The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 173 - Abide By The Laws Of The Court

The Trial Theater was in an uproar. Everyone was shocked by the actions of the Princess's bodyguard and her Knights. Against Kinshearth tradition, they have interrupted a trial and barged on to the trial stand. 

As the noise levels increased in the Trial Theater, Lord Ethan grew annoyed. He struck the gavel, the ceremonial mallet, against a sound block. The sound rang bright and loud across the theater. 

"Order! Order!" He declared across the theater in a loud booming voice. 

Eventually, everyone simmered down, in a matter of seconds the entire theater was so quiet, you could almost hear a pin drop. 

"What is the meaning of this? Interrupting a trial in session is punishable by death! Do you have no respect for the rules of court?" Lord Ethan roared in anger. 

Lord Ethan's voice echoed throughout the theater. Some of the people in the audience shivered as they heard the authoritative force in his voice. His presence commanded their obedience, his aura demanded their loyalty. 

But Kol and the knights were unperturbed. They did not care for the way Lord Ethan was threatening them. 

"How is this trial fair to begin with?" Nyx voiced her concern. 

Before any of the nobles could reply, she took a step forward and continued to speak, "You said this trial is in place because Margaret insulted a noble? Where are your witnesses? Shouldn't there be a proper trial, followed by-"

Lord Ethan slammed the gavel down on the sound block, cutting Nyx off. 

"You do not have permission to speak in the Trial Theater!" He declared, "Guards! Remove these troublemakers at once!"

The royal guards did not move. All of them knew who Nyx was and the rank she held. They were not about to arrest her, not when the order came from a mere noble. Even if they were a Noble of the High Court, this was the Kinshearth Palace. 

They did not have the authority to order them to do anything. When the royal guards did not budge, Lord Ethan simply ordered his own guards to arrest Nyx. As they entered the center of the room to arrest Nyx, she glared at them. 

She watched them carefully, wondering how close they would get. The guards had shivers down their spine. It was uncommon for them to see a female knight. It was even rarer to see one with such fire in their eyes. 

"You dare to arrest me?" She declared in a cold voice. 

Alum gulped. He knew what it meant when Nyx spoke in that tone of voice. He tried to hold her back, tugging at her sleeve but she was not backing down. Nyx did not care who Lord Ethan was. 

All she knew was Margaret's order to stall. No matter what method she would employ, she would do everything she can to stall. The guards were not backing down. As they got closer to Nyx, she drew her weapon, earning shocked gasps from many in attendance. 

Nyx drew her blade, "Don't you dare take one step closer."

Nyx knew she could take them with ease. But seeing the expressions of the others in the theater, even she knew it was not the best decision moving forward. She gritted her teeth, was there something else she could do?

Alum bit his lip. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he tried to come up with a solution. Fighting was certainly not the answer, right? Just then, it clicked in his mind. Alum whispered into Nyx's ear. 

Upon hearing his idea, she was delighted. Her face lit up with a grin. She straightened her back and turned to Lord Ethan. 

"I demand a trial by combat," Nyx declared. 

The entire theater erupted into chaos. Even Margaret was dumbfounded by the development. But, she was impressed that they were able to come up with it. Kol was surprised too. He quickly volunteered to take Nyx's place in combat. 

"You just sit back and make sure Lady Margaret is alright. Leave the fighting to me," Nyx assured him with a smile, "I don't intend on losing, no matter who they send."

Seeing the arrogance of the knights, Lord Ethan was annoyed. He wanted to put them in their place. Since they wanted a trial by combat, he shall personally see to it himself. 

"A trial by combat? Very well," Lord Ethan declared. 

The nobles were surprised that he agreed to the call for combat. Nyx was surprised he had accepted it too. She had expected the noble to back down after a mention of combat. 

"Who will you choose to be your champion?" Nyx asked. 

Lord Ethan smiled, "I do not need someone else to fight my battles for me. I will be your opponent."

A trial by combat. The training arena in the castle was immediately set up for the battle. Everyone in the palace had heard about what was happening. Many gathered at the training arena to see how things would play out. 

Some of them even began to place bets on who would win. Those who had seen Nyx in training were confident she would have the upper hand. But there were those who had heard rumors of Lord Ethan in battle. 

"They say he's merciless with his opponents. I don't think even the leader of the Order of Knights could beat him."

"You're undermining her abilities! You've seen her train! She's a beast in battle!" 

Alum held both of his hands close together. His palms were sweating as he watched Nyx warm-up for the battle. 

"Nyx, are you sure about this?" Alum asked worriedly. 

She threw him a glance and a smile. Nyx pats him on the back, "I appreciate the concerned Alum. But don't worry, even though we're stalling, I don't intend on losing."

Though she knew nothing about the abilities of her opponent, she knew the extent of her own abilities. She was confident that things would play out in her favor. After all, she was on home turf. She will not lose to a noble. 

She hated people like Lord Ethan. She could not wait to kick him off his high horse.


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