The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 95 - Wherever You Go, I Follow

Despite Laina insisting that Kol was to remain in the Temple of the Moon to recuperate further, he refused. 

"I am your bodyguard, wherever you go, I go," Kol said as he placed his hand over his heart. 

Unable to win the argument, Laina finally gave in. After a good night's rest, Kol's wounds were healing well. Even better than the High Priestess had predicted. For their travel, she made sure to pack them some extra medicine and salves. 

"Thank you for your hospitality, High Priestess Shylla. Will we meet again soon?" Laina asked before they departed. 

Shylla nodded, "I believe the next time we meet will be in Kinshearth."

She bowed, with respect to Laina and said, "Rest assured, your Highness. You have our Goddess's full support, and you have mine."

The High Priestess also gave each of them a vial of masking potion. Though the ones they were using could easily fool the common folk, they would not be able to fool everyone. The masking potion Shylla gave them was extremely effective against werewolves

This would make their mission in the Capital City much smoother. 

With that, Laina and Kol departed from the Temple of the Moon for the Capital City of Wolfenheim, Adolfa. Right before they left, Laina sent a message through a carrier raven back to Kinshearth. 

She wanted to update Margaret on their progress, and let her know where she was heading next. While Laina hoped that they would be able to complete everything within the time frame they had, things could change over time. 

Besides, Laina was uncertain if Kragen was already informed about what transpired at the Temple of the Moon. 

Back in Kinshearth, Margaret was hard at work, ensuring everything ran smoothly in Laina's absence. With the help of the newly trained Queen's Order of Knights, Queen's Knight for short, everything went swimmingly well. 

Upon receiving Laina's message through the raven, Margaret heaved a sigh of relief. But, realising that there could be a delay in Laina's return, she grew anxious once more. She quickly wrote a message back, in haste and sent the raven off. 

"Maybe I should have gone with her," Margaret muttered to herself as she burned the message Laina had sent in the fire. 

In the Everfree Nation, King Kragen and his entourage were living it up in the Golden Gate Hotel. The Alpha Werewolf King rarely ventured beyond Wolfenheim. So, he intended on having his fill of fun and wine. 

When it came to fun, it also included having any women he wanted. In his bedroom, scantily clad women were lined up in a row for him to choose. Some of them trembled in fear, averting their gaze while others seduced the Werewolf King with their curvy body and charming looks. 

Kragen grinned as he walked up to them. One of the women even went so far as to unbutton the top of her shirt to reveal her cleavage a little more. He could not keep his lustful eyes away from any of the women. 

But, he quickly found the ones he liked the most and sent away the rest. Only three women remained and they quickly joined Kragen in his arms. 

"You're all wearing too much clothing, take them all off. Show me how you truly look underneath," Kragen ordered with a grin. 

The women did as he had asked, all except for one. She was shivering in fear and Kragen could hear her palpitating heartbeat and it annoyed him. He grabbed hold of the cowering woman by the hair and threw her to the ground. 

"Stop your whimpering, woman. You've been blessed by the gods, given a chance to serve a King and yet you're crying?"

One of the women, completely naked, came up to Kragen. She seductively placed her hand on his shoulder as she pressed her body against his. 

"My King, don't let her dampen your mood. You still have Lily and I to serve you," the woman said in a soft tone of voice. 

She cupped Kragen's face and kissed him on the lips. Kragen was not one to shy away from a kiss. He released the poor woman and wrapped his hands around the one before him. 

While his tongue sloppily explored her mouth, his hands explored her body. She led him towards the bed, where Lily had already lay waiting for Kragen to join them.

"You sure know how to treat a King. What's your name, love?" Kragen asked as he got onto the bed with the two women. 

The woman smiled sweetly, pretending to shy away for a moment before replying, "Sapphire, my King," 

"Sapphire? What a beautiful name indeed," Kragen replied with a grin. 

Just as the women were about to pleasure him, there was a rushed knock on the door. At first, Kragen told them to ignore it, so that they may continue with their activities, but another knock on the door ruined the mood. 

"Enter!" Kragen roared angrily. 

The two women winced. They could feel the power in his voice. 

The power of an Alpha. 

A knight entered the room swiftly. As part of the Werewolf King's personal guard, this was a scene he had long gotten used to. The woman, who was crying on the ground, quickly sprinted towards the exit, taking her clothes with her. 

The knight knelt down before the King, "Your Majesty, we have word from the mission."

Upon hearing that, Kragen climbed off the bed and approached the knight. His imposing figure loomed over the knight who kept his eyes firmly on the floor. He could see the shadow that covered him. 

"And?" Kragen asked. 

"They have failed, your Majesty," the knight informed his King. 

In a fit of rage, Kragen materialized a weapon into his hand. A huge battle hammer that was almost twice his size. Without mercy he slammed it down on the knight, turning him into a pile of meat and armor pieces. 

The women on the bed did not dare to even make a squeak. If they displeased the King any further, they might just end up like the knight who was now a pile of flesh, blood, and sinew. 

"Guards! Get someone to clean up this mess!" Kragen roared as he kept his weapon. 

He turned back to the two women on his bed with a lust-filled grin, "Now, where were we?"


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