The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 143 - Wolf In The Air

Though this was their first meeting, Victoria and the Moon Goddess hit it off well. They talked about various topics, pertaining to Wolfenheim and a little about Victoria's past. There were things she wished to forget, but many more she wished to keep close to her heart. 

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that.," Selene said as she reached out and placed her hand over Victoria's.

Victoria gave her a soft smile, "Experiences are what help us to grow and learn. While I do not wish to go through them again, I have gained a lot. That is something one cannot buy."

Selene nodded, agreeing with what she was saying. The Moon Goddess had great expectations for Victoria. She was destined for great things. 

Back in the room, Kragen was pacing back and forth. He had heard what the Moon Maidens had said. He did not want to return to the stables. Though he could no longer change his form, or have even half the power he used to, he was still a formidable fighter. 

He was a proud warrior. 

Kragen gritted his teeth as he looked up at the closed door in front of him. He knew what he had done in the past was wrong. If he was given the chance, he wanted to atone for what he had done. 

Out of everyone, he knew he owed Victoria the most. Though she did not know it was him, she still helped him. He did not like owing others a favor either. He wanted to remain by her side. Kragen clawed at the door, howling as he did in hopes of getting the Moon Maidens's attention. 

The two Moon Maidens who stood guard outside were startled by the sudden scratching and howling. They did not know what was going on, nor where they were willing to open the door. 

"Maybe we should open to see-"

"Are you crazy?"

Kragen could hear their conversation loud and clear. He stopped what he was doing and looked for another solution instead. When he saw the open balcony, he had an idea. He ran over to it and looked over the railings. 

Lucky for him, they were only on the second floor. Though he was still nursing his injuries, he knew he could make it. Kragen took a few steps back. With a burst of energy, he ran forward swiftly and leaped off over the railings. 

Using the momentum of his jump, he landed carefully on the ground below. His actions startled the nearby Moon Maidens, causing them to yelp in shock. It was not every day that one saw a wolf falling from the sky.

Kragen made a run for it. With the amount of time he had spent by Victoria's side, he had practically memorized her scent. 

"Hey! Get him!" he could hear people shouting in the background, he had no time to waste!

Kragen did not care about the people who were in his way, he dashed through the walkways as fast as his legs could take him. His injuries, which were still in the process of healing, were feeling sore as he exerted himself. 

Kragen gritted his teeth as he slowed down his pacing a little to catch his breath. But as soon as he heard the footsteps quickening towards his direction, he quickened his pace once more. Following his sense of smell, he finally made it to where Victoria was. 

But the room was guarded by two Moon Maidens. As soon as they noticed him running towards them, they lifted their weapons and shouted at him to stop in his tracks. He did not listen to them. Instead, he leaped up into the air and used the force of his weight and strength to push open the doors. 

"What in the-" Moon Goddess Selene gasped in shock. 

The moment she saw the wolf, she knew who it was. Victoria was surprised too. That was the wolf she was caring for! Why did it burst through the doors? Kragen was panting, gasping for air as he walked up to Victoria and the Moon Goddess. 

"What are you doing here? You need rest, you're still injured," Victoria said to the wolf. 

"Wait, your Majesty. You know this wolf?" Selene gasped in shock. 

Before Victoria could reply, the Moon Goddess looked over to Kragen. While he would normally be unable to communicate with other werewolves, the goddess was an exception. 

-She does not know who I am,- Kragen said to the Moon Goddess as he lowered his head. 

"This is the wolf I've been nursing. He was badly injured in the stables so I took care of him in my room. My sincerest apologies, Moon Goddess, I don't know what had gotten into him," Victoria explained as she walked over to the wolf. 

Selene grabbed hold of Victoria's hand. 

"Your Majesty, you do know who this wolf is, right?" she asked, without the slightest bit of hesitation. 

She did not want Victoria to be kept in the dark about it. Kragen took a couple of steps back. He looked up at Victoria. A part of him wished she never knew so that she would not be reminded of all the cruel things he had done to her. 

But he knew what the Moon Goddess did was right. Victoria should not be kept in the dark. 

"I…" Victoria bit her lip. 

She looked at the wolf, then at Moon Goddess Selene. The look in her eyes must have betrayed her. 

"You knew?" Selene asked for clarification. 

Kragen stared at Victoria in disbelief. She knew it was him all along? And she still went through all the trouble to help him?

"Not exactly," Victoria explained herself, "I had my suspicions but I wasn't sure…"

Moon Goddess Selene was surprised, "I must say, I am surprised. After all that he had done to you, don't you… hate him? Even a little?"

Victoria sighed as she closed her eyes. She remembered everything he had done to her. They will never leave her mind. 

"To say that I don't, would be a lie."

Kragen looked down. 

"But, I am learning to find it in myself to forgive him," Victoria added, "I'm assuming he's stuck in the form of a wolf as punishment for what he had done, right?"

Selene nodded in reply, "Yes. I hope it will teach him to be a little more humble. The High Priestess had informed me about the incident in the stables. As you can tell, he is not very well-liked.

But that still does not explain why he's here. Is there something you wanted to say, Kragen?"


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