The Devil’s love

Chapter 88 - Self Proclaimed President

Yichan pouted his lips and quietly handed over the album to grandpa Mo.

Taking the album from Yichan's hand, Grandpa Mo chuckled, "Ahhhh so we now actually have someone whose commands our young master Mo has to obey. Ahhh this is interesting." ​​

Ning and grandpa kept on making fun of Yichan's childhood photographs until it was time for them to leave for their short vacation.

After grandpa Mo left, Ning chuckled and asked, "Why didn't you like wearing clothes when you were young?"

"Well, no specific reason but I still don't like wearing clothes. Mind if I take them all and walk naked around you all day? Well, I don't mind walking all naked especially when you are around." Walking towards her, Yichan bent over and gave her a peck on her lips.

Ning chuckled and hooked her arms around his neck. Running her fingers across his face, Ning asked, "So you want me to run around you holding your underwear just like grandma?"

Wrapping his arms around her, Yichan inched closer and whispered, "The day I start walking naked around you, trust me babe, you won't have the strength to run around."

Ning blushed and lowered her head. Her cheeks and ears started turning hot.

Seeing her flushed face, Yichan felt incredibly happy. Just like the past, she still couldn't withstand his shamelessness. No matter how rude, cold and distant people called her but she was still his shy, cute and adorable woman whom he had unexpectedly met five years ago.

"Oh you wanted me to talk to brother Bojing right?" Without waiting for her reply, he added, "I did and you were right, Brother Bojing is stupid."

Smacking his arm, Ning frowned, "When did I call brother Bojing stupid?" She never really called Bojing stupid but only asked him to talk to his brother and help him out.

"Who cares babe? He is stupid. I always thought he was the most senior and sensible man amongst all of us but I was wrong. Damn, even Muchan is much better than him when it comes to doting on women. The Godly image of brother Bojing that I had in my mind just got busted." Yichan always thought that the relationship between Bojing and Suyan was stable and smooth. Though he never saw them interacting like normal couples, he still thought they were doing okay but everything between them was so messy.

Ning pursed her lips and asked, "Is it that bad?"

"Hey, don't worry okay? The President will fix everything. We will have to knock some sense into him. I'll do that later along with the boys and-"

"Wait, what President? What are you talking about?" Nind asked.

"You don't know?" When Ning shook her head, Yichan placed his hand on his chest, lifted his chin up and proudly said, "I am the President of the wife's slave world."

Ning: *_*

"What? Is that even a thing? And who made you the president?"

Pointing towards himself, Yichan grinned from ear to ear. "ME. In fact, I made myself the president."

Ning helplessly shook her head and sighed. "So you are actually a self proclaimed president? How shameless. Don't you think your friend Yufan should be the president? I mean he got married first and has a very cute little daughter."

"You think Yufan is a better husband than me?" When Ning shook her head, Yichan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then why do you think he should be the president?"

"Because he got married first followed by Guiren and brother Bojing. You on the other hand got married yesterday so logically speaking, you are not eligible for the President post." Though Ning's reasoning made sense, Yichan still felt grumpy. How could his wife say that he wasn't eligible to become the president?

Frowning for a while, Yichan decided to defend himself to secure his post. "I met you five years ago and started doting on you since then. Did you forget how I took care of you when we were on that Island? Well, if you disregard the five years when we were not together, don't you think I am eligible?"

Placing her hand on his chest, Ning smiled. "Well, if this is what makes you feel happy then yes. I'll go change and you dear president, make sure that our bags are properly packed and everything that we need is inside."

Without waiting for his reply, Ning quickly rushed towards the washroom and by the time Yichan realised what she actually meant, Ning was already gone.

"Hey, what do you mean? Do you still think I am not eligible?" Yichan shouted.


Bai Mansion.

"But why?" Father Bai frowned and shouted. "You just came back today and you are leaving already? What about us going out to have fun?"

Nuying chuckled and pinched her father's cheeks. "I promise we will go out and chill when I come back. You know that Ning got married yesterday right? They are taking all their close friends for a small gathering so I have to attend."

Father Bai sighed and said, "Okay and tell Ning that I am very angry because she did not invite me."

"Alright, I'll let her know. Meanwhile when I am away, why don't you chill with big brother?"

Turning towards his son who was busy reading some documents, Father Bai mockingly smirked. "Huh with whom? This boring man who does nothing else but only work and work all day? No thank you, I would rather sit in a corner and talk to the walls."

Completely ignoring his father's harsh words, Bai Shaofeng kept on doing what he was. He was so used to hearing his father's blunt words that it no more affected him.

Father Bai frowned and shouted. "Look look, how he is ignoring me? Ahhh what would I do without my daughter? I am so glad that your mother and I did not stop after having this heartless boring creature otherwise I would be sulking in a corner and cursing my fate all day."

"Dad don't say that, brother Feng is the best and-"

Cutting Nuying off, father Bai cursed, "Huh, what best? He is a piece of shit who cannot even find a woman for himself even though he is almost 30."



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