The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 124: A Newbie

Chapter 124: A Newbie

Late Afternoon - Early Summer : Bahamut Estate

- Chloe ~

My name is Chloe, a dragon from southwestern Bahamut.

When I was a newborn, my parents were pressed for money and had piled up debts so they tried to sell me off somewhere.

Luckily, instead of being sold as a slave since I was so young, I was sold to a noble family. Although I was told it was the Ragnarok family at the time, when I was younger I had never heard of them.

It wasn't until several years later, once I started my maid training, that I finally learned about them.

-I still remember not believing myself when I learned about them..- After all, what were the chances that an abandoned orphan would be picked up by such a huge family with bottomless money and influence.. -I still struggle to believe it..-

But once I turned 13 I had my adolescent dragon sleep and awoke my mana.

With 3 attribute nodes all with great affinities, I was given the choice to have a career change to become a knight but I decided to stay as a maid. -I didn't want to make those 10 years of training go to waste..- Plus I never liked the idea of fighting, I was a pacifist of sorts.

Well, to continue, 2 years after I finished my dragon sleep, I could finally leave the academy and head to the estate I would actually be working at.

When I arrived, I couldn't help but be shocked.

I remember thinking to myself 'How could people live in such a huge building..' but to my surprise, after getting used to the layout, I no longer thought of it just as a workplace or a huge building, but instead as my home.

The next 3 years were incredible. Although the Ragnaroks weren't in the home, we still kept the entire building spotless and practiced constantly to be able to handle emergencies and take care of them once they arrived.

But one day we got caught off guard by an unexpected visitor. Her name was Asimi Ragnarok, an absolutely gorgeous white dragon with an incredibly oppressive aura.

She just swung by for the day to let us know that her daughter would be coming here soon and since then, we had been making sure everything was perfect.

Last night, I was sent out to town to change our order of food and supplies because something was wrong with it but it took longer than expected.

They made a big deal about it since they were already trying to get the order but half a day and nearly 20 gold later, I finally got it worked out.

Currently, I was on my way back to the estate, thinking happy thoughts and looking forward to the Ragnarok's arrival.

-I wonder when the Ragnaroks will arrive..- I had always wondered what kind of people they were, and I was truly excited to finally serve someone, to finally put my practice in reality.

-Hooh.. I shouldn't be so nervous..- My heart was beating quickly with excitement but I needed to calm down.

After flying for a bit longer, the estate finally came into sight.

But something was very wrong. -What.. happened..-

My heart sank as I saw the door and outer wall blown to bits with a pile of rubble in the center walkway but as I got closer, I noticed there were knights still at their posts by the gate.

-Did someone attack the estate?- I quickly picked up the pace and landed in front of the gate.

"Identification please."

I lightly held up my front right leg that had a metal band around it with a white dragon insignia on it.

"Thank you, you may enter."

Quickly making my way through the gate, I changed to my humanoid form and went inside through the gaping hole where the door was.

"Ah you have made it back, Chloe."

I looked over and saw Galen talking to me. "Yes, I got the order fixed as Antonia asked." -He never talks to me.. did something happen to Antonia?-

"Great, we need all hands on deck currently. You said you could resist aura well, correct?"

"Yes, although it's been a while since I've felt something strong."

"Well lets hope you can handle it.. I need you to go to the son's room and check on him. Everyone I've sent to check on him can't handle his aura and it's becoming a big problem, even the oldest of us struggled.. His name is Vasilias Ragnarok, in room 2."

I quickly nodded and started heading down the hall before getting stopped by Galen again.

"Chloe, please wait a moment."

"Sorry, sir.." I instinctively apologized from habit.

"Some important information before you go.. When he was a newborn, he touched an artifact that changed him in.. a few ways. He also has a pet Fenrir so be careful. Also, please keep in mind that he is a Ragnarok."

"Yes, sir." Giving a light bow, I turned away and made my way down the hall.

As I was walking, my mind started to wander. -Why did Galen look so flustered..-

He was an emotionless man I could never understand, but seeing him that stressed was a little nerve wracking.

"Hooh.." -Im sure it will be fine..-

Once I made it to the door, I took a deep breath and gripped the door knob. -I got this!-

*Click* *VWOOM*

As soon as I opened the door, a wave of aura washed over me unlike anything I had ever felt before.

I wanted to feel calm, but the sheer quantity was suffocating.

As I walked through the door, I finally looked up and nearly forgot to breathe.

At the center of the room was the familiar stone platform but on it was some kind of cushion with a massive black dragon laying on it.

The dragon was a void-like black with a dark haze that mimicked the night sky wrapping around it.

-Such a.. beautiful dragon..- I stood there in a trance for a while before realizing something was incredibly odd. -Wait.. this can't be the right room..- I nervously glanced back towards the door and saw '2' on it. -No.. it's.. right..-

-This is more than just 'a few changes', Galen!!-

As I stood there, trying to sort my thoughts, a strong wind blew past me from behind.


-A.. breath?- My heart sank and my mind went blank. -Am I.. dead?-


Once whatever it was got a good smell of me, it stopped, but I was still frozen from fear.

As I stood completely still, unable to move, a massive pure white wolf casually walked past me.

It watched me with its golden irises as it walked towards the platform, jumping into the middle of the cushion and laying down to be completely encompassed by the dragon.

-THAT'S NOT A FENRIR EITHER!- As my fear started to subside, my mind started clearing up.

-He’s sleeping anyways so I shouldn't wake him..-

After taking time to collect myself, I sneakily made my way back out into the hall, firmly closing the door behind me.

Finally escaping the aura, I put my hand on my knees and caught my breath. "Hah.. hah.."

"So you weren't able to do it either huh.." A young colleague of mine was standing next to the door.

"No.. I can handle it.. it'll just.. hah.. take some getting used to.."

"Oh that's good to hear. So what do you think of him?"

"He's truly.. stunning.."

"I know right? Isn't he dreamy.."

"Haha.. I cant deny that.." -Although he is truly beautiful.. I'm simply happy to serve someone so strong..- A smile full of innocence and genuine joy slowly crept onto my face.


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