The Devil’s love

Chapter 315 - Overwhelming

Ning had already told him about her meeting with her mother and he had encouraged her to go. He understood how she had felt when she learned the truth about her parents, the entire truth was a big blow for her. When she decided not to keep any connection with her birth parents, he supported her like he always did. But Yichan also knew how much she had always carved for parental love which she never got from her the people she thought were her real parents. He knew how sad and heartbroken she felt whenever she talked or thought about the awful childhood memories she had. This was one of the reasons why he was low-key pushing her to accept her parents and make them a part of her life.

Seeing her with Weilong made him feel happy but seeing her cry broke his heart. ​​

Yichan scrunched his eyebrows when he saw blood in her clothes and hands. Without wasting any more time, he rushed over to check on her.


When she saw Yichan, she quickly got up and pounded into his embrace. Bursting into tears, she said in between her sobs. "Yi, mom—"

Hugging her tightly, he gently patted her back. "Sshh don't worry, everything is going to be okay." Pulling away, he checked on her. "This—are you hurt as well?" When she shook her head, he gestured one of the guards to get a clean wet towel.

While Yichan was taking care of Ning, grandpa Yang made his way towards Weilong who was in a daze. Sitting beside him, he shifted closer before brushing his shoulder against his. "Don't worry, she—" He stopped midway when Weilong knelt on the ground, pressed his forehead on grandpa Yang's knees before bursting into tears.

Without saying anything, he gently caressed his hair and patted his head in a comforting manner. Even though he was still angry with him, seeing his son like this broke his heart. Looking to the other side, he wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes.

After some time, he grabbed Weilong's shoulder and made him sit right beside him. Grabbing a glass of water from the guards hand, he gave to him. "Drink it."

After taking a few sips, he kept the glass aside.

Taking out a handkerchief from his pocket, grandpa Yang wiped Weilong's face with it. "Now stop crying like a baby, if you don't stay strong who will comfort your kids? Don't expect my old bones to do that for you as well." Giving him the handkerchief, he instructed, "Take it but don't snort. Ning gifted me that, it's special."

Just then Chen rushed in while Ziying followed him behind.

"How is mom? What did the doctors say?" he panic strickenly inquired.

"They haven't said anything, Muchan has gone inside, he will hopefully bring some news soon," Yichan answered.

Slumping on the newby bench, Chen sighed. He was in a very important meeting so he had switched off his phone. He had no idea what had happened until Ziying rushed to his office and gave him the news. As soon he heard about the unfortunate event, he left the meeting midway and rushed to the hospital along with her.

He turned his head to the side when he felt a hand on his shoulder. When he saw who it was, he grabbed her hand and impatiently waited for some news about his mother while silently praying for her well being.

When Muchan called Ziying and asked her to tell Chen about the accident as his number was not reachable, she also panicked at first. She immediately tried to contact Chen's assistant but the call did not go through. Left with no other choice, she rushed to his office.

Tightening her grip around his hand, Ziying consoled him. "Everything is going to be okay." She knew Chen wasn't in proper talking terms with his parents for a really long time so the sudden news of his mothers accident was a big blow for him.

Meanwhile, Yichan was having a hard time consoling ning who was constantly blaming herself for whatever that had happened.

"I shouldn't have called her there, everything happened because of me." Ning couldn't help but blame herself for her mothers condition. If she had quietly kept the things Ziyi had sent for her instead of calling her over to the cafe for a meeting, nothing would have happened.

"Stop blaming yourself honey, it wasn't your fault. Everything was just an accident and had nothing to do with anyone." It was true. Everything that had happened was just an accident. At first, Yichan thought maybe whatever that had happened wasn't just an accident but a well planned attempt to harm Ziyi or Ning but on deeper and thorough investigation, it turned out to be just an unfortunate accident.

Burying her head on his neck, she burst into tears. "I don't know why but my heart aches for her Yi." Clutching onto his shirt tightly, she lifted her head. Looking at him with teary eyes, she added, "Didn't I say that I don't care about my parents? Then why am I feeling this way? Why do I care? They left me alone, they let me go, I shouldn't be crying for them. Then why am I so hurt? Why?"

Cupping her cheeks, he gently wiped her tears with his thumb. "Sshh calm down first."

"You are feeling that way because you have a very kind heart Ning, you are too good for this world," he added.

Giving her a hug, he further explained, "I know you are not okay with everything that has happened in the past and you have the right not to be okay with it. But it's also completely alright if you wanna forgive them and give them a chance to make it up to you."

Tightening her grip around him, she muttered, "I don't know what to do Yi, I really don't." When Ning found out the entire truth about her birth parents and how they had abandoned her, she was initially very mad and hurt. She even made up her mind not to keep any relationship with them as she was better off without them. But as time went by, she started developing a soft corner for them which was unconsciously taking her close to them.

After seeing Ziyi, her mother getting hurt right in front of her eyes, ning suddenly started feeling an intense longing for her mother and the fear of losing her made her feel very scared. The new intense feeling was completely foreign to her, making her feel very uncomfortable and restless.

"I have never interfered in your matters, I promised myself not to because I wanted you to process everything systematically. But today, I want to tell you something babe." Pausing for a while, he added, "Don't hold yourself back like this. If you want to be with your parents and give them a chance, you should just go for it. They are your parents, they will love you no matter what and I know you want them to love you too. There is nothing wrong in that, you just need to follow your heart."



Greeting Dear readers,

I know it's been a while since I last updated this and all my stories. Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who is reading this for patiently waiting for me and the updates. I am really very thankful and grateful to you.

I know I have said this many times but I have no other choice but to say it again. Things have been really tough lately as I left home again three months ago. It's super hard adjusting after staying at home for almost a year. I am just trying to hold on and stay upright.

With the second wave of covid hitting my country again, things are stressful as I am away from home.

Regarding the updates, I removed the privilege so the chapters are available for everyone to read.

The remaining chapters will be up within a week so please hold on for a little longer.

The new books will be up only after I finish all my existing four books so please be patient like you have always been for that as well.

I will surely be back with regular updates very soon and I will also do a 2000 coins giveaway for 20 readers (100 coins each) very soon. So please keep a track of that as well.

I hope everyone is doing good :) Stay safe and don't forget your mask.

With love,




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