The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 232 - Maniacal

Laina shook her head as she placed both of her arms around his shoulders, "Do not worry. I have it all under control. Right now, you're what's most important to me and I want to spend time with you."

As long as Kinshearth prospered and her subjects were safe, Laina did not mind anything else. Even if they decide to overthrow her and elect someone else as the monarch she did not mind. So long as the person they chose was capable, she had no qualms about it. But, she would never allow Kinshearth to fall into the wrong hands. 

Laina's physical absence in Kinshearth immediately became the hottest topic of discussion. Some were up in arms on the Crown Princess's decision, others gave her their respect. After all, could you fault the princess for wanting to spend time with her lover?

The Nobles of the High Court found this to be a disgrace. How could an unmarried young maiden, the Crown Princess no less, be spending alone time with a foreign king? Even if the King was courting her, they were still two strangers living under one roof. 


"Has she gone mad? Or is she hell-bent on being at odds with us?" one of the nobles proclaimed. 

The Nobles of High Court had gathered under Lord Ethan request. He listened to their grievances on the matter, one after the other. While everyone had something to say, none of them had a solution or a plan. 

"Perhaps we should take our chance now!" Lady Fontaine suggested. 

She had been a strong supporter of Lord Ethan for quite some time. She believed that Laina did not have the right to rule, nor the capabilities to do so. The other nobles in attendance agreed with Lady Fontaine. 

"Yes! We should strike now while she's out of Kinshearth. We should take over Kinshearth Palace. Lord Ethan can take his rightful seat as King!"

The nobles were all getting riled up. Ethan himself was also lightening up to the idea. But deep down, he wanted to bide his time a little more. Finally, he stood up and shared his thoughts. 

"While it does look to be the perfect opportunity now, perhaps there is another waiting for us," he declare to everyone who had gathered.

He wanted to hit Laina where it hurt, such as during a joyous occasion. The coronation. He wanted to kick her off her high horse when she least expected. No one would see it coming. The other nobles were anxious, wanting Laina to be deposed as soon as possible. 

But in the end, Lord Ethan convinced them otherwise. They trusted him and his intellect. There was one more thing he was waiting for too. The mysterious witch who offered her assistance came through with her promises. She had completed the three tasks he had to ask of her and revealed herself to him. 

After the nobles left, Ethan returned to his room to rest. Just as he was pouring himself a glass of wine, he felt a presence in the room with him. 

"I was beginning to wonder where you went," he said as he turned around, "I thought I might have to hire my knights to track you down."

Standing before him, was none other than Cordelia, the purple-haired witch. After she wounded Laina, she was finally free to take on her true form once more. She had been in contact with Lord Ethan and finally gained his trust.

She was amused by his brilliance. He truly was a capable man. At the very least, he was smarter than the werewolf king she had previously worked with. 

"Did his lordship lose faith in my abilities in my absence?" she asked with a grin. 

"I thought you might have run off to whichever hole you crawled out off," he joked. 

"Easy there, Lord Ethan. Easy," she warned him. 

She did not appreciate insults, even if they were for humor's sake. Cordelia poured herself a glass of wine too. As she savored the sweet taste of wine, she looked over to Ethan. He looked as if he had something he wanted to ask. 

"If you have something to ask, just ask away. I won't be too offended, usually," she replied as she took another sip of wine. 

He did not expect to read his emotions so well. But nevertheless, this made things a lot easier. He did not have to tiptoe around her. 

"The assassination attempt on my cousin, that was you?"

Cordelia smiled, she nodded in acknowledgment. 

Ethan grinned as he rolled his eyes, "You could not finish her off? That would have made things a lot better for the both of us."

Upon hearing his remarks, Cordelia could not help but burst out in laughter. Ethan was confused by her behavior. Perhaps the witch was mad. 

"First of all, that was merely to scare her. A favor I did for someone," she explained, "Secondly, wouldn't that deny you the satisfaction of seeing the horror on her face when you ascend the throne in her face?"

He could not deny it. The witch was right. But what Cordelia said piqued his interest. He wanted to know who he was doing the favor for. Before he could ask about it, Cordelia stopped him as she shook her head. 

"I know what you're going to ask and the answer is no. I cannot disclose that," she replied sternly. 

"So even a powerful witch like you has to work under someone?" he asked as he folded his arms. 

Cordelia shot him a glare, "Watch your words, Lord Ethan. Choose them wisely when you're speaking to me."

She got up close to him. She moved so swiftly he could barely read her movements. One moment she was a distance away. In the blink of an eye, she was right in front of him, grabbing him by the collar. 

"Let's make this clear, Lord Ethan," she said to him while keeping eye contact their entire time, "I am not working for you. I am working with you."

She let go of his collar and dusted him off as she continued, "If you would be so kind as to remember that, I will appreciate it."

He did not appreciate the treatment, but Ethan clenched his jaw and took it. He knew the purple-haired witch was not someone to be messed with. He had his informants try to find any information they could about Cordelia. But there was nothing. 

"One more thing," she said to him, "Don't ever send people to find information about me."

She took a seat down on the sofa, while still looking straight at Ethan as she continued,"If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

"Anything?" Ethan asked as he arched his eyebrow. 

"I reserve the right to answer," she added. 

"So you could choose to not answer any of them? Then what's the point of me asking to begin with?" he asked in annoyance. 

Cordelia chuckled as she shook her head in disappointment, "Where is your sense of wonder? Give it a shot."

Lord Ethan was not one who enjoyed games like this, but just this once, he decided to play along. 

"Where are you from?"

"I can't answer that."

One question in and he already hit a wall. Ethan pondered over another suitable question. 

"Why are you helping me?" 

"Now that, I can answer," she replied with a smile, "Because our goals are aligned. At least, for now."

Ethan rolled his eyes in annoyance, "That does not help at all."

"I never said my answers were going to be helpful," Cordelia chuckled, "Right now, all you need to know is that I am here to help."

"So, you've decided to forgo the chance to strike her now, right?" the purple hair witch asked. 

"Yes, I believe the coronation, would be a much better opportunity," Ethan explained as he took a sip of his wine. 

Cordelia burst out in maniacal laughter, "I love it. Hitting her just as she thinks everything is going in her favor. Perfect."


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