The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 103 - We Belong To Each Other

The unseen tension between them was extremely high. Dante sat on the opposite end of the table. As he shifted in his seat, he reached for the cup and saucer on the table and took a sip of coffee. 

"So, you found her?" The lady on the other end of the table asked. 

She was dressed in the best finery money could buy, maybe even more luxurious than human eyes could perceive. Her movements were flawless. Her skin was as fair as milk, while her hair was platinum blonde. 

A little annoyed by her question, Dante snapped back, "If that's all you want to ask, then I think it's time I took my leave."

As soon as he stood up from his seat, the lady softened her attitude, "Dante, when have you become so distant?"

She sighed as she leaned back in her seat, "Fine, we'll not talk about her. How's Dracona? All is well?"

Though he really wanted to leave on the spot, Dante still sat back down to continue the conversation. 

"All is well. It took some time for me to adjust but apart from that it's going well." 

The lady smiled, her bright red lips contrasted her fair skin, "Good. I knew it would be good practice for you. After all, when you ascend the throne as-"

"We've been through this, I will not-"

Dante's words triggered the lady. She slammed her hand on the table. A flash of lightning and rumbling thunder crashed across the sky as she did. Everyone else who was in the room flinched. 

But Dante did not. He kept his calm. He was used to her outbursts by now. Marius, who was outside of the room felt shivers down his spine when he heard the crash of thunder.

Seeing Dante's emotionless expression, she gritted her teeth. He no longer had the same amount of respect he once had for her. After everything that had happened, he had become a hollow husk of his former self. 

She remembered what he was like in the days after he lost her. It was as if his soul was taken away from his body. He was only a shambling shell. Nothing she did could cheer him up. 

But when he found out about the Crown Princess of Kinshearth, a glimpse of his former self returned. 

"You might not like to hear it, but it will still happen whether you like it or not," she finally spoke.

Dante looked up at her, his sapphire eyes glistened brightly as he asked, "Does this mean you will be accepting her?"

"Dante, have you already forgotten what happened? She does not belong with us! She does not belong with you!"

If he was still his younger self, Dante would have revolted in anger and rage. But that was all in the past. His emotions would only get him so far. If he wanted to get things his way, he would need to strategize and calculate his moves. 

He carefully placed his cup of coffee down on the table and looked up as he interlocked his fingers, "Clearly we still do not see eye to eye on this. Well, then there's no point in me being here any further…"

Dante turned over to the right. He had completely ignored the existence of the young woman who was sitting next to the lady opposite of him up till this point in time. He only had eyes for one woman. No one else mattered. 

"My humble apologies for wasting your time. I was not aware you would be here. To be quite honest if I knew there would be a stranger here today, I would not have come in the first place," he replied curtly without hesitation. 

His behavior greatly infuriated the lady who sat opposite him. 

"Dante! I demand you apologize to her at once! What has gotten into you?" the lady turned to the young woman who seemed shaken by Dante's attitude, "My sincerest apologies, Lady Amaris."

"It's… alright. I understand. I think I am feeling a little under the weather, I will take my leave now," the young woman stood up from her seat. 

The lady wanted to keep Lady Amaris for a little while longer but she already left in a hurry. Brisk walking past Dante with tears in her eyes. 

"Tch, weak" he muttered to himself as he folded his arms. 

The young woman could not even take such a simple curt remark, how would she ever make a suitable queen by his side? She was clearly unfit for the position. Laina on the other hand would be perfect for it. 

Her sharp wit and tongue meant she could defend herself. But when the time arrives, he too will defend her with everything he has. 

"Dante Le Lunara! What has gotten into you?!" the lady slammed her hand down on the table and confronted him. 

Dante turned to her, "I have told you before and I will tell you again, mother. Stop arranging these matchmaking sessions. It's embarrassing."

The lady looked at him in shock, "Embarrassed? You're the future Emperor. Is it wrong for me, your Empress Mother, to find you a match when you're currently without one?"

