The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 127: Her Humanoid Form

Chapter 127: Her Humanoid Form

Mid Morning - Early Summer : Bahamut Estate

After Chloe left, the day progressed pretty smoothly.

I spent all the time I could trying to make my space magic more efficient and trying to come up with some theories but none of them went anywhere.

Once night rolled around, Mother and Krystallo came out back for the lesson.

It went pretty well with Mother improving my leaps and bounds as usual and Krystallo, well.. she was slowly getting there.

We ended up talking until sunrise when we ended the session and split up again.

After that, time started to slip away. My days weren’t too exciting with almost all of my time being dedicated to training my magic and learning more about space mana.

Although there weren't any huge discoveries, I did become more efficient in using space mana, albeit only slightly.

Chloe would spend quite a lot of time outside with me as well. As time passed, she started to ease up and not get as flustered but that doesn't mean she didn't have her moments.

I would sometimes try to bounce ideas off of her, thinking that I could get a new view on things from someone who wasn't super knowledgeable on the subject but more often than not she was a little too clueless.

After a week or so of my new routine, Father returned saying he had convinced Asimi to delay the elders some but we honestly weren't too sure how long that would last.

A couple months after that, Krystallo and I's birthdays came up. Although I just thought of it as ‘another day’, to Krystallo it meant a lot so I spent the day with her.

Towards the evening Mother and I gave her some personal lessons on transformation magic instead of our usual science lessons and it paid off greatly.

Only a week after that, the fateful day of Krystallo using a humanoid form for the first time arrived.

"Brother, Brother!" Krystallo ran out to me in the field. "I think I can do it!"

As I turned around I noticed Mother and Father behind her wearing proud smiles.

My eyes immediately lit up as I realized what she was talking about. "Haha, see? I told you that you'd be able to do it!" Seeing her eager smile I couldnt help but pat her head some.

"Hehe." She gave me a childish smile from the praise.

"Alright, now go for it. If you need help just ask." Quickly changing to my humanoid form, I got ready to help her once she transformed.

"Mmm.." Giving a slightly nervous nod, she sat down and closed her eyes.

Not long after, she started moving quite a large amount of mana and a bright white light shined out. -She did it!-

Once the light faded, I looked over at a small child that looked around 9 or 10 with snow white hair, perky wolf ears and a bushy tail.

" cute.." Although Chloe was the only one to say it out loud, we all thought the same thing.

As Krystallo opened her eyes, she started checking out her new form before touching the wolf ears and giving me a proud smile. "Hehe, I look like Brother now!" She quickly tried to hop up but lost balance and fell back.

Quickly moving over and catching her, I gave her an encouraging look. "Haha, calm down Krystallo.. it'll take some time for you to get used to moving around in this form."

"Then how come Brother used it right away?" She looked at me with a pout.

"Well.." I looked around and noticed Mother and Father giving me curious looks as well. "I just caught on quick. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon as well so don't get discouraged."


"Here.." I quickly straightened her up and grabbed her hands. "I want you to just try and walk to me. I'll catch you if you fall so don't worry."

"Sweetie, try to lean forward a bit and fall onto your other foot like this." Mother quickly changed to her humanoid form to show her what she meant.

"O..okay.." Reluctantly agreeing she leaned forward a bit and fell into her foot. "Hey this.. isnt too bad actually.." It looked a bit goofy but it was a pretty incredible start.

"There ya go!"

Before we knew it Krystallo was able to walk, albeit a bit awkwardly, on her own!

"Haha, I knew my cute little sister would be talented!" With a proud smile I walked up next to her and rubbed her head again.

"Hehe.." Krystallo looked up at me with a proud smile.

Seeing us have a bit of bonding time, Mother gave us a warm smile. "How about you help her once a day until she can move naturally, Vasilias."

"I'm fine with that as long as she is." I looked down at Krystallo.

Hearing mother, a gleam appeared in her eyes and she gave a strong nod.

"Haha, alright, that's a deal then. Whenever you want to, you can come out and I'll help you practice a bit."

"Okay! Can we start now though?"

"Sure. Chloe, if you want, you should come with us. You might be able to provide some better advice than me."

As I asked, Krystallo shot an intimidating look towards Chloe making her shrink back a bit. "I think it would be best if I did not.. sorry.."

"Haah.." Noticing what Krystallo did, I didn't bother forcing it. "Well in that case how about you go get some sweets. Now that Krystallo has a humanoid form she can enjoy the pleasure of human pastries."

"Haha, right away!"

As she was leaving, Mother left as well. "Well I think we will leave you two alone for now. I'll be in my office if you need anything." She gave us a warm smile as she left with Father.

After they left, I looked towards Krystallo with an encouraging smile. "So I guess we will start with the basics!"

And just like that, a new part of our routine started.

We continued like that for another month. She made incredible improvements in her movement and was even able to run quite quickly and naturally now.

On top of that, although it took some extra time, I also taught her some basic ways to use wind magic for aerodynamics to make her a bit faster.

Before I knew it, she was able to use basic vacuum magic with decent efficiency and even while she was moving.

"To think you improved so much in a month.." Mother watched as Krystallo ran around in her humanoid form while simultaneously using wind magic.

"Hehe, it's all thanks to Brother!" She shot a proud gaze over at me.

"Chloe helped too, don't give me all of the credit."

Looking over at Chloe, she immediately got flustered. "I..I didn't do anything. It was all because of Sir Vasilias and Lady Krystallos hard work."

Over the last month, she helped me more than I could imagine. As I had expected, my ways of teaching were a bit much for Krystallo to understand sometimes so I had Chloe occasionally step in and help out.

She was great at translating my.. complicated instructions.. into more child friendly ones which ended up being a huge help.

-She also helped me realize just how out of the norm Krystallo and I are..-

As I grew up, what I assumed to be normal was skewed so far to the side that I just assumed Krystallo was the norm. -Oh how wrong I was..-

According to Chloe even Krystallo was a freak of nature in terms of strength, talent and mana capacity for her age.

-I guess the Ragnaroks are known for their strength for a reason..-

Pulling me out of my thoughts, Mother chimed in again. “Well, now that Krystallo has gotten better at moving in her humanoid form, how about a trip?”


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