The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 121: Our New Home

Chapter 121: Our New Home

Mid Morning - Early Summer : Bahamut

-Haha! It worked!- A wave of excitement washed over me as I fell.

Looking up at the sphere, it quickly disappeared and a clear blue sky overtook my vision.

I turned over and spread out my wings, looking over the area to get my bearings.

Not far away was what looked like a small town with a market and some houses. -But they're human scale..-

Starting to second guess where I actually was, I looked all the way down and noticed the huge stone pad with 3 dragons looking up at me.

-So I did actually make it!-

I quickly dove down and landed, not wanting to waste any more time. "I didn't make you wait long did I-"


Krystallo immediately ran up to me and tackled my face. "STUPID BROTHER!"

-Hm?- Seeing Krystallo's tears, I finally noticed the somber mood. "Did I miss something? What's with the gloomy atmosphere?"

"I THOUGHT I'D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!!!" Krystallo started balling while she clamped my face.

"I'm sorry I scared you.." I spoke in a soft voice and rubbed her head to try and comfort her some.

She continued crying for a bit before finally calming down and hopping off.

As she landed, she looked back up at me with a grumpy pout.

"So what caused all of this?" I looked back over at Mother.

"Haah.. well, we went into the space rune and you didn't come out the other side, of course we would panic and assume the worst.."

"Oh.. sorry.." Finally realizing their distress was entirely my fault, guilt washed over me.

"Haah.. don't be sorry sweetie. All that matters is that you got here safely.." She quickly walked up and gave me a light but long hug. "Well since everyone is here, let's head to our new home!" She looked towards us with a forced smile as she tried to lighten the mood.

-Man I really ruined this whole experience for them..- As I drowned in guilt, I let Ilios back up on my back and followed after Mother.

Luckily Krystallo's mood was quick to lighten back up. "So what's with that humanoid town down there? I thought this was Bahamut.." Before I could ask, she ended up asking the question I was wondering as well.

"Haha, sweetie, those humanoids down there are all dragons, at least most of them are."

"But why are they all in their humanoid forms then?"

"Well, as you'll see here soon.. structures for dragons in their full form are gigantic so only the super wealthy can have full size homes with most people only owning a bedroom that can fit their dragon form. It's also a thing of convenience. Unless you live in the mountains to the west, it's far more convenient to spend most of your time in your humanoid form."

-Wait so does that mean that there are full homes meant to house massive dragons?!-

With the wild visual appearing in my mind, I zoned out until I realized something odd. "Wait, what did you mean by 'you'll see here soon'?"

"Haha, you'll see in a moment. Have patience sweetie." She looked back at me with a smug smile.

-What's that supposed to mean..-

After flying for a bit longer, we flew over a small section of the island we landed on and a wide channel before reaching the mainland.

To my surprise, on the mainland, the scale of everything there was abnormal besides the human sized towns.

As if the land was meant to house huge dragons, everything was massive.

Everything from trees, bugs, foliage and even mana density on the mainland was tailor made for dragons.

According to mother, Bahamut even had bigger mountains than the main continent with the western mountains housing several thousand middle and high class dragons.

Before I knew it, I ended up getting lost in my imagination again. -How big of mountains would you need for that..-

After continuing to fly for a bit, a massive building started to crest the horizon that made my mind go blank.

"Oh you can see it now!" Mother looked towards the horizon with a joyous smile.

"What in the world is that building for?!" It was a gargantuan building that spread several hundred meters in each direction and towered nearly a hundred meters into the air. -I knew buildings meant to house full size dragons would be big but what the f..-

"That's our new home!" Mother looked back at me with a smug smile.


"Hm? What's wrong, Brother?" Krystallo looked over at me as if she didn't see anything wrong.

-Right.. she doesn't understand how ridiculous of a building that is..-

"We are royalty so isn't it obv-"


Quickly pulling back, Mother lightly hit Krystallo on the head. "Remember our talk earlier?"

Krystallo immediately stiffened up and gave a nervous nod.

I looked at Mother and tried to voice my thoughts. "I expected that since we were hiding our names that we would live low.. you know, with the name Whyte?"

