The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 59 - I Know You

After Laina explained her plan to Fiona, there were quite a few minutes of silence in the room. Although she did not know how long it was, Laina felt like it went on for half an hour.

"Now, I understand that your superior would be concerned about my credibility about it. Which is why, I am simply asking for a written promise of credit when the time comes," Laina reassured Fiona. 

Fiona nodded as she listened and processed what Laina had said to her. Unfortunately, she could not give a definite answer at present. She wanted more time to reflect before giving a final answer. 

Laina shook her head, "No, I need an answer right now. This is a rare business partnership offer, Madam Fiona. As soon as this call ends, the offer ends."

Fiona chuckled. She had never seen someone so confident in their own ideas when their country owed so much money to the bank! She admired Laina's confidence. 

But was it worth the risk? 

"I like you, your Highness. "Fine, I'll tell you what. If my superiors refuse, I will personally take your offer, how about that?"

Laina leaned back in her chair with a grin, "That's fine with me. An investor, whether it is the bank or a person, is still an investor."

Fiona nodded, "Good, we have a deal then. Also, on those bank payments…"

"Don't worry, I will hand them to Nexus. Would that be alright?" 

"Yes, that would be perfect," Fiona turned to Nexus and gave him some further instructions "Nexus, please collect the amount and bring it straight to the HQ at once."

"Well, I have another meeting to attend. It was a pleasure speaking to you, Crown princess Laina. I hope to speak to you again soon. Goodbye," with that, Fiona signed off. 

The hologram turned off on its own. Laina was happy with the outcome of the meeting. Her plan would soon come to fruition. Right now, she had one more matter to settle. Turning over to Nexus, the Galatix Bank Representative, he walked over Laina's side and handed her a receipt. 

On it, was the amount that the crown had to pay the bank. The sum was a lot larger than she had anticipated, but Laina was ready to pay it nonetheless. Once the arrangements were made and Nexus received what he had come for, Laina bid him farewell.

As soon as he left, Laina slumped in her chair and let out a sigh of relief, "Well, that's one thing settled I guess."

Margaret tapped her gently on the shoulder as she reminded Laina, "That's just one of the unforeseen tasks of the day, your Highness. Now, it is time to meet with the Kinshearth nobility."

Hearing what was next gave Laina a surge of energy coursing through her veins. She cracked her knuckles and stretched out her arms as she stood up from her seat. 

"Time to put some people in their place, lead the way, Margaret."

As per Laina's invitation, those in question were invited to the Drawing Room. They had been waiting to meet with the Crown Princess all morning. Some of them were growing impatient but none of them dared to complain. 

Laina entered the room with Margaret trailing closely behind her. Everyone in the room stood up and greeted her. They only dared to sit back down when Laina gave the order after she herself was seated. 

"Thank you all for meeting with me today," Laina said as she scanned the room. 

As soon as she got a clear look at everyone, Laina noticed that a certain noble lady that she knew was in the room. Margaret immediately noticed that Laina had noticed her too. The handmaid leaned in close to Laina and whispered into her ear. 

"That's Viscountess Juliana, your highness. She's the one."

Seeing that Laina seemingly took an interest in her, the Viscountess spoke first. 

"Your Highness, it is truly an honor to meet you in person. You are much more beautiful than what the rumors have said," the Viscountess attempted to flatter Laina. 

Laina smiled cordially, "Oh is that so? You know, Viscountess Juliana, I find you particularly familiar looking for some reason. I feel like we've met before."

The Viscountess laughed as she hid her face behind her hand, "Oh is that so?" 

"Indeed, we have. Let me see…" the princess paused in thought for a moment. 

She clasped her hands together and exclaimed, "Ah yes, I remember now, we met in the Ballroom the other day. While the art competition was still going on, do you remember?"

The air in the room immediately turned cold as a sense of dread washed over the others in the room. From the look on their faces, they were beginning to put together the pieces of the puzzle. The Viscountess was the only one who seemed to be blissfully unaware. 

"Pardon me, your Highness. But I must be losing my memory. I believe I would remember our meeting, but I don't recall meeting you there. Perhaps you came in on a day while I was not in?" the Viscountess asked. 

Laina laughed. She wondered if the Viscountess was pretending to play dumb, or did she truly not know. If Juliana had simply taken a glance at everyone else who was in the room, she would have been able to tell something was off from their expression. 

"Allow me to refresh your memory. Do you recall splashing paint water over my bodyguard? Perhaps you might also remember Lady Margaret, who was also there in person when it happened?" 

Juliana could feel a shiver down her spine as her heart sank. She glanced over to look at Margaret, then at Kol who was standing behind Laina in the corner of the room. He was glaring at her with his cold blue eyes. 

She averted her gaze back to Laina, who was smiling at her. As soon as the pieces of the puzzle fit together in Juliana's mind, she could hear her heart pounding in her ears. Her lips quivered. 

"I… Your Highness, I did not reco-"

"You're saying that you did not recognize me that day, is that correct, Viscountess Juliana?"

"Yes… yes that's right." she quickly responded. 

Realizing her mistake, the Viscountess got down onto her knees. She attempted to grab onto Laina's hand but she was not quick enough. 

"Crown Princess Laina, I did not know that was you!"

Laina folded her arms and turned to the Viscountess. 

"So you're saying that your attitude was justified if it was someone else?"


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