The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 135: ―̶̡́̎͗―̶̡̲̰̍∴̷̙̪̟̮̆̃͝≠̵̧͇̘͙̾̓»̶̫̤͖̗͓͑̔͠├̴̥͎͙̕̕†̵̺̖̮̤̔̓̅͛ͅ‡̵̗͙̌̈́̿ƒ̷̝̲̳̑∝̶̛̠̗̰̽̿∮̶͍̪̞̰͌―̵

Chapter 135: ―̶̡́̎͗―̶̡̲̰̍∴̷̙̪̟̮̆̃͝≠̵̧͇̘͙̾̓»̶̫̤͖̗͓͑̔͠├̴̥͎͙̕̕†̵̺̖̮̤̔̓̅͛ͅ‡̵̗͙̌̈́̿ƒ̷̝̲̳̑∝̶̛̠̗̰̽̿∮̶͍̪̞̰͌―̵

Time Error - ―̶―̸͠͞∴̶≠̶̨∬͝͝†̛‡̵̢͡∝̶∮͏̴̀――̷̡͘ : Location Error - ―̴―̸∴̶≠̴∬̸̶͢†̵‡̷∝̵∮̵―̶―̷

- ∴̴̛̜̼͒̈́͌G̸̱̾̍̒r̸̢̬̙̯̀̕͠≠̴̙̫͎͒́͐͘͝∝̸̢̞͔̖̫̊͗͒ȇ̸̫̤̦̳̰̿́̔͝∮̶̘̠̙̤̺̍ ~ (Girl from the dreams)

"Haah.." With a brush of my hand, I paused time and looked down at a black haired fenrir demihuman running down the hallway with a childish smile.

Flying down to him, I looked into his eyes. -Too weak.. too naïve.. too.. childish..- I gave him a look of distaste. "To think you change so much when around them.."

I glared through the walls at the draconic woman sitting at her desk and the two white dragons who were outside. -They don't matter though..-

I flew up and looked over the estate, a happy smile slowly creeping onto my face. -Its time for you to grow into the monster you're meant to be..-

"My my. How long has it been since I've seen you show emotion.."

A chill instantly went down my spine as a familiar man's voice filled the still, frozen air. "So you guys finally came out of your burrow.." I glanced back towards the voice and saw a muscular man in a white robe looking at me with an irritating smug smile.

"It was only a matter of time. Now that I'm finally out I was looking for something fun, but thankfully I didn't have to look too hard." He glanced at the estate below me.

An immediate anger started surging in me. "You know what happens to people who touch what's mine.. don't try it old man." As I shot the man a threatening look, an ingenious idea came to mind.

"You seem to have forgotten.. who.. I.. am." As soon as he finished, his fist appeared in front of my chest. *Tink*

The next thing I knew, I was on the other side of the planet with only my head remaining. A slightly crazed smile started creeping onto my face. -I'm gonna use you and you won't even realize!-

I quickly reformed my body and appeared back in front of him.

"To think you'd be so rude to not only try and steal what's mine, but even try to kill me."

"Even though you've gotten a bit stronger, it seems you've forgotten who has the more influence down there.." He glanced towards the ground. "You can only watch as I destroy the only thing that keeps your emotions intact."

"You da-" *Tink* He smacked me across the planet again. Although I looked furious to him, I felt an odd sense of satisfaction and had to hold back my greedy smile. -You will be his next stepping stone and you won't even realize it..-

- Vasilias ~

"Brr.." As I ran down the hallway, I felt an unusual chill go down my back but I didn't think much of it.

Not wasting any more time, I quickly made my way outside and taught Mother and Krystallo the science lesson.

After that lesson though, time started to slip away.

Over the next 3 months, I spent all day at the knight training center sparring with Ilios or the knights, and all night teaching Mother and Krystallo science.

It was a very peaceful 3 months, I didn't think much of it at the time either. Peace had simply become the norm.

Things were looking up, I was getting stronger bit by bit and my training was finally paying off.

I also managed to make a couple discoveries with the void and space mana, the biggest being that I could create markers in the void that worked like waypoints to create gates on.

On top of that, the pressure from the elders eased up. Oddly enough, they eased up and sat back at Asimi's request.

Things were on the up and up, to the point where I just accepted the uneasy calm that had overtaken everything.

Looking back now, I can't believe how I was so naïve..