Mother, after finally letting Krystallo go, looked over at me. "Ah, I forgot to mention.. The Whyte family aren't low prestige either. Staying here won't look too odd." Mother looked forward again with an excited smile. "Plus, this is the home I grew up in."

-So Mother grew up with a diamond spoon just like Krystallo and I..-

As we continued to fly towards the huge mansion, I finally decided to ask a question that was dwelling on my mind. "Where are all the dragons?"

"Most of the population is to the west and northeast. The big cities are congregated around the mountains. Once Krystallo learns her transformation magic we will go on a trip there, Krystallo will have school after all." She looked over at Krystallo with a proud smile.

-I guess it's still a massive continent.. even if the inhabitants are giant and there are a bunch of them, they won't be everywhere..- “Wait, you only mentioned Krystallo with school. Do I not have t-”

“We will figure that out over the next few weeks.. You will at least need the formality of going even if you only take the final tests.”

By the time Mother finished talking, we made it to the estate.

Just outside the extravagant wall surrounding the building were two fairly large dragons guarding the gate.

They were the first real dragons I had ever seen besides my family.

One was a sky blue 34 meter dragon, and the other was a blue-ish white 21 meter one. Around their ankles were small, white-metal, bands with a snow white dragon insignia that looked like Mother.

As we landed, they both held formal stances until the sky blue moved over to give a polite bow and open the gate. "It has been a while my lady."

"Indeed it has. I hope you've polished up some since I saw you last, Alistair." Mother was quick to poke fun at him.

-Are they close?-

Slightly breaking character, he cracked a small smile. "You can rest assured, My Lady."

"Good. We will have a meeting in 30 minutes to introduce everyone to you all so gather everyone to meet us in the main hall by then."

He quickly nodded. "We won't be late, My Lady."

With him bowing his head once again, we finally walked through the gates.

Continuing into the estate, I couldn't help but gawk at the sheer scale of everything.

"Are we really living here? That guard looked really strong.." Even Krystallo seemed a little nervous.

"Haha, you'll get used to it sweetie. Alistair is a softie for kids and is especially loyal to our family. He was even my personal knight escort when I was growing up."

Realizing I should mention a certain forgotten someone, I interrupted them. "So, where should we take Maria?"

"We will pass her to the head maid, Antonia, once we get inside."

As she said that, an odd thought came to mind so I had to ask. "Are all the maids and such going to be in their dragon form too?"

"The young ones in training, yes. Some of the maids and butlers are trained from young and are like Krystallo where they can't use a humanoid form yet. The other maids and butlers are all in their humanoid forms though."

"How do they clean such a huge house in their human forms?"

"A mix of magic and the fact that the upper floors are all humanoid sized. Only the downstairs are large enough for a mid-size dragon to walk through. The reason the place looks so big is because of the 50 meter tall hallways on the bottom floor and the massive bedrooms meant to have enough space even for elders."

As Mother finished talking, we made it to the front door.

She quickly opened the door as if it was muscle memory and walked in.

Inside, the main hall was absolutely massive and ridiculously extravagant. The ceilings were crazy high and the floor was a beautiful white tile with fancy gold trim everywhere. I was honestly nervous to even step in it.

-Maybe I should..- Quickly transforming to my humanoid form, I hopped onto Ilios who was still full size.

Noticing my transformation, Mother looked at me in surprise. "You can stay in your dragon form Vasilias."

"I'm nervous I'll crack the floor with my weig-"

"I'm very sorry for not getting the door for you my lady!" Quickly interrupting and grabbing our attention was a beautiful, mature looking woman in a maids outfit giving us a polite bow.

"Haah.. how many times did I have to tell you that it's fine.. I'm not a kid anymore.." Mother turned around, slightly embarrassed.

"Sorry..." She quickly glanced over the rest of us. "Well it seems like we will have a full house for a while! Shall I get someone to take the slaves to their rooms first?"

"Slaves?" Mother tilted her head slightly.

The maid looked at Mother with a questioning but pure smile. "The maid here, the demihuman and the fenrir, My Lady."


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