to my humanoid form.

-Thankfully the roof isn't caving in anymore..- Luckily, just before I plucked the core out of the ground, it managed to repair enough of the room to keep the ceiling from collapsing.

As I walked over to Hannah, I contemplated what to do with her.

"Here, Ilios. Carry her for now." I lightly picked her up and tossed her onto Ilios's back. -I guess I can drop her off in Springarrow before I leave..-

Once I got her situated, we quickly made our way outside and started following a trail along the top of the beach.

After around 10 minutes of light jogging, we finally made it to a main road and slowed down.

-Bandits?- I felt several auras coming from the bushes at the intersection.

"To think you would be dumb enough to take the main roads!" A large man-child with a heavily bandaged arm and chest was the first to walk out.

"Haah.." -Are you f*ckin serious..- "I spared you before since I was too lazy to kill you, why did you come looking for more trouble.." My mood worsened immediately.

"You thought you could offend me and get away with it?! Laughable! I am the mighty-"

I quickly hopped off Ilios and appeared in front of Jack. "Would you shut up already.." I grabbed onto his neck.

"Kuek.. you think.. I came alone?!" He gave me an annoying, confident smirk.

Almost immediately after, the people in the bushes all slowly walked out.

"Haah.. I just want to get back on the road.." I wanted to start heading west again soon since staying in one place for too long would just get me wrapped up in troublesome things. -Like this..-

"Let go of the young master and we will let you go kid.." An older man dressed in black spoke with a raspy voice.

I looked down at Jack, contemplating what to do until he spoke.

He still had that irritating smile as if he was someone who could down on me. "After I kill you.. I'll slaughter that ugly do-"


I watched as the life drained from his face with cold and merciless eyes.

The feeling of his neck snapping in my hands gave me an odd sense of satisfaction, but I was too irritated to enjoy it.

The people with him all stopped moving as if they couldn't believe it.


I tossed Jack's dead body towards them.

"So do you guys wanna join him or not?" I was ready to take out some extra pent up aggression.

"You dared to kill him?!" One of the younger hooded guys yelled out as he leaned forward to take a step.


Before he could even set his foot down, I moved in front of him and blew his head off.

"Alright, who's next.." I looked back at the others but none of them moved.

The only one to do anything was the older one with the raspy voice. "It seems we no longer have a reason to be here."

"Hm?" -Are they really gonna just..-

"Well, you killed the man who hired us, so we are no longer obligated to fulfill the contract." The man put his hands together and gave a deep bow. "Sorry for the inconvenience sir."

The others were quick to bow as well before they disappeared using light magic.

I was a bit taken aback by how straightforward they were. -They didn't even take the brats body..-

I glanced over at the bloodstain on the grass from the assassin I killed. -Did they take his body for burial or so they wouldn't get associated with the death of this kid..-

Glancing back over at Jack's body, I let out a deep sigh and walked up to him.

I lightly set my palm on his chest.


I activated thruster magic to instantly vaporize his body. -I hope you become a better person in your next life..-

Hopping back on Ilios, I made sure Hannah wasn't going to fall off and got moving again.

As we jogged down the road, I spotted a carriage and ran up beside them.

"Sir, do you know the way to Springarrow?"

The carriage driver looked at me a bit suspiciously and glanced at Hannah who was still unconscious. "Just stay straight on this road and you'll get there.."

"Sweet, thanks." I lightly flicked him a gold coin.

Seeing he caught it, Ilios and I wasted no more time speeding back up.

Continuing for around 15 more minutes, a city wall finally came into view. -I thought it would be a port city.. Why is it so far from shore?-

Coming up to the city, I got suspicious looks from everyone around. The knights at the gate were no exception.

"Sir.." The young knight looked at me as if he didn't know what to do. "Is she with you?"

"Nope. I found her unconscious in a dungeon south of here. Can I leave her with you guys?"

The young man looked slightly relieved but seemed completely unsure of what to do. "I don't think there will be an issue with that but please wait a moment." He nervously ran into the room built into the city wall.

After a couple of minutes, he finally came out with a much taller man that seemed like an old timer.

"What can I do for you young man?" He wore the smile of a grandfather.

His smile and tone of voice were oddly refreshing. "I found this girl unconscious in a dungeon, I was wondering if I could leave her with you guys? She isn't injured or anything, I just don't want to carry her around till she wakes up." I spoke very nonchalantly.

"Haha, good to see that chivalry isn't dead among the young'uns yet. She's quite a beauty so she's lucky you were the one to come across her."

His happiness was simply contagious. A smile slowly crept onto my face as I hopped off of Ilios and gave Hannah to him.

He quickly called over some other knights and medics that took Hannah away before turning back to me. "Do you have plans to enter the city?"

-It can't hurt to get a snack before I get back on the road..- "I guess I might as well since I'm here. Do you know any good food spots?"

"Ah yes, the adventurers guild here shares its building with a tavern that has some really good meats. It's a bit pricey though."

I gave a slightly warm smile. "Price isn't an issue for me." I tossed him my ID for him to look at.

Almost instantly, he stiffened up but it didn't last too long. "To think you were such a bigshot. I apologize if I've been rude." He gave a light bow.

"Haha, you're fine, sir. You managed to fix my bad mood."

"Haha, I'm glad I could help... Well anyways, I wish we could talk longer but there are those waiting that I must tend to. Please be careful with your wolf as well, he might scare some people." He glanced back at the ever increasing number of people waiting behind me. "Well, please enjoy your stay in Springarrow, Sir Whyte."

-What a nice man..- After dealing with Jack, I was left in a bad mood yet somehow that jolly old man cheered me up. "Here.. Thanks for the chat." I tossed him a platinum coin before walking into the city. As we walked in, Ilios finally shrunk down to his smaller size as well.

The old man just stared at the coin dumbfounded before looking up to see Ilios changing his size.

The pure confusion on his face was truly hilarious.

"Haha.." -Now.. shall we head to the guild?-


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