At the end of the 3 months.. the storm finally arrived.


-What was that?- I was laying in the living room when I felt the entire estate shake.

A couple minutes after, I slowly sat up and got ready to go check it out, but a ridiculously loud voice came out of nowhere.

"Vasilias Ragnarok, come outside now!" It was a completely unfamiliar mans voice that was filled with aggression.

-What? Who is that?- I quickly sprung up and made my way outside, fully prepared for a fight.

As I walked outside, I saw everyone, Mother, Father, Krystallo and Asimi laying on the ground with odd looking artifacts on their heads.

Standing over them was two huge dragons, a dark blue and a sky blue dragon, towering 61 and 54 meters respectively.

The dark blue one stood there with 1 foot on Orion's unconscious head and looked at me with a greedy smile.

"To think she didn't lie.. the almighty Ragnaroks really gave their name to a halfie!"

Asimi was the first to lash out. "He's not a halfie! Don't associate him with them!"

"Oh? Says who?" He confidently walked up to Asimi and looked down on her. "To me, he looks like just another ugly.. weak.. half breed." He glanced back up at me with a sh*t eating grin.

Mother glanced over with a defeated look. "What did you come here fo-"

I quickly cut her off. "You seem to want me, right?"

"Ah, so you aren't mute. For a halfie, you seem to have some brains huh?"

"Under what terms do you dare arrest the Ragnaroks.." I used my aura to pressure him as I walked closer.

But as if my pressure did nothing, he simply looked down at me. "To walk up to me fearlessly and even ask a question... You seem to not understand the situation."

Not giving me time to react, he slammed his foot down onto the top of my head.

-Sh*t..- *CRACK*

Unable to dodge, it felt as if an entire mountain was slammed down on my head. The ground under me completely shattered and I even had to move mana to strengthen my legs and neck.

Barely managing to keep my head off the ground, I looked up at him with a deep fire raging within me. "So what are you arresting them for.." No matter how angry I was though, my intuition told me to act carefully.

"How do you think the public would react if they heard that the great and all mighty Ragnaroks gave their name to a disgusting halfie?"

As if a nerve was struck in Mother, she shot up and tried to hit the dark blue dragon. Right before she reached him though, the sky blue dragon moved.

*CRACK* She slammed Mother down into the ground, pinning her there. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be, Zachari. You can't use magic so good luck beating me, let alone Eugene."

The scene of Mother getting hit made my blood boil but I needed to stay calm. -I cant lose myself to my emotions yet..- Holding back my anger and burying my pride, I looked up at the dark blue dragon whose foot was still on my head. "Then how about a deal.."

"Hoh? And what could you mean by that?" Eugene looked down at me as if I was a joke.

"How about I bear the weight of it all and you keep them out of it."

Everyone around me froze including the two elders.

"Hahaha!" Eugene let out a hardy laugh, breaking the silence. "To think you want to be the hero and sacrifice yourself!"

Mother, Father and Krystallo all looked at me with eyes of fear and concern. In response I simply flashed them a warm smile.

"Well that would defeat the whole purpose of this, wouldn't it?!"


"You think that what you do in this situation will change anything?! Laughable!" *CRRRUNCH* He pressed his foot harder on my head. "With your identity as an excuse, I can finally tear down that hideous wall guarding the halfies that is the Ragnarok family!" A crazed smile slowly came to his face. "To think you would drag your strong and ancient family name through the mud for me! To think you would make this so easy!"

As he said that, things started to click and a bone chilling sense of guilt filled me.

He glared at Asimi. "With you gone, the halfies won't be able to resist anymore, even the ancients will be on our side!"

Everyone around immediately felt an incredible sense of despair as if a dark and heavy blanket was draped over them.

Understanding what he was planning, Asimi tried to reason with him. "Then how about I step down. Would that make you happy?!"

"Oh but that wont work.."

"At least leave my family out of this Eugene. You know Myles will kill you the second he finds out what you're doing to us."

"Well that's a shame then. By the time he gets back.. you all will be long gone."

Finally taking his foot off my head, I weakly fell to the ground. My mana was being sucked into an artifact that was on my head at a ridiculous pace.

As I tried to think of what to do in a panic, Eugene walked over to Asimi and raised up his foot. He held it there for a moment and looked down at her with a crazed smile. "Today.. is the day the Ragnaroks fall."



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