The Devil’s love

Chapter 289 - Baby Books

"A little bit of extra knowledge beforehand won't hurt." Closing the book, Guiren added, "And this book is great, you should also read them."

"What is it about?" Yichan curiously inquired inquired before inching closer. ​​

Showing him the book, Guiren explained, "it has everything about the do's and don'ts of pregnancy and what is the role of the father in the whole pregnancy period."

"There are books which explain what is the father's role after the baby is born," Bojing added.

Looking at the content, Yichan asked, "Where did you get these from?"

"There is an online store which sells the entire series. Brother Bojing told me about it so I ordered them, it arrived last week and I have been reading them since then. It's kinda nice, it makes me wanna be a father." Scrunching his brows, Guiren added, "But then I control my feelings."

Thinking for a while, Yichan inquired, "What is the website's name?" Though they were planning or having a baby, there was no harm in learning about it before they start trying.

"I'll send you the link right away." Taking out his phone, Guiren added, "They are having this special discount right now, you are very lucky."

Looking at men who had suddenly started talking about baby books, discounts and pregnancy, Jason frowned. "Boss, what about our discussion?"

"Yes boss, how can you ignore us this way?" Linhou added.

Without taking his eyes off his phone, Yichan answered, "I'll talk to grandpa about it, I am still not sure if I want to join hands with the other group. What do you think, brother Bojing?"

"Hmm I am not sure either but if we work together instead of separately, things will be much more easier," Bojing stated.

"Exactly, boss is right. We will be stronger if we work together as a big team." Lifting his fist up, Jason remarked, "We will be more powerful."

"Why do I feel like these two boys are up to something?" Guiren suspiciously stated.

Letting out a nervous chuckle, Jason answered, "What? We aren't trying to do anything."

"E-Exactly, we are just thinking about the welfare of our team and the other team," Linhou quickly added.

"Alright, I'll talk to grandpa today then. Maybe we can do the merging this weekend."


Hailmen college (Yitian and Liying's college)


"Liying wait," Yitian shouted before rushing towards her along with Dannny, the guy who had asked Liying out in front of him yesterday.

Looking at Danny who was being forcefully dragged by him, Liying frowned, "What are you trying to do?"

Without saying anything, he quickly stood by her side. Looking at Danny, he instructed, "Ask her out again."

Scrunching her brows, she snapped, "Yitian, what is wrong with you?"

"Wait a second." Glaring at Danny who was as confused as Liying was, Yitian snapped, "Didn't you hear what I said? I told you to ask her out in the same way you did yesterday."

"Dude, are you cra—" Stopping midway, Danny raised his hands and surrendered when Yitian gave him a threatening look. "Okay fine, I will do as you say."

Looking at Liying, he repeated the entire speech word by word which he had told her yesterday. "Liying, you are the most beautiful girl in this entire classroom. I have been admiring you since day one and after gathering all the guts I have, I decided to finally talk to you and ask you out. Will you go out with me for dinner or something?"

Before Liying could say anything, Yitian wrapped his arms around her shoulder and lightly pulled her closer. "No she will not go out with you because I am taking her out and not just for one day, I am taking her out everyday starting today. And you are right—" Looking at her, he smiled, "She is the most beautiful woman in the entire college, not just our class."

Without waiting for anybody's reply, he grabbed her hand and walked out of the cafeteria.

"That was super dramatic," she whispered.

"Did you not like it?" he nervously inquired. After taking his sister Ning's advice, he did exactly what she had asked him to, expressing his feelings. After thinking about it a lot, he decided to create the whole scenario again and then do the right thing without messing things up again.

Wrapping her arms around his, she smiled, "It felt nice."

"I really didn't like it when Danny asked you out yesterday but I did not say anything because I thought you wanted to go out with him too—"

Cutting him off, she vigorously shook her head. "No I don't wanna go out with him or anybody. I was just mad that you did not say anything when he asked me out in front of you."

"You don't wanna go with anybody? Not even me?" he nervously asked.

"I mean, I don't wanna go out with anybody except you," she answered.

"Do you wanna go out with me tonight?"

Looking at him, she asked, "Don't we go out like everyday?"

"No I mean do you wanna go on a dinner date with me tonight?"

Tightening her grip around his arm, she nodded her head and smiled. "Yes I will."


Misou island.

Elizabeth and Kiara's room.

"I heard they are coming over right now." Scanning through her wardrobe, Kiara took out a blue tank top. "Do you think this is something you would wear when you are meeting your boyfriend for the first time?"

"I think he will be happy if you go naked in front of him," Elizabeth snapped without taking her eyes off the computer screen.

"It's been more than a week Liza, how long are you planning to stare on that screen?" Kiara asked. Since the day Jason wiped out her computer by mistake, Elizabeth had been spending almost her entire day trying to recover everything back but no matter how much she tried, she couldn't.

When Elizabeth did not say anything, she added, "Linhou was telling me that Jason was the one who insisted on coming here. Do you think he can help you recover it?"

"Who needs his help? I would rather not have those files than take his help," she snapped.

Shrugging her shoulders, Kiara explained, "I heard he is very nice when it comes to things like this. I think he can help you recover it."

"Are you trying to say that I am less skilled than him?" Elizabeth frowned.

Kiara vigorously shook her head. "Of course not, I am just saying that there is no harm taking his help."

"I don't need his stupid help," she snapped.

"Alright, now I will go and get ready."

"Are you excited to meet your virtual boyfriend? No wait a second, you both have already stuck your tongue in each other's throat," Elizabeth snapped.

Rolling her eyes, Kiara defended herself, "In my defense, he is super hot and cute. I will also partially blame the situation for it."

"Oh come on, you both were just horny and desperate."

Without saying anything, Kiara entered the washroom to get dressed before Linhou arrived. They had been virtually dating for quite some time now and were desperately waiting for this day.


A few hours later.

After stepping into the island, Linhou nervously looked at Jason. "How do I look?"

"For the hundredth time, yes you handsome and no you are not looking fat." Scrunching his brows, Jason added, "I don't understand, what do you think you are fat? In fact, when were you actually fat?"

"Kiara called me cute the other day so I thought maybe I have gained some weight." Pausing for a while, he asked, "Do you think this shirt looks okay? Should I go and change it?"

"Are you seriously even considering going so far just to change your shirt? Seriously, how desperate are you?" Jason snapped.

"I need to look good, this is the first time I am seeing her." Looking at Jason's clothes, Linhou inquired, "Are you not excited to meet Elizabeth?"

"Why would I be excited to meet her or anybody? We are going there to work not to meet people and have fun," Jason snapped before walking forward in greater speed leaving Linhou alone.

"Hey, wait for me," Linhou shouted before catching up with him. Hooking his arms around Jason's neck, he inquired, "Tell me one thing, aren't you even a little but excited to meet her?"

"No I am not."

"Then why did you ask me to help you persuade big boss?" When Jason did not say anything, Linhou added, "We both know the work pressure thing is bullshit."



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