The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 124 - Blind With Rage

As soon as Laina left with Kol, Dante turned his attention back to Kragen. He cracked his knuckles as he took a step towards the werewolf. 

"My feud is not with you, Dragon King!" Kragen roared with rage as he lunged towards Dante with a curled-up fist. 

His berserk-like fighting technique was useless against Dante, who easily dodged all of his attacks. Fed up with how erratic his movements were, Dante caught one of Kragen's punches mid-air. 

The Dragon King crushed Kragen's hand with ease. Kragen cried out in pain as he fell to the ground while holding his crippled hand. The Alpha werewolf was blind with rage. 

He wanted revenge, nothing but revenge. 

Dante wiped his hand on his jacket as he looked over to Kragen, "You might not have a feud with me, but I have a bone to pick with you."

He grabbed Kragen by the collar and punched him in the gut, sending him flying across the forest floor until he hit a tree. Blood trickled down the side of Kragen's lips as his vision began to blur. 

"Your feud is with someone I cherish, I cannot let you get your way. Also for the horrible acts you've done, it's time you faced judgment," Dante declared as he walked up to him. 

Kragen refused to accept his defeat. He had worked so hard to get to where he was yet overnight, he had become nothing. He was no longer a King. He had lost his pride as an Alpha. 

Everything was taken out of his hands. 

"I should have never listened to that witch!" Kragen cursed beneath his breath. 

Dante furrowed his eyebrows. A witch? He picked Kragen up by the collar of his shirt. 

"Did you say, a witch? Did she have purple colored hair?" Dante asked. 

Kragen was surprised by Dante's interest in his words. Realizing he had information the Dragon King wanted, he decided to use it as a bargaining chip to get his way. But Dante was not having any of it. 

Since the werewolf refused to tell him anything, he would force it out of him. In the blink of an eye, Dante took to his dragon form. He grabbed Kragen by the collar and threw him up into the night sky. 

When the werewolf began to fall, he could not help but yell in terror as he was free-falling. Dante caught him in his claws mid-air. He could hear the werewolf's heart pounding in fear. 

They were still up in the air. Not high enough to kill him but high enough to injure him. 

"Did the witch you mention have purple-colored hair?" Dante asked again. 

Kragen grinned, still refusing to answer. Dante released him, allowing him to fall to the ground. Without anything to break his fall, Kragen's legs were crushed as he hit hard against the ground. 

"AAARRGHHH!" Kragen yelled in pain as the bones in his legs were fractured and crushed. 

The impact dislocated his knee joints and fractured bone was protruding out of his skin. Dante's expressions remained the same as he landed before Kragen. He took to his dragon-human hybrid form as he looked over to the werewolf. 

He did not care for his cries of pain. Dante wanted the information he sought after. As he took another step closer to Kragen, the werewolf finally knew what fear meant. He leaned away from Dante, begging for mercy. 

"Please, your Majesty, mercy… mercy!" 

Dante scoffed, "The mighty werewolf is begging for mercy?"

He leaned in close as he continued, "This is mercy."

"What?" Kragen did not understand, how was this showing mercy?

Dante's lips curled up as he chuckled. "If it was Laina, not much of you would be left. Either that, or you would be in much more pain than a pair of broken legs."

He could see the disbelief on Kragen's face, but Dante did not care. It was true. He had seen how she dealt with enemies in the past. Some might say it's too much but if the situation calls for it, she would give them what they deserved. 

"Spill the beans now, Kragen, or it's going to get a lot worse for you," Dante threatened with his spear. 

"I'll talk! I'll talk!" Kragen replied swiftly. 

He told Dante everything he knew. He confirmed that he was visited by Cordelia, the purple-haired witch. Dante listened carefully with silence. When he was done, the Dragon King simply nodded. 

Thinking he would be set free now, a smile formed on Kragen's face. But it soon faded away as Dante knocked him out with a punch to the face. Dante grabbed hold of Kragen and took to the sky. 

Using a teleportation spell, he arrived in Blu Lunara Temple of the Moon. His sudden appearance caused quite the commotion amongst the Moon Maidens. When they noticed the werewolf Dante had brought with him, they immediately alerted High Priestess Shylla. 

Upon seeing Dante, the High Priestess seemed to have anticipated his arrival. 

"Greetings, King Dante. Thank you for delivering the alpha to us," High Priestess Shylla said as she signaled the other Moon Maidens to take over from Dante. 

The Moon Maidens were afraid to get close. But with the High Priestess's insistence, they did as she asked. Dante handed Kragen off to the Moon Maidens before he turned his attention back to the High Priestess. 

"I wish to meet with Moon Goddess Selene,  bring me to her," Dante demanded. 

Just as one of the Moon Maidens was about to reply, High Priestess Shylla stopped them. 

"This way please, your Majesty," she said as she stepped to the side. 

Dante simply nodded and followed the High Priestess. The Moon Maidens were confused. It was nowhere near the dates on which the Moon Goddess would appear amongst them. 

So how was the Dragon King going to meet with her?

High Priestess Shylla brought Dante to the room. It was not a full moon night, but the moonlight still reflected off the pool of water in the center of the room. 

"I will leave you to it, your Majesty. If you need any assistance, please feel free to let me know." With that, Shylla closed the door behind her and left Dante alone in the room. 

Dante took off his suit jacket and stretched out his arms. He cracked his neck and knuckled before materializing and got a moon pearl in his hands. He walked up to the pool of water and allowed the moonlight to shine down on the moon pearl. 

As soon as the moonlight touched the moon pearl, it began to emit a soft glow of light. Moments later, a bright flash of light enveloped the room. When it finally dissipated, the Moon Goddess appeared. 

She hovered above the water. Dante took a few steps back, just as the light dissipated completely. Moon Goddess Selene opened her eyes. She walked towards Dante. 

Once she was on solid ground, the Moon Goddess curtsied to Dante. 

"Do you know who I am?" Dante asked. 

"You're King Dante of Dracona."

Dante bit his lip, "I'm referring to my other identity." 

The Moon Goddess nodded, "Yes of course , you are the Celestial Moon Dra-"

Dante stopped her from continuing. 

"You are to address me only as King Dante, my other identity cannot be revealed to anyone. Now, I'll get straight to the point. You've met with the Crown Princess of Kinshearth, is that correct?" He asked. 

"Understood, your Majesty. Yes, the child of the sun," she replied. 

"Did she… look or sound like she knows what she truly is?" He asked. 

Moon Goddess Selene shook her head, "No, she did not.. She seems completely oblivious to what she is and the powers she possess." 


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