The Devil’s love

Chapter 293 - Naked

Mo Base.

Jason's room. ​​

Staring at Elizabeth's number, Jason contemplated for a while before pressing the lock button and tossing his phone aside. It had been four days since he met Elizabeth on the island and he had still not heard anything from her which was bugging him a lot. He had no idea why he was feeling that way but it made him feel awful.

Linhou, who was sitting on the couch couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at the weird behavior of his partner. "Is everything okay?" he curiously inquired.

Letting out an affirmative sound, Jason nodded his head without saying anything.

Placing his phone down, Linhou made his way towards him and laid down on the bed. Supporting his head with his elbow, he remarked, "You know you can talk to me about anything right? I have been observing you for quite some time, your behavior is very weird."

"What is weird? Everything is fine," Jason assured him in a very unsure tone.

Glancing at the watch, he stated, "It's 7:00 pm now, usually you are busy playing your online game right now but—"

Groaning in frustration, Jason slapped his own forehead. "Damn how could I forget? Great, now everything is ruined."

"See, I knew something was wrong." Sitting up straight, Linhou inquired, "Now speak your heart out my friend, I am all ears."

Contemplating for a while, Jason awkwardly cleared his throat and inquired, "Did you talk to Kiara after we met them on the island?"

"We meet each other everyday these days, we are handling something together." Raising his brows, Linhou asked, "Why? What happened?"

"Okay, let me ask you one question. If you give a woman your number and she doesn't call you back, what does that mean?"

"You gave Elizabeth your number and she hasn't called you back?" Linhou grinned.

Scrunching his brows, Jason snapped, "Who told you?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he chuckled, "It wasn't hard to guess after seeing how close you both looked that day." Without waiting for his reply, he added, "If she hasn't called you back, why don't you call and talk to her?"

"Wouldn't that seem desperate?"

"Pfft you are desperate so it doesn't make any difference," he scoffed.

"No I am not desperate." When Linhou gave him a look, Jason frowned, "Okay maybe a little but not too much. I am just curious why she hasn't called me yet even though she has my number."

"Women are like that, they want to be pampered and loved. They want your attention, okay? I am sure she is probably waiting for your call," Linhou explained.

Widening his eyes in shock, Jason curiously inquired, "Really? You think I should call her first?"

"Of course, go for it without any hesitation."

"Okay." Nodding his head in agreement, Jason asked, "But what should I ask her? I mean, what do I talk about?"

Thinking for a while, Linhou suggested, "Hmm you can ask her how she is doing and how her day was. You can also ask her if she ate her lunch and if she says yes, ask her what she ate. Then you can ask her what she is wearing and—"

Cutting him off, he frowned, "Wait, why would I ask her what she is wearing?"

"I don't know, I always ask Kiara that and she says—"

"Alright, I don't wanna hear what she says." Picking up his phone, Jason added, "You should go to your room now."

Scrunching his brows, Linhou complained, "Hey, how can you throw me out after taking advantage of my brain?"

"You also have a really nice room, why do you always come here?"

"Because I like your room, I feel like it's more spacious." Rolling on the bed, Linhou sighed, "This bed is super cozy too."

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Jason snapped, "Linhou, if you don't go out right now, I will tell Kiara about all your bad habits and—"

"Woah woah woah take a break big guy, I am leaving." Grabbing his phone, Linhou stated, "If you need more advice in the future, don't come looking for me."

Rolling his eyes at his super dramatic friend, Jason quickly locked the door before grabbing his phone. Contemplating for a while, he shrugs all the unnecessary thoughts away and calls Elizabeth.


Misou Island.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth was as frustrated and confused as Jason. She had been wondering why he hadn't called her even though they had exchanged their numbers.

Poking Kiara's arm who was busy texting Linhou, she inquired, "Ki, can I ask you something?"

Without taking her eyes off her phone, she answered, "Of course, ask me anything you want to Liza."

"What if a man takes your number and doesn't call you back? What does that mean?" she inquired.

"Well, there can be many reasons. Maybe he lost your number or he isn't interested in you," Kiara answered.

When Elizabeth did not say anything, she asked, "Are you talking about Jason here?"


"Hmm, didn't he ask you to call him if anything is wrong?" When she nodded her head, Kiara sighed, "Then what are you waiting for? Call him."

"But there is nothing wrong, what do I tell him?"

"Tell him anything, like your files are missing. Yes, tell him that your files are missing," Kiara suggested.

Scrunching her brows, Elizabeth shook her head. "I can't lie to him like that, it doesn't sound nice."

"Fine then just sit here and keep crying."

"Hey, I am not crying and—" she stopped midway when her phone started ringing. Grabbing the phone from the bedside table, she widened her eyes in shock when she saw the caller ID.

Shoving the phone in Kiara's face, she squealed in excitement, "It's him, it's him. What do I say?"

"Just pick up the phone and talk to him." Getting up, Kiara instructed, "Keep the phone in speaker mode so I can hear and guide you."

"Okay." Without wasting any more time, she quickly received the call.

"Hey, it's me Jason. I hope I didn't disturb you," Jason remarked.

"No you didn't, I was just lazily sitting around," Elizabeth answered.

"Oh that is nice." Pausing for a while, he added, "I hope nothing went wrong with recovery, did you get all the flies and folders back?"

"Yes, all of them. Thank you for helping me out."

"No biggie, you don't have to thank me. So how was your day?" he inquired as per Linhou's instruction.

"It was pretty much the same like everyday, nothing new and exciting." Looking at Kiara who was writing something in a copy, Kiara raised her brows wondering what she was trying to do. When she flipped the copy over, it had a big 'Ask him how his day was' written on it.

Following the instruction, Elizabeth asked Jason the same, "How was your day?"

"It was good. Did you have your dinner?" he inquired.

"No not yet, what about you?"

"Not yet." The conversation had turned extremely awkward and he had no more questions to ask except for one which he found extremely weird.

"Hello Jason? Are you there?" she double checked when she did not hear anything from his side for a good thirty seconds.

"Y-Yes I am here." Left with no other choice, he decided to ask her the last question Linhou had mentioned. "Hmm so what are you wearing?"

Widening her eyes in shock after hearing the weird question, Elizabeth quickly looked at Kiara for help. The latter quickly wrote something on the copy and showed it to her.

Elizabeth scrunched her eyes and muttered the words that were written in the copy. "I am naked." Her voice was soft but loud enough for Jason to hear it.

Widening his eyes in shock after hearing her words, Jason stuttered, "W-What?"

Throwing her hand on her mouth, she quickly hung up the call and switched off her phone. Snatching the copy from Kiara's hand, she started hitting her with it. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What? I was just helping you out," Kiara defended herself before snatching the copy back from her hand.

Grabbing her fistful of her hair, Elizabeth groaned in frustration. "Oh my God, he heard everything." Glaring at the main culprit, she snapped, "This is all your fault."

"How is it my fault?"

"Why would you say that you are naked when someone inquires about your clothes?" she snapped.

Shrugging her shoulders, Kiara answered, "That is what I do when Linhou asks me what I am wearing."

"Linhou is your boyfriend Kiara, you—" Groaning in frustration, she buried her face on the pillow. How was she supposed to face Jason after this awfully awkward and embarrassing situation?


Ziying's apartment.

After packing some random clothes for her to wear over the weekend, Ziying closed the suitcase. She had no idea where they were going. Assuming that he was taking her for some random trip, she packed some casual clothes she wore everyday.

Glancing the watch, she sighed and grabbed her apartment keys from the drawer. It was already five past eight and Chen had told her he would be waiting outside her apartment at 8:00 pm sharp.



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