The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 86 - The Crown Princess And Her Bodyguard

Margaret could see the excitement fading quickly from Laina's face. Soon it turned into anxiety, as Laina tried again. But there was no response. Seeing Laina look so disheartened broke Margaret's heart. 

-Dante! You're going to get it from me if you ever dare to show your face around here again!- Margaret said to herself. 

The handmaid reached out her hand and placed it on Laina's, catching the Crown Princess's attention. 

"Maybe he's just busy at the moment, try again later," Margaret reassured her. 

Laina let out a breath of air, "You're right. I'll just try again later."

Though she could not help but let her mind wonder about what might have happened, Laina refocused her mind on the task at hand. The lack of sleep and weakening effects of coffee was getting to her. 

She could barely keep her eyes open as Laina gathered the information both of them had collected through their research. As they stood up from their seats, Laina let out a yawn as she stretched her arms over her head. 

"With what we have now, our best bet would be to head to Blu Lunara to have a look. Hopefully with a bit of luck, one of the Moon Maidens would be able to point us in the right direction."

Margaret nodded in agreement, "Yes, Your Highness. I will make preparations for us to leave as soon as possible."

Together, they returned to Laina's living quarters. Margaret quickly canceled all of the Crown Princess's engagements for the day, so that she could sleep and rest. They would make arrangements to leave that very night. 

But Laina was a little worried. Her absence would definitely be noticed and it would raise questions. 

"Don't worry, your Highness. I have a solution for that," Margaret said as she helped Laina change into her pajamas. 

"Are you going to conjure that double of me? Like last time when I went missing?" The crown princess asked. 

Margaret nodded, "Yes. Also, I won't be able to accompany you on your trip, your Highness."

Laina turned to look at Margaret, "What? Why?" 

Though the handmaid wanted to be there by Laina's side every step of the way, to protect and ensure her safety; Margaret knew it would be best for her to stay behind. Margaret sat Laina down as she explained. 

"If we want to create the facade that you're still in the palace, I have to remain. It would make it more believable," she looked over to Kol and continued, "Kol will be there to protect you in my stead."

Upon hearing his name being called and what he needed to do, Kol responded, "I will protect you, Crown Princess Laina."

Laina knew there was no point insisting. Deep down in her heart, she knew Margaret's arrangement was the best way to proceed. If someone was to find out she was missing, things could turn ugly. 

If they found out she was secretly going to Wolfenheim, it would raise even more questions. As such, the crown princess unwillingly agreed. 

That night, as the moon hung high in the sky, Laina and Kol prepared to leave. Margaret made sure to pack them everything they needed. Lucky for them, they both had spatial storages of their own, so they did not need to carry their belongings on their back. 

Laina exchanged her royal regal outfits for more casual and travel-friendly attire. She tied her hair up to keep it out of her face and wore a hooded jacket to keep her face hidden. 

As additional protection, Margaret cast a spell of illusion over Laina. In case they encountered anyone who knew Laina, they would not be able to recognize her. For added protection, Margaret gave Laina two vials filled with purple liquid

"Both of you will definitely stick out like sore thumbs when you're in Wolfenheim," the handmaid looked over to Kol as she continued, "Especially you, Kol. The werewolves… aren't so keen on vampires. They will be able to smell you instantly."

She held out the two vials, "This is where these two will come in handy."

"What are these?" Laina asked as she took a closer look at one of them. 

"These are concentrated masking potions. It will mask your scent and true forms. Take these right after you've crossed through the portal. It will last throughout the entire time you're there. But just to be safe," Margaret produced two more vials and handed them to Laina, "I have prepared two more."

"You sure thought of everything, Margaret, what would I do without you?" Laina could not help but praise the talents of her handmaid. 

This made Margaret smile, "I'm glad I'm able to help, your Highness. Now, do you both have everything ready?"

Laina and Kol looked at one another for a moment, then back at Margaret as they nodded. With that, they bid farewell to one another for the last time before Laina and Kol stepped through the portal. 

Seeing their back view as they disappeared before her, Margaret let out a sigh. She tightened her fist as she wondered if they would return safely.

"She'll be alright. She'll be alright," Margaret reassured herself. 

On the other hand, Laina and Kol stepped through the portal to find themselves in a forest clearing. As they walked out of the forest clearing and onto the main road, they could see the snow cap mountain range in the distance. 

Laina handed a vial over to Kol. Together, they downed it in one gulp. They did not feel any physical difference after taking it. Looking at the mountain range before them, they quickly noticed a sizable town at the foot of the mountains. 

"Let's head over there and find a place to rest for the night. We can begin our trekking bright and early tomorrow."

Kol nodded in agreement as they both made their way towards the town. It did not take long for them to reach it. There were no walls surrounding the town. Despite it being nighttime, the streets were bustling with travelers, merchants selling wares, and locals. 

Laina spoke to some of the locals and found an inn they could stay in for the night. When she requested two rooms, Kol stopped her from doing so. 

"One room is sufficient," he said, careful not to address Laina by her official title as it would raise suspicion. 

Surprised by Kol's objection, Laina could not understand why. She also could not imagine both of them sharing a room. 

"How are we going to share one room?" Laina protested.


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