The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 100 - Is He Your Mate?

Lucky for the traveling trio, they were able to find a portal gate that allowed them to return to Kinshearth swiftly. To avoid being found, they did not return straight to the palace. 

They arrived in a portal gate near the Yellow Villa and entered it in secret. Laina had already sent word to Margaret to make preparations for them, so they were expecting them. 

Laina, Kol, and Victoria settled into the main dining hall as the food was brought out to them to eat. In the meantime, Margaret was notified of their return. She immediately left to meet them in the Yellow Villa. 

Laina tapped the pendant around her neck. She had been trying to contact Dante multiple times over the past few days. Yet, he still had not replied. She bit her lip. Was it all a lie? Or was he just busy?

Victoria noticed Laina's weird actions. She could not help but ask the Crown Princess of the origin of her necklace. After explaining that it was a gift from Dante, Victoria smiled. 

"So is he your mate?" She asked the crown princess casually. 

Laina blushed beet red as she swiftly replied, "What, no! He's… he's just a friend."

Victoria chuckled, "I might not have had a successful romance, your Highness, but I have witnessed genuine romance. This is a sign of one."

"Well, it won't be if he doesn't reply, now would it," Laina could not help but sigh. 

Though the Crown Princess did not say, anyone could tell that she had some feelings for the Dragon King. Even if those feelings aren't at the level of romance, it would at the very least be infatuation. 

"I just feel Iike I know him, although we've only known one another for a short period of time. When we talk, it's like we could have a conversation that goes on forever," Laina tried to make sense of the emotions she felt when they were together. 

Victoria chuckled as she turned to her, "If you both were werewolves, we would call that a mate bond for certain. No doubt about it."


"Really," Victoria echoed her response. 

"I've asked my parents before. How does one feel when they've found their mate? Their response was, it felt as if you've known one another forever. You might still be at odds at times but no matter what happens, you know you're meant to be. 

Everything just feels right."

Laina pondered over her words. Memories of the time she and Dante had spent resurfaced in her mind. From their very first encounter to their latest, though the amount of time they spent with one another was short, she enjoyed all of them. 

-He puts me first in everything.- she thought to herself as she subconsciously touched the necklace around her neck once more. 

"Maybe I should have more faith in him," Laina muttered to herself with a soft smile. 

Sometime later, Margaret arrived at the Yellow Villa. She made her way straight to Laina. Upon seeing the Crown Princess she rushed forward and hugged her tightly in her arms. 

Upon realizing what she had done, Margaret immediately released Laina from her grasp and asked for the princess's forgiveness, "My sincerest apologies for my impulsive actions, your Highness. I… I was just…"

"It's alright, Margaret," Laina quickly replied with a smile, "I understand."

Her handmaid had always been her closest confidante. It was normal for her to be worried for her safety. 

Laina placed a hand on Margaret's shoulder, "I'm glad to see that you're well too."

They caught one another up to par with all that had occurred till now. Laina introduced Victoria to Margaret as well. For her safety, Laina suggested that they kept Victoria in the Yellow Villa. 

But after much discussion, they decided that Victoria would be safer in Laina's private quarters. Though Victoria had already rejected Kragen, his superior senses would still be able to sense her if she was close by. 

If he found out she was in the Yellow Villa, normal guards would not be able to ensure her safety. Having her in the palace increased the chances of him finding her. But with Laina's Order of Knights, she would be safer. 

"Are you sure about this, Laina? I don't want to impose on you more than I already have," Victoria asked as she fidgets in her seat. 

"Nonsense, Victoria. You are my guest. As I have already promised you, I will ensure your safety throughout your stay," Laina reminded her with a smile. 

The crown princess turned over to Margaret and had her bring out the clothes she had asked to be prepared. Victoria only had the clothes she's been wearing since she was in the dungeon. 

Unwilling to see her continue dressing like this, Laina had Margaret bring some clothing that would be suitable for Victoria. Though they were simple garments, the craftsmanship was still exquisite. 

Moved by Laina's kindness, Victoria could barely form the words she wanted to speak. With tears in her eyes, she wanted to get down on her knees to thank Laina. But the princess quickly stopped her from doing so. 

"You don't have to thank me, Victoria. It's the least I can do. I promise you, I will make him pay for what he has done to you," Laina promised. 

"I… I…" Victoria made a decision. 

She had to find a way to repay Laina for the kindness she had shown her. Even if it meant overcoming her own insecurities and worries. Victoria tightened her fist as she stood up. 

"Crown Princess Laina, I will reveal the atrocities he has done and help you in anything you need. I cannot let my family die in vain," she declared with determination. 

Laina lit up. 

She placed a hand on Victoria's, "Thank you, Victoria. I know it's a lot to ask of you, I really appreciate you for doing this. If at any point you wish to back out, I will not stop you. Just tell me, alright?"

With that settled all of them bid farewell to the people at the Yellow Villa and returned to the palace in secret. Margaret arranged for a room to be set up for Victoria to stay in, along with four knights from the Order of Knights to protect her at all times. 

A protection spell was added to her room and a masking spell was placed on her by Margaret. Both spells would help reduce the chances of Kragen finding Victoria when he visits the palace. 

With everything all set, Laina returned to her room. After traveling for the last couple of days, she could finally take a break. But as soon as morning comes, she knew she would have another long day ahead of her. 

She tapped the pendant once more, muttering Dante's name beneath her breath. 

Still, there was only silence. 

<Writing Prompt #2 - Meeting My Soulmate For The First Time>

Lisa's heart was pounding in her ears as she was guided to the altar. She was dressed in a cream-white mermaid-style wedding dress, covered in intricate lace. As per tradition, this would be the first time she meets the person with whom she would spend the rest of her life. 

Understandably, she was nervous. To make matters worse, they had blindfolded her in the corridor. When the doors opened, she could smell the sweet scent of roses from the flowers that decorated the aisle. As they guided her forward, Lisa felt a pit in her stomach. 

-What if he does not like the way I look?- she wondered to herself anxiously. 

She had heard of stories where people hated one another from the moment their eyes met. She fears that it would become a future. Would she then go onto remain single forever? As she got closer to the altar, she could hear the wedding music playing in the background. 

As they lined her up to face her soul mate, they placed her hands into her soulmates. 

"On the count of three, we will remove your blindfolds," the announcer declared, "One, two, three!"

It took Lisa a few seconds to readjust to her surroundings. A blurry image of a man-made Lisa squint. As her eyes finally refocused, she gasped in shock. She could see there were tears in his eyes. 

She knew this familiar face. That chiseled chin, high cheekbones, and hazel brown hair. They knew each other since they were young. They've been by each other's side the whole time! Lisa's vision began to blur, she too had tears welling up in her eyes. 

"Hey beautiful," Marcus greeted her as he held onto her hands tightly, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Lisa blushed beet red as she wiped her tears away, "Once you hold onto these hands, you better not let go."

Marcus grinned as he bent down. He gently kissed Lisa's hand. He gazed into her eyes, "Don't worry, my love.. I plan to hold on to them, until the end of time."


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