"We've been through this, I will not have anyone-"

"You will not have anyone but her, right?"

Dante sighed, "If you already know the answer, why are you making it difficult for the both of us?" 

He had only returned to see his mother, because of the emergency message he had received. Dante thought something terrible had happened to his mother, Empress Cecilia, so he rushed back to see her. 

When he arrived and realized she was well, he wanted to turn back immediately. But he was forced to stay and entertain. Now that Lady Amaris had left and his mother was well, Dante wanted to leave. 

Time moves differently here, so Dante wanted to return back to Dracona as soon as he could. Though he had only spent a couple of hours here, days had already passed in Dracona and Kinshearth. If he was not careful, weeks and months could go by without him noticing. 

Empress Cecilia sighed as she looked over to her son, "You do remember the curse, right?"

He gritted his teeth as he met her gaze, "How can I forget?"

"And yet you still want to go after her? Dante, I don't want you risking your life for this woman! And for what?" the empress said in distraught. 

Dante did not care about any of this. He would find a solution. He would make sure things worked out for both of them. 

He owed Laina that and so much more. 

<Writing Prompt #5 - Time Control >

Dedicated to lady_omega_1

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked the man in front of her. 

The man took a deep breath and nodded, "I am ready."

She clapped her hands twice. At that instant, time changed course. It began to move in a different direction. The man did not feel like anything had changed. The lady simply leaned back in her armchair, readjusted her glasses, and returned to the leather-bound book she had in her hands. 

The man stood there, blinking a couple of times before looking all around. 

"That… that's it?" he asked in confusion. 

The lady chuckled. This was not the first person who came to her asking for a favor only to doubt her after she agreed and accomplished the task. 

"That's it," she replied absentmindedly as she flipped the pages of her book. 

For the low low price of a leather-bound novel that is to be delivered to her in person, Lady Tempus will alter time. As long as her conditions are met, she will agree to the exchange. The man who stood before her, Ronald Dessington, had arrived a moment ago with a book in his hands. 

In exchange for a first edition leather-bound copy of <The Myriad of Space> by Cassey Jones, he had asked to alter his timeline. He wanted to go back to a time, where he had made a different decision at the crossroads of his life at age 21. 

"Really?" he asked in disbelief. 

Nothing felt different. 

Lady Tempus looked up at him, her long black curls cascaded down her shoulder. Her golden pupils glistened in the warm glow of light from the fireplace. She closed the book in her hands and let out a sigh. 

"Mr. Dessington. You've come to my humble abode to bring me a book. For that, I am most grateful. Our deal is sealed and I have accomplished what you've asked of me. If you have another request, spit it out. 

If not, please leave and I hope you have a good life."

"My apologies, Lady Tempus. I did not mean any disrespect," Ronald quickly apologized, realizing his doubt had offended the lady. 

"That's quite alright. You're not the first, and definitely will not be the last. But remember, the new path you've decided to walk, will not be any easier than the one before. Our… chance meeting only happens once an eternity."

Though her words were cryptic, Ronald understood what she was hinting at. He nodded and bid her farewell. He turned to leave. Just as he placed his hand on the door knob, he turned back around. 

No one had ever done so, so Lady Tempus looked back up. Their eyes met. 

"Lady Tempus, I have a question."

Intrigued, she put down her book and replied, "Speak your mind, Mr Dessington."

"How did you end up here?" 

It had been a long time since someone asked her that question. Lady Tempus smiled. She remembered the last person who asked her. It was a young girl, barely past the age of 10. She had offered a small handmade leather-bound book. 

"I was once like you. I too wished to alter the path I took. But, I could not live with the decision I had made. I forced my way back here. I did not want to go back anymore. So, I have been here ever since."

"Don't you ever wish to return? Don't you miss the people you've left behind?" 

"I did not leave anyone behind.. I took them with me," Lady Tempus replied solemnly, placing her hand over her heart, "I have them in my heart."


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