The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 178 - Her Highness Returns

Laina entered the training grounds with Dante by her side. Needless to say, this alone was enough to get the nobles to gossip. As soon as she locked eyes with the Nobles of the High Court, she knew what was going through their minds. 

She never had their support from the beginning, so she did not care about their opinions of her. As soon as Nyx saw Laina, she quickly ran over to her and took the knee. 

"Your Highness! You're back!" Nyx exclaimed with glee. 

Laina was happy to see her but she was not happy to see what was going on. As soon as she noticed Margaret in handcuffs and Lord Ethan on the field, she began to put the pieces together. 

By the rules of the Royal Court, everyone should be either bowing or on their knees to greet her. Yet only a small number of them abide by these rules. Laina folded her arms as she looked Lord Ethan straight in the eye. She was going to forgo the formalities, just to see what her cousin had to see. 

"Would you care to explain what's going on, Lord Ethan?" she asked in a cold monotonous tone. 

Laina was not about to play any games with him. She wanted the answer. She wanted the truth. On the other hand, Ethan had not expected Laina to show up at all. But it seems he had underestimated his cousin and her handmaid. 

"Your Highness, your handmaid has insulted a Noble of the High Court and your knightess has challenged me to Trial by Combat. You, on the other hand-"

"Is that how you are supposed to speak to your Crown Princess, Lord Ethan?" she warned him sternly. 

She knew how much of a stickler he was for the rules. For him to have replied in such an informal manner showed his true colors. It showed her how much he disliked her. Dante, who stood by Laina's side, glared at Lord Ethan menacingly. 

He did not say a word, nor did he care for anyone else apart from Laina. He was here to support her. If anyone dared to insult her, they would face his wrath. 

Lord Ethan gritted his teeth. 

"My apologies, your Highness. But as a Noble of the High Court, I will not take the insult lightly. If I do, how would we ever be able to command the respect of the people?" he rebutted. 

It was a bold move for him to speak up against Laina. But she was not about to let him bully her either. 

"Respect? This is what it is all about?" Laina asked calmly. 

She tried to keep her cool as she let out a breath of air. Just as he thought she was about to back down, Liana calls for the Royal Guards. At her call, they came immediately and knelt down before her. 

"Arrest Lord Ethan and the Nobles of the High Court for disrespect to the Crown. Bring them to the Royal Court at once," she commanded. 

"Yes, Your Highness!" the Royal Guards replied in unison before taking action. 

"What-" the look of horror on Lord Ethan's face was priceless. 

Margaret could not help but grin upon seeing how things were unfolding. Nyx could not help but snigger. Dante was amused. He had not expected Laina to do this. She did not disappoint. But before the Royal Guards could usher Lord Ethan away, his own guards blocked their path. 

Laina's lips twitched a little. They played right into her hand. 

"Are you resisting arrest, Lord Ethan?" she asked. 

Ethan gritted his teeth. Sweat trickled down his forehead. He could not afford to have an altercation with his cousin here and now. If he did so, he would never be able to achieve his goals. 

"Stand down," he commanded. 

"But milord-"

I command you to stand down!" he boomed. 

The guards immediately lowered their weapons. More guards arrived on the field, along with some of the knights under Laina's command. Together, they gathered all of the nobles and their entourage and herded them to the Royal Court. 

Despite this, Laina still could not uncuff Margaret just yet. She had to be fair. But she also needed to know what happened in her absence. As soon as Margaret saw Laina, she knelt down on the ground.

"Margaret! Stand up at once!" Laina said as she held onto the handmaid's arm, trying to get her to stand. 

She refused. 

"Your HIghness, I can only seek your understanding and pray that one day you will find it in you to forgive me for the trouble I have caused you today," Margaret declared with her head facing down. 

Laina refused to accept this, she pulled her back up on her feet. She even dusted off Margaret's dress for her. 

"There's no need for forgiveness or understanding. If you really want to blame someone, we can blame Dante for this," she replied with a wink. 

The innocent Dragon King was pulled into this. He turned to look at Laina, pointing his finger at himself as he asked, "Your Highness, how is this my fault?"

Margaret could not help but chuckle a little. It seems like Laina and Dante had gotten closer in the time they had spent at Starfrost Mansion. She could see how happy Laina was. Maybe trusting Dante was the right choice. 

"Well, if you had not whisked me away, we would not be in this mess!" Laina exclaimed as she gently nudged Dante in the chest. 

Dante pretended to have a look of horror and remorse on his face. But in the next moment, he wrapped his hand around Laina's waist and brought her close to him. 

He whispered into her ear, "My apologies for causing you so much trouble, your Highness. Please allow me to repay you with my-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Laina covered his mouth with her hands as she blushed beet red. She knew exactly what he was about to say and she did not want anyone else to hear it. 

All of this would only fuel the rumor mill. But a part of her did not care or mind any longer. She was clearly enamored with this man and it was clear for all to see. 

"Keep the mushy stuff for when we're alone, your Majesty," she reminded him as she wriggled out of his grasp, "I have a trial to oversee."


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