The Devil’s love

Chapter 333 - Sketchy

After the employee left, Ning looked at Yihong. "Maybe what I told you today was rude, maybe you felt bad but I am just stating the facts and what I feel about this entire situation."

Getting up, she added, "You were away for so many years, now that you're back, you can't expect everyone around you to accept you back and behave like nothing happened. You need to give everyone the time they need to get used to the new changes, especially Yichan."

It's not like Ning didn't want to help Yihong. Nothing would make her more happy than seeing her husband reunite with his entire family again. But she also knew that at present, Yichan had no intentions of making amends with his father. He didn't want to get involved with him in any way and she didn't wanna do something that he clearly didn't want to.

Glancing at the watch, she said, "I have a meeting scheduled, I'll take my leave now."

As she was walking towards the door, Yihong stopped her. "Do you think he will forgive me?" Walking towards her, he asked, "Do you think he will ever forget everything that happened and give our relationship a chance?"

Though Yihong knew what had happened in the past was wrong and it was more wrong for him to hope that his son would give their relationship a chance, he couldn't help but harbor the small hope he had in his heart.

"Only time can answer that question and I am sure, even Yichan cannot give you a definite answer to that question." Without waiting for his reply, Ning walked out of the office.


3:00 pm

Mo corporation

Yichan's office

"I apologize for calling you in such short notice, it is was an emergency and—"

Cutting the employee off, Ning assured her. "It's alright, I was done with my day's schedule anyway. Mail me the insights of the meeting, I'll discuss it with Yichan in the evening."

"Sure, I will do that right away." Checking the file, the employee said, "Madam, I want your approval and signature in a few documents related to today's meeting. Should I bring it so that you can review it first?"

"Yes—" Glancing at the watch, Ning remarked, "We still have a couple of hours left so bring it in."

"I'll be right back."

After the employee left, Ning slumped on chair and sighed. After finishing her meetings, she had to rush over to Yichan's office to attend an important meeting on his behalf.

Massaging the back of her neck, she frowned. She had been getting tired very easily for the past few weeks which was very weird.

Just then her phone started ringing.

Glancing at the caller ID, she sighed and helplessly shook her head before receiving the call.

"Just because Yichan has asked you to look after me, it doesn't mean you have to call me every half an hour. Seriously Roger, I am fine," she snapped.

"Woah, why do you have to get so worked up? I am just being a good brother and checking on you," Roger exclaimed.

"What could possibly happen to me in 30 minutes?" she frowned.

"I know but I called you to ask if you would like to go for dinner tonight?"

"Okay but only if you are treating," Ning stated.

"Fine, when should I pick you up?"

Glancing at the watch, she answered, "I have a few things to do so maybe in an hour or two."

"Okay, I'll pick you from your office—"

Cutting him off, she said, "I am in Yichan's office."

"What are you doing there?"

"I had to attend an important meeting on his behalf and now I need to review a few documents, then I'll be done," she explained.

"Okay then, I'll pick you up from there after exactly 1.5 hours."

"Okay." After hanging up the call, Ning dropped a message to Yichan, briefing him about the meeting.

Just then, the employee entered the office with the documents she needed Ning's approval for.


5:00 pm

Outside Mo corporation.

"I heard you are taking my wife for dinner."

Getting out of his car, Roger remarked, "Well, you surely know how to get updates about your wife even though you are not around."

"I have my ways," Yichan stated.

"Yes, I am taking her out for dinner."

"That's right, you are taking your SISTER out for dinner. It's a very nice thought and I really appreciate it."

Roger rolled his eyes over Yichan's emphasis on the word 'sister'. "Oh come on, are you still into that? I think we have discussed it more than enough—"

"I know but it doesn't harm reminding you once in a while just in case you hit your head and forget about it." Without waiting for his reply, Yichan added, "Anyway, I called you to inform you about Lucas' mother."

Roger halted at the mention of Lucas' mother's name. He had been refraining himself to tell Lucas about the entire truth he had found out about his mother because he wanted to wait until Yichan confirmed it.

He wasn't really in favour of keeping it away from his half brother but he also didn't want to give him such sensitive information without a strong source.

"What about that?" he asked.

"Jason did find something—" Without waiting for his reply, Yichan added, "The hospital in which Lucas' mother was admitted is indeed sketchy with paper works and apparently there is no record of his mother being admitted in that hospital—"

Scrunching his brows, Roger said, "But she was admitted there—" Years ago when he had heard about Lucas' mother being admitted in the hospital, he had visited her.

"I know but everything has been wiped out." Pausing for a while, he added, "Well, Jason is working on it and he was saying that some files have been hidden somewhere which unexpectedly is secured very well."

Taking a deep breath, Roger sighed, "Just let me know if you find out anything else."

"Take care of my wife who is also your sister." Without waiting for his reply, Yichan hung up the call.

Helplessly shaking his head, Roger kept the phone inside his pocket and made his way towards the entrance.

"Let me go inside," a woman shouted at the top of his lungs.

Stopping midway, Roger scrunched his brows. "Angella?"



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