The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 188

188 His Behavior

Back in the Astaroth household, every member of the Astaroth family, including the demonesses silently remained in the ballroom, looking like statues that had been frozen in time as different nonplussed reactions displayed on their faces.

Evidently, Roshan’s unacceptable behavior had left the whole room feeling tense, like there was a heavy burden weighing down on all of them, and unluckily for them, no one could do a thing about it since he had the power to contradict their contention if he wanted.

It was that power that came with being a leader, but Roshan never really considered being King in the first place, he always avoided the topic whenever it was brought up, so when did he start acting like one?

“That boy...I really have no idea how to handle him.” Lady Odette kept cursing through her teeth as she paced back and forth, unsure of what reaction to make from all of this, and to think he canceled the event to save a human had completely ruined her mood tonight.

She had her early suspicions on those two, but never really bothered to take it seriously since a human and a demon could never work.

And here she was, feeling a bit joyful that one of the high class demonesses would be picked as Roshan’s mate, and that human maid will get to leave Viscarrian forever, but no, somehow that witch of a human always ends up ruining everything!

“Keep calm Matriarch, you’re too old to stress your poor heart and just take a seat.” Evan said while gesturing for the elder lady Odette to take a seat, which in turn earned him a sharp glare from her.

“What do you think? That I’ll sit and watch as Roshan decides to do things out of proportion??” She was already taking her seat on the dinner table as she spoke, and that’s when Gravion stepped forward to say,

“Let’s not forget, the human maid was once his mate in the past, it is possible that he remembers her already.” As far as he knows, Roshan would be the least person to care about a missing maid, but look at what happened tonight, he called off the family ball at the mention of this particular missing maid.


“My thoughts exactly,” Letitia agreed with his words, “but if he does recall, then I don’t feel good about what to expect in the future. Not everyone is aware of his lost mate and their fate together had always been forbidden.”

“You see Aunt,” Azazel finally stepped in, “when love is involved, not even the glacier we all know to be Roshan can control it.”

Hearing Azazel speak about love made everyone stare at him as though a different person was speaking, but regardless of their mortified gazes, he continued.

“Roshan is acting this way because he loves her. If he has realized it himself or not, I’m not sure, but you all can tell from a single glance how much he loves this human, so don’t bother yourselves with denying the truth. Rather than stay here and pour out your senseless frustration, do something meaningful and find Gemma.”

After saying what he had to say to these jobless people, he vanished from the ballroom, followed by Levi who accompanied him, but Azazel’s words only left everyone staring in shock.

Roshan loves who??


Appearing in the forest where Roshan had left for earlier, Azazel stared at the old Hollow tree Roseline made mention of, but after coming here, he saw no one except for the young man who crouched before something on the ground.

“I don’t see them here,” Levi whispered worriedly while keeping his eyes on the search, but Azazel was too focused on his own theories to pay attention.

There was a pleasing scent that lingered with the air, a very unique rose scent that drew his attention, but unlike those who’d immediately feel thirsty for blood, he was able to control his own and quietly approached Roshan with a slightly puzzled appearance.

“Did you find anything?”

Roshan didn’t respond, his livid gaze was fixed on the blood traces that stained the earthly ground, and when he touched it with his fingers to feel the texture of the blood, he felt as though something in him snapped and all of a sudden, the clouds above darkened as Roshan finally uttered.

“She’s bleeding.” He responded coldly, although the panic in his voice was noticeable as he finally stood straight.

When he got here, the first thing he smelt was her blood and it alarmed all his senses at once. He knew what Anna’s blood smelt and tasted like. No one could be more familiar with it than him, but that little analysis left his heart thundering rapidly in his chest.

He could tell she was seriously injured based on the traces of blood that signified the path she took and his worriedness could not be mismatched.

Is Luderick responsible for this? Was Freya right about his plans?? What did he need Anna’s blood for???

Where was Anna?

The questions rampaging in his mind only worsened the situation cause there was no possible way he could get the answers to those questions.


“I need to find Anna before Luderick does more harm to her, I’m seriously losing it here and damn it! I swear I will rip his head off if I get my hands on him!”

His eyes expressed the raging madness that he was still controlling. He needed to keep his cool if he plans on locating Anna in this eerie forest and he wasn’t going to leave until he finds her.

“I understand,” Azazel cooly said, “but we can’t start the search if you’re having issues dealing with this aura of yours, and Luderick must have sensed your presence already seeing you couldn’t hold in that dark force in you.”

“I don’t care if he knows I’m here! He should run for his life cause I will make Grayson become fatherless after tonight.”

As he poured out his anger, an unexpected rustling behind the bushes made Roshan stop mid-sentence, and both their gazes diverted to where the sound was coming from.

Staring at the bushy covered path for a while and keeping silent, both Demons were prepared to face what was hiding there until Gemma slowly stepped out, suddenly falling to her feet and losing consciousness instantly.

Their eyes widened, “Gemma!”

Levi was the first to reach for his sister as she remained unconscious, lifting her from the cold ground and placing her before his lap as he crouched, trying to wake up the unconscious little demoness.


He felt his heart would reap from his chest when she wasn’t responding, not until he heard Azazel speak behind him.

“She’s fine.” He moved towards Gemma who remained unconscious in the worried Levi’s arms. Her face looked pale and drained, revealing her weakness as she appeared exhausted, even in her state.

“She’s weak, that explains her loss of consciousness.” Azazel assured Levi who was nearly at the verge of tears. But the anger in his amber brown eyes made him grit his teeth at the thought of what Luderick made his sister go through.


“Take her back Levi.” Roshan commanded, sensing the anger in Levi but the demon was reluctant.

“Go back?? He abducted my sister..!!..”

“And she’s safe, take her back and get her treated, Azazel and I will deal with Luderick, it’s best to leave now for Gemma’s sake and avoid more problems.”

Debating on whether to listen or not, Levi chose to do as he said for his sister’s sake, but one day he’ll make Luderick pay for this.

He finally agreed in the end before vanishing from sight.

Azazel and Roshan locked gaze, and only their eyes seemed to do the talking before they sped off in different directions.


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