The Devil’s love

Chapter 4 - Screaming Out His Names

Parking lot.

" Is he still inside your office?" Meili asked. ​​

Ning sighed and said," May be." Before unlocking the car doors.

After boarding the car, Meili asked," You just want the numbers right and nothing else?"

Ning nodded her head and said," Yeah, just the numbers. See if we want to crack the deal then our numbers have to be lower than Mo corporations numbers."

Meili nodded her head and said," Alright, I'll mail you the numbers tonight."

Ning clicked her tongue and said," It's fine if you show it to me tomorrow. You'll be too tired to mail things after that I guess."

Smacking Nings arms, Meili chuckled said," Stop it."

Ning chuckled and said," Fine I am sorry."

" Why did grandpa call you for dinner all of a sudden?" Meili asked.

Ning sighed and said," You know his usual ' You are twenty-seven which is the right age to get married' stuff."

" Seriously why don't you find a capable man for yourself and settle down?" Meili asked.

Ning frowned and said," I don't want to."

Meili sighed and said," It as already been five years Ning, you have to get over it."

Ning fronwed and asked," I am already over everything okay? What makes you think that I still have that thing in my mind?"

Meili smiled and said," I just know but if you are really over it then I am glad because there is no point living in the past. You don't even know where he is and-"

Cutting her off, Ning said," Alright lover girl, get down."

" I'll get going." Meili said.

Giving her a hug, Ning said," All the best babe and get the numbers for the company."

" Don't worry about it and drive safely." Meili said before getting down from the car and walking towards her residential compound.

After Meili left, Ning took a deep breath before starting the engine and driving away.


Meili's place.

Taking out the lingerie from the bag, Meili took a deep breath before walking towards the washroom.

" Okay Meili you can do this" Meili murmured before taking off her clothes and wearing the lingerie.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she twirled around before smiling in satisfaction.

Just then she received a call from Ning.

" Did you wear the lingerie?" Ning asked.

Meili nodded her head and said," Yes."

" Okay so let's do the check list." Ning said.

" Alright."

" Cleavage?" Ning asked.

" Check." Meili said.

" Half exposed boobs?"

" Check."

" Booty?"

" Check."

" Can you see your nipples through it?" Ning aksed.

Meili sighed and said," It's netted babe so obviously I can."

Ning chuckled and said," Just checking."

" Okay so I think Guiren is here, I gotta go." Meili said before hanging up the call.

Tossing her phone aside, she quickly wore her bathrobe before rushing outside.


Living room.

" Ahh yes yes I know okay? Just give me a second, I'll email you the details…. No, there is no problem in that….. Oh no you doodle head don't disturb the president, he is having dinner with his grandfather and you know the consequences of disturbing him when he is his with his grandpa." Zhang Guiren said before placing his bag on the couch.

" Okay, I'll email it to you right now." Guiren said before hanging up the call.

Tossing the phone aside, he quickly took out his laptop and a few files from his bag and resumed his unfinished office work.

When Meili saw her husband so engrossed in his work, she sighed.

Walking towards him, Meili loosened her robe and said," Honey."

" Yeah babe I am almost done okay, give me two minutes." Guiren said.

" Well, but I don't think so I can wait for two minutes." Meili said before dropping her robe down.

Turning towards her, Guiren said," Just give me-" he stopped and widened his eyes in shock.

His wife was standing right in front of him wearing an almost transparent piece of clothing. He could clearly see all her treasures which were literally screaming out his name and he was so tempted to touch and taste them but he couldn't.

Guiren closed his eyes and murmured," Remember what Yichan said, it's a trap."

He then took a few deep breaths and continued doing his work.

Meili raised her eyebrows when her usually clingy husband did not pounce upon her even though she was standing almost naked in front of him.

Walking towards him, Meili sat on his lap and hooked arms around his neck, all ready to execute her plan B.

Running her fingers through his hair, Meili lowered her head and said," I know I am not as attractive as I was when we first got married and I also know that things have changed but you shouldn't just ignore me like that Guiren but it's not your fault. You are a man and I understand that may be you are bored of me and-"


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