The Devil's Temptation!

Chapter 181

181 Suspicious Roseline

Inside one of the darkest chambers in the Viscarrian building, a certain chamber was left to dwell in it’s usual darkness, with nothing visible and one could easily be blinded by the unfathomable darkness of the room if not for the opposite side door that was left slightly ajar, allowing the silvery-white moonlight to penetrate in and behind that door was were a certain glacier remained seated.

Tossing a dice up in the air and catching it in his palm, Roshan was sitting at the edge of the varenda, staring into space like he could see what lies ahead of him, absentmindedly tossing the small dice in the air and catching it once again.

The wind fluttered his midnight-black hair, giving it a swift caress as they made each strand dance to the direction of the howling wind.

The beaming moonlight casted it’s silvery glow on Roshan’s bewitching face, that it’d make an artist be tempted to pick up his paintbrush and paint such a celestial being as him. To say he was just handsome was an understatement, yet his expression appeared grim and unsettled.

His mind was far from what was happening in front of him, he’s barely been downstairs to see everyone, neither did he care to be there and at this settling point, he preferred staying here, he preferred drowning in his thoughts and cursing the world for being so cruel to him.

Amidst his silent rage, he kept tossing the dice and catching it like it was his play toy. It helped him control his emotional state based on a few occasions and right now, he wasn’t ready to tolerate the presence of anyone.

Not long after he made that decision did he hear a deep calm voice speak behind him, leading him to pause in his throw and catch game.

“Aren’t you coming downstairs?” Asked Azazel who stood at the entrance of the door, fixing his gaze on the being who remained seated at the edge, looking as though he was ready to break loose and unleash hell to the world.

Roshan scoffed after registering the owner of that voice. Of course, his brother was the only person who was more than ready to ignore his warnings.


Still keeping his gaze fixed on what was ahead of him, he didn’t respond to Azazel’s question, leaving the white-haired demon with no other choice but to take some steps into the veranda until he was standing at the edge where Roshan was sitting, but the glacier barely turned his head to look at who was standing beside him.

“I didn’t see you downstairs,” Azazel finally enunciated a conversation while following Roshan’s ray of sight, “figured you’d be here.”

“What do you want?” From Roshan’s grave tone, he was clearly not in the mood to talk to anyone, he didn’t even want to see anyone as long as that person isn’t Anna. He couldn’t even trust anyone fully apart from her and now these people won’t even give him some breathing space.

He felt suffocated and wanted to wake up from this bad dream.

“I know this is difficult for you.” Azazel took a deep breath, understanding how complicated the situation must be for Roshan.

After figuring out that Anna is his reborned mate, and still unable to be with her despite knowing everything must hurt deeper than being stabbed with a knife.

But then, there was nothing he could do to change the fate of Anna. This was why he wasn’t a person who really cared for love. After seeing what it did to Roshan those years back, he understood how scary love can be, and so he refrained from it.

Roshan said nothing and continued to toss his dice, but when he caught it in his tight grasp, the magnetic aura surrounding him turned darker than the shadows of advancing death.

He closed his eyes for some minutes to stabilize his powers, trying to get a hold of himself and Azazel wasn’t immune to not having sensed his change of aura. It only made him realize that the glacier looked visibly troubled about something.

“What happened?” He asked with a concerned frown, trying to draw Roshan’s attention to him but the glacier just clicked his tongue before looking the other way.

“I don’t know, I just feel restless about something.” He admitted before tossing the dice again to calm his throbbing nerves. He felt unnecessarily tense and troubled, and whenever he felt like this, he tends to lose a little bit of control over his powers which explains the sudden threat in his aura.

Something just feels wrong, but what???

“Is it because of the event?” Azazel proceeded to ask with an inquiring gaze, still not understanding what could leave Roshan’s mind unsettled to the point it was affecting his powers as well.

He didn’t only sense the darkness in Roshan’s powers, he could feel it and it was not a good sign.

“I don’t know.” He quietly uttered, but before Azazel could comprehend the matter, he changed subject.

“Where’s Levi?” He asked, finally letting his gaze settle on Azazel who stood beside him.

“I haven’t seen him for a while.” Azazel responded, sounding surprised himself. Roshan’s question made him realize he hasn’t actually seen clingy Levi for some days now.

Who knows where that demon went?

Suddenly, a knock on his main door drew their attention, and Roshan was the first to roll his eyes, wondering who it was that was more than ready to annoy him further.

“If it’s Gravion, please kill him before he pesters me.” Roshan quickly informed his brother who paid less attention to that statement.

“Now I understand why you were never made as the grim reaper.”

“I was born to cause destruction which includes taking lives, I don’t really see much of a difference.”

“Come in.” Azazel directed those words to the person standing outside the door, completely ignoring Roshan before they moved the conversation to how many souls Roshan has taken over the years.

And that was a dark history he couldn’t bring himself to remember.

Roshan was expecting his aunt, Evan and possibly Gravion to show up, but to his surprise, it was a maid who walked in.

“Your highness.” She bowed her head slightly, keeping her gaze to the ground and hesitating to lift them up.

Roshan and Azazel, who were puzzled by her presence, exchanged confused glances, not sure if she was here for either of them or if one of them had sent for a maid, but based on the looks they gave each other, it was obvious that none of them had sent for a maid.


“Your highness, Anna has...I mean..Anna asked me to send for you.”

She stuttered on her words, and as expected, Roshan got down from the edge at the mere mention of Anna’s name, and for some reason, Becca couldn’t hold back the sweat from running down her forehead as she took a step back.

“Where is she?” He asked, standing before Becca who fidgeted with her nails and she forced herself to respond.

“She... she’s in Gemma’s chamber, your Highness.”

Without bothering to ask why Anna had sent for him, he stepped past Becca who immediately made way for him to pass. She wanted to say something else but Roshan had already left the room, leaving her to stand before Azazel who’s serious gaze rested on her.

“What happened?”


Making it to Gemma’s chamber like the maid had told him, he quickly stepped inside since the door was already opened, but instead of seeing Anna, what he saw was a puzzled Roseline who stood in the middle of the room, and she had only turned around when she heard someone step in.



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