The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 114: Family History

Chapter 114: Family History

Early Morning - Early Winter : Home

After continuing Krystallos first magic lesson for a while, the sun quickly set.

As usual, Mother was on the peak ready for the lesson but that day we had a special guest.

Krystallo was interested since she saw Mothers enthusiasm for it and came up to check it out.

Father thought it was mildly interesting but decided to just sleep like usual.

-He should really join us though..-

And just like that, a few more weeks passed.

Krystallo started joining us for evening physics lessons and would be taught history, magic and aura by Mother and Father during the day. At first she struggled a bit, but once she got used to it she started finding more enjoyment in it.

For me, my schedule didn't change much. I trained with Ilios and slept during the afternoons and taught Mother and Krystallo at night. It was a perfectly balanced schedule, but today was going to be a day where we had to postpone the routine.

"So we are planning to leave for the space rune tonight, so we need to pack. Both of you go find a few really high end valuables from the treasure to take with you." Mother started giving us our rules for packing.

"Why don't we just take everything?" It was quite a lot of treasure, but it was nothing I couldn't carry if I just made a really big tarp.

"Well, for a reason I will explain in a second, once we arrive there, some dragons will be sent out to move it all for us. We just need to take the really high end stuff just in case."

-Oh, so they're movers basically..- "How can we trust they won't take any of it?"

"Well.." Mother looked away like she wanted to change subjects. "Haah.. I guess I'll need to say it before we leave anyways.."

Krystallo and I both looked at each other, a little nervous.

"Please take a seat, this talk might take a bit.."

Quickly complying, I sat down but I was still wondering. "What's this talk about?"

"Our family name.."

I tensed up a bit realizing the significance of that but Krystallo stayed relaxed.

"So our family name is Ragnarok.. but that isn't a normal name. Vasilias I think you know that it's a touchy name since you had to use the name Whyte in Kaelallan."

I gave a reluctant nod.

"Well the reason it's a touchy name is because.. in both human and dragons culture, the event of the fall of the gods during the great war, was collectively called Ragnarok."

Although I had thought about the connection between the events while reading 'The Goddess of Harvest', I had no idea what the actual connection was. -But the way she said that means..- "So how is that event connected to our family?"

"Well, during the battle between the gods, there were 3 ancients that assisted Bahamut. Of those 3, only 1 made it back. His name was Atlas, a living legend. When he came back alive, he was given the family name Ragnarok to engrave his contribution into history. Sadly, only a few years later, he fell into his ancient dragon sleep and never woke up."

Both Krystallo and I were stunned speechless as we slowly started figuring out where she was taking the talk.

"To pass the name down, the name of Ragnarok was given to his first and strongest son and his youngest daughter since she was the second strongest." She looked up at us with a grateful smile. "Since then, it has become tradition to give the name Ragnarok to the 2 strongest of the next generation, but we won't have to worry about that." She flashed a warm smile at us. "Now for the important part.."

-What?! That wasn't the important stuff?-

"Those with the name Ragnarok are praised highly and known by every dragon. We are something akin to royalty, but that doesn't mean you can be cocky." She gave an intimidating look towards Krystallo. "You are to never lean on the family name. Outside of our home in Bahamut, you must always use the name Whyte.. at least until the coming of age festival in 23-ish years that is."

Seeing Krystallo give a stressed nod, Mother eased up on her aura.

"The only people who connect our faces to the name are those in the elder council, close friends, and the ancients." She looked at us to make sure we understood before shifting to a warm smile. "Something to add. Just because I say you can't use or lean on the family name, doesn't mean you need to lay low. You should have fun and enjoy our time in Bahamut. If you get into a fight, just be sure to win... If you lose, just be sure to get stronger and slaughter them like cattle in the next fight."

Ignoring her out of character aggression, I slowly raised my hand.

"What is it sweetie?"

"Where does the name Whyte come from?"

"Ah, good question! It's actually your Father’s original family name. When he married me, a Ragnarok, his family name was changed as well since we are the stronger family."

-Oh so that's why it's not odd to use that name..- "So if two people get the name Ragnarok each generation, does that mean there are more young Ragnaroks?"

"No.. my parents' generation had multiple but they were killed before they hatched or reached adolescence, and as for my Brothers.."

I noticed how Mothers mood quickly darkened and figured it was a touchy subject. To change the subject I looked towards Krystallo. "How does it feel to have the weight of the family name on your shoulders?" I gave a smug smile as I poked fun.

She quickly puffed up her chest and held her head high. "That just means I need to become the strongest!"

"Haha, that's a good mindset." Mother looked at her with a warm smile. "I'll go over the other rules once we get to Bahamut so for now start packing what you want to make sure to keep for now."

"Ah, Mother, can I go pick up Maria now?"

"Ah right, I nearly forgot about her. Go ahead and bring her here, when you get back we will leave."

"Who's Maria?" Krystallo gave me an irritated look.

"You'll know soon enough." I walked up to Krystallo and pat her head. "She'll be useful in the future so don't hate her too much yet."


I looked over at Ilios who was laying down next to me. "Do you want to stay or co-"

Before I could finish, he jumped up onto my back and laid down. -I guess that answers that..-

I turned back to everyone and gave a little wave. "Well, I shouldn't be too long!"


With a strong flap of my wings I started my flight to Kaelallan.


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