The Devil’s love

Chapter 331 - Worried

Ning and Yichan's place


"Yi—I am cooking."

Placing his chin on her shoulder, Yichan tightened his arms around her waist. "And I am doing what I am supposed to do."

"And what is that?"

"Giving my beautiful wife a nice warm hug to show how much I love her." Placing a kiss on her shoulder, he suggested, "Why don't we bunk work and enjoy the day ourselves in our cozy little room?" .

"I have a very important meeting and so do you." wiggling out of his embrace, she remarked, "So stop fooling around and get ready."

"But—" Yichan stopped midway when his phone started ringing. Glancing at the caller ID, he frowned, "It's office."

Glancing at the watch, Ning asked, "Why so early? Office hours don't start in a couple of hours."

Nodding his head in agreement, he received the call.

After listening to what the other person had to say, he instructed, "Book the tickets and arrange all the important documents. I will discuss it with John on our way to the airport." He hung up after giving a few instructions.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" Ning inquired.

"It's a project we have been working on with a French company for the last six months. There was an accident last night and a few laborers got injured. The union is on a strike and is demanding to see the members of the board to discuss the compensation," he explained.

"Oh my God, is everyone okay?"

"No fatalities yet but a couple of them are critically injured. The manager of the project tried to solve it on his own but it seems like I have to go there myself."

"Of course you should—" Taking off her apron, she added, "Let me help you pack your stuff."


Inside the room.

Taking out Yichan's clothes from the cupboard, Ning asked, "For how many days?"

"Can't say right now, maybe five."

Without saying anything, she started taking out all the necessary items and clothes Yichan would be needing during his stay.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he asked, "Babe, do you have anything important coming up in your office?"


"I was thinking maybe you could join me and—"

Cutting him off, she asked, "You want me to come with you?"

Nodding his head, he explained, "I will be gone for five days and maybe more, even Yitian is not here. I don't feel like leaving you alone for so many days."

"Yi—" she sighed, "You can't take me with you everywhere. I know you are worried about leaving me alone but trust me, I will be fine. We both have companies to run, I can't just leave everything behind and come with you everytime you leave town for some business meeting or anything work related. And besides, before we were married I used to live alone, remember?"

"I know it's not possible for you to travel with me all the time but I would be more at peace when you are beside me." Grabbing her hand, he added, "I just want to make sure you are safe."

"I know you want me to be safe and trust me, I will protect myself." Wrapping her arms around his waist, she remarked, "And if you wanna be double sure about my safety, I have a twin brother and two cousins now. You can always ask them to keep an eye on me."

"Of course I will ask them to do that." Kissing her forehead, he sighed, "How am I supposed to stay without you for so many days?"

"Well, I will video call you everyday and—" Running her finger on his chest, she added, "Everynight."


Yang Corporation

Ning's office

"Did you board the plane?"

"Not yet, I am in the waiting lounge," Yichan sighed.

"Oh come on Mr Mo, will you stop sighing like an old man? Seriously honey, you will get wrinkles way before your age if you take so much stress."

"Are you sure you don't wanna stay in the main mansion until I am back?" Yichan was very reluctant to leave Ning all by herself while he was gone. Though he knew he couldn't always expect her to tag along, he couldn't think about any other way. With how things were recently, he would definitely be constantly worrying about her. This is why he has asked her to stay in the main mansion with others but Ning didn't want to leave their house and stay somewhere else.

"Yi, I will be fine. Will you please stop worrying so much? Just finish your work quickly and come back to me, okay?" she assured him. She knew he was worried and she didn't blame him or thought he was being overprotective. Taking the past incidents into consideration, his anxious feeling was valid. But she didn't wanna run away from her own house just because he was out of town for a few days.

"Just take care, okay? I have asked aunt Lin to stay with you until I am back. Roger will drop by every now and then, Linhou too and—"

Cutting him off, she chuckled, "Oh my God, did you tell everyone to look after me?"

"Not everyone, just Guiren, Muchan, Guang, Linhou, Roger, Chen, grandpa Yang and randpa Mo."

Widening her eyes in shock, she gasped, "What?"

"Come on, it's just a few people."

"Yichan, that is literally everyone I know except for Lucas—"

"Ah Lucas, I was just wondering whom I missed out. Let me give him a quick call before boarding the plane," he stated.

"You are insane," she sighed.

"I will hang up now and I will call you as soon as we land. I love you and miss me."

"I love you too and have a safe flight." She then hung up the call.

Just then someone knocked at the door.

"Boss, there is someone who wants to see you," the assistant informed.

"Who is it?" Ning asked.

"Mo Yihong."


Author's note.

Greetings to everyone.

It has been a very very long time since I last updated the story.

Before I was a full time writer but since last January, my college started so I have been super busy with semesters and assignments.

Though I love writing, college is super important too. So after a lot of consideration, I decided to focus more on my academics than writing for a few months.

I am a medical student and it isn't easy to balance everything. But I am trying my level best to balance my academics and writing.

I just want everyone to know that I will complete this and all my on-going stories. It will just take me a little longer than expected.

I will try my best to keep the updates regular starting today but if not, I hope you all will understand my situation.

I hope everyone is safe and vaccinated ♥

My best wishes :)



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