The Devil’s love

Chapter 283 - Twins

Left with no other choice, Weilong slowly got up and walked out of the room. Though he knew nothing would ever fix their relationship with Ning, he still had a hope in his heart. But the conversation he just had with her was a proof that nothing would change between them no matter how much he tried.

He had always justified his actions by saying that the situation called for it but if he had tried harder, maybe he would have managed to come up with a way and his daughter would have stayed with them. But what was the point thinking about it? Like Ning had repeatedly stated, everything was in the past now and nothing mattered. All Weilong could do now was regret his decision for the rest of his life. ​​

Maybe this was how it was meant to be after everything he had done. Maybe Ning not wanting to have anything to do with him was his karma getting back at him.


When Yichan entered the room, Ning was quietly sitting on the bed. Gently caressing her head, he inquired, "Are you okay?" When she smiled and nodded her head, he added, "I wanted to take you for a walk but there is someone who wants to see you."

"Who is it?"

"Chen, he wanted to see you. I think you should clear things out with him as well," he explained.

When she sighed and nodded her head, Yichan let Chen in and excused himself out to give the siblings some privacy.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Chen inquired, "How are you feeling now?"

"Much better, Yi is taking good care of me," she answered.

"Of course, Yichan is very careful and particular when it comes to you."

Contemplating for a while, she hesitantly asked, "So we are twins, right?"

He nodded his head and smiled, "Yeah we are." Pausing for a while, he added, "Just to let you know, I was born first so technically, I am your big brother. You were born five minutes later so—"

"Really? And who told you that?" she curiously inquired.

"Grandpa told me that—I am talking about our grandpa, the one you grew up with," he explained.

Crossing her arms in the front, she stated, "Now that I know we are twins, I suddenly feel like you and I have the same eyes and—"

Touching his hair, Chen added, "And the same hair?" When she nodded her head, he smiled, "I noticed that the very first day we met in your office."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she inquired, "When did you find out we are twins?"

"Not too long ago, grandpa Jiang told me about you and I was so shocked. I always wanted to have a little sister so learning that I actually have one made me feel very happy but then grandpa told me you don't know anything which was very strange. I tried to ask him why it was like that but he refused to tell me. I tried to find out on my own but couldn't, I even asked grandpa Yang about it but he refused to tell me too. I found out about it recently along with Yichan and others.�� Placing his hand on hers, he added, "Ning, I know everything is very strange now and I know you don't want to be associated with anyone from the past. I just want to say that I had no idea about anything that was happening, I am as innocent as you are. But if you still don't want to keep any kind of relationship with me then I totally understand."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he continued, "It just feels nice to have a younger sister and I wish you all the happiness in the world."

"It does feel weird to have a big brother all of a sudden but it doesn't sound that bad. I just need some time to get used to everything, is that okay with you?"

"Of course, take all the time you need. I just want to let you know that you are not alone, I'll always be there for you," he smiled.

"And why would my wife need you when she has me already?" Yichan frowned before storming into the room.

"You are her husband and I am her brother, we have our different places. If you ever try to bully her, I can break your legs," Chen stated.

Just then, Roger entered the room holding a bouquet with a get well soon card in it. "Am I late for some kind of a family meeting?"

"Here comes another one," Yichan sighed.

Pointing towards Roger, Chen beamed, "Hey, you are my new cousin." Giving him a hug, he added, "My family suddenly feels so big today."

Patting his back, Roger chuckled, "Yeah, it does feel big."

Passing Ning the flowers, he inquired, "How are you feeling today?"

"I feel much better." Reading the 'Get well soon' card, she smiled, "Thank you for the flowers and cards."

"You bought flowers for your little sister, that is so sweet of your Roger," Yichan grinned before taking the card and flowers from Ning's hand.

"So you are also my brother," she chuckled.

Shrugging his shoulder, Roger smiled, "I guess it is how it is."

"What do you mean by guess? You are my wife's brother which makes you my brother-in-law," Yichan stated.

Raising his brows, Chen remarked, "Why do I feel like Yichan is more excited about this whole brother thing than Ning?"

"Is that true honey? Are you more happy?" Ning inquired.

"I am just excited for you all, I will also throw a party when Ning feels all okay again. We all should celebrate this new sister and brotherhood in a nice grand way," Yichan exclaimed.

Ignoring her over excited husband, Ning asked Roger. "How is Lucas? I heard he got into some accident."

Roger nodded his head and answered, "He is okay now and he is also having a really hard time processing with everything."



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