The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 109: Extreme Tag

Chapter 109: Extreme Tag

Early Afternoon - Late Spring : Home

After socializing with Mother for a while after she woke up, she ended up asking me to step out for a bit so she could talk to father privately.

-I wonder what they're talking about..- Although I was curious and had the ability to eavesdrop, I honestly felt no need to and just continued out into the field. -Plus, privacy is important..-

Walking out into the field I sat down and started thinking about what I wanted to do.

Although I wanted to nap like I had for the past few days, it was time I snapped out of my laziness and did something productive.

There was always a ton of things related to magic I could improve on, but I wasn't in the mood for magic today.

It was at that moment that a lightbulb went off in my head, it was something I desperately needed to work on.

-My movement!-

As mundane as it sounded, my movement and agility in my dragon form were horribly inefficient and bad.

Sure, I could fly ridiculously fast and could control my momentum with thrusters giving me at least above average agility and speed in a fight, but there were blatant downside to doing that.

-Plus it's bad to depend on one thing too much..- I was currently relying far too much on my thruster magic in fights for speed and I needed to change that.

"Hooh.." I looked up at the dense forest in front of me. -How do I even go about training agility..-

I turned back and looked at Ilios who was behind me, a smile creeping onto my face.

"Hey Ilios, want to be my training partner?"

Ilios looked up at me and tilted his head.

"I want you to attack me like you do when we roughhouse, but you need to focus on speed and you can't hold back otherwise I won't be able to improve."

Ilios sat there and thought for a moment before nodding and getting into an agile stance.

"Alright, you fir-"


Before I could finish, Ilios appeared in front of me and slammed his head into my chest.


The hit launched me into the forest, smashing through several trees before I stopped myself.

Excitement immediately started to boil in me. -Its time for a real challenge!-

I spread my wings and closed the distance but Ilios did the same.

He darted up to my side and stuck out his tail, swiping my legs out from under me.


I slammed my face into the ground but immediately recovered.

Lunging back towards Ilios, I tried a new technique so I would be able to slow and turn faster but it didn't change the fact that I was still mind blowingly slower than Ilios without magic. (Ilios is using magic, Vasilias isn't)

As soon as I got close, Ilios would just disappear, dart away or break my ankles and make me fall face first into the dirt.

-But it's working..- My footwork was steadily getting better and I was closing the speed gap immensely.

As the day went on, I continued to improve and get faster and faster, but before I could actually close the gap..

"What are you two doing?!" Father yelled over at us as he walked out of the cave.

Both Ilios and I paused to look over. "Hah.. hah.. What's wrong?"

"What do you mean whats wrong?! You destroyed so much forest!"

-Huh?- Finally taking the time to look around, I noticed we were standing in the middle of a newly leveled section of forest a few kilometers wide. -Man.. I really got absorbed in that..-

I was so tunnel visioned on Ilios for the past several hours, I not only failed to watch the time, I didn't even notice that we were deforesting the area.

"Sorry.. I got a little too into our game."

"Haah.. what were you even doing?" Father raised an eyebrow as he looked over at Ilios who was laying down panting heavily.

"We were having an agility based spar but I couldn't use magic."

"W..why?" Father looked at me with genuine confusion.

"Well.. my agility in my dragon form without magic was.. not optimal to say the least."

"Haah.." Father put his hand up to his forehead. "Have you managed to improve at all yet?"

"Of course!" Giving an excited smile, I dashed up to him.

*Bang* The ground shattered beneath my feet from my abrupt stop.

"See? It's far from perfect but I should be atleast average." Not stopping there, I decided to dash around the area to show off a little before coming to a stop next to him again.

Father stared at me like he was looking at some alien. "You polished your footwork that much in a few hours?"

"Hm?" I gave a naïve smile not understanding what he meant.

"Haah.. I should stop trying to apply logic to you... Well anyways, I'm going to go swap places with your mother so you can go watch the sunset with her."

I looked over to the side of the mountain and saw the sun starting to near the horizon. -Oh lord, it's that time already?- "Alright. Ilios and I will uh.. clean up then."

Seeing Father turning back to the doors, I turned back to Ilios and used magic to clean us off.

By the time we finished cleaning up, Mother was already coming out of the hall.

"Sorry about that sweetie.. your Father and I needed to have a.. private talk."

"Haha, don't be sorry. It's not like I need to know everything.. Sometimes ignorance is best."

She looked at me with wide eyes. "Who'd you learn that from?"

"It's.." I thought for a moment about how to word it. "It was just an observation I made.."

Seeing how reluctant I was to say anything, she decided to change topics. "So what did I miss? Did some big bad monster come by?" She looked behind me towards the destroyed section of forest.

"I got a little too into my agility training with Ilios.."

"Oh? What did you need to train your agility for? Your Father wouldn't stop talking about how mind bendingly fast you are."

"That's only when flying in a straight line from point a to b. What I practiced on with Ilios was my agility in combat!" I held my head up high and wore a confident smile.

"Haha, I guess even though your appearance changed and you got so much stronger, you're still you." She walked up and rubbed my head.

"Haha, what's that supposed to mean?"

"Well lets just say, your Mother is very~ proud of you."

"Hehe.." I wore a childish smile, unable to hold back my joy after being praised by Mother.

"Well how about we head up the mountain. I don't want to miss the sunset afterall."

With a strong nod and a joyful smile, I started to follow after her up the mountain.